View Full Version : my 71 caddy update!

10-23-2004, 06:37 PM
registered it this morning, got classic car plates (and hopefully we will change it to classic insurance), and everything went smoothly. put a plate on, drove it around my street, the thing PURRRS. im having trouble starting it though, i pump the gas a tiny bit and thats never enough, then i pump it more after it doesnt start, and i always flood the carbs. my friends mom's fiancee gave me some advice on starting it after i flooded the carbs, which is just to floor it when i start it. it works, but this isnt good for the engine, is it?

i ran into problems though, driving home from a trip to autozone (for some leather cleaner, chrome polish, and stuff that keeps rubber's life longer called 2001) i notice that the car WONT idle at all. im going, and as soon as i start to coast, itll slow down immediately. 'this is wierd' i think, because its an aircraft carrier of a car. then i found out why. smoke came billowing out of the front left wheelwell! i pulled over, got my friends mom's fiancee (engineer, car guy) over and we looked at it. while checking it out he burned his hand and saw that the hubcap was MELTED! the entire thing had warped! we put 2+2 together and found out that there was something wrong with the disc brake caliper/pad. called up AAA and towed it to my house, and tomorrow theyll tow it to the shop, where we will get it fixed (probably for free).
they just installed new pads, but what i think they DIDNT do was bleed the brakes and make sure the main cylinders fine, and the calipers were ok too. so we are probably going to get new calipers for both sides and the brakes bled, and the main cylinder looked at. worst case, new brake system entirely.

well, the first day was a learning experience. i know this wont be the last of our problems, but hopefully itll be the biggest. when it gets back from the shop im going to start working on the rust thats there and getting it all cleaned up on the interior, and looking for a new pair of wheelskirts.

oh, and joez, id really appreciate some advice on anything, you seem to know the most about this stuff. the numbers i got that i gave you i got off a website, so they could be wrong. if you could help me out and find some real numbers for it that would be great.

10-23-2004, 07:24 PM
Thats not good. What makes you think the shop is going to fix it for free?
I don't think not bleeding the brakes would cause that problem, sounds like a very stuck caliper. That means you need calipers which probably took the pad out in creating the heat and the heat might have taken the rotor out. That can be pretty pricey if you need pads, rotors, and calipers.
Learn how to do it yourself, it isn't too hard and a $600 brake job turns into a $150 one.

10-23-2004, 11:56 PM
i bet the hose callapsed ... a problem with older car the break lines start to fall apart from the inside out ... i am thinking this is what the problem is ... when you put your foot on the break peddle the break fuid goes into the calliper makeing it stop ... if there is any kind of inner rot in the line it wont let the calliper return... makeing the calliper stay ingauged .. makeing the breaks over heat .. and will cause a major drag....

10-24-2004, 12:24 PM
check to see in your state if classic plate have restrictions. in mass you can only drive at cerrtain times to certain places (car show, public interest stuff). also classic insurance ussaully has a max amount of miles you can put on the car. if yourstate see if the restrictions are something you can live with. if the car is a daily driver you may not be able to.

10-24-2004, 12:43 PM
It sounds like you have a choke problem.

10-24-2004, 04:03 PM
They won't give you classic insurance on a daily driver. Sure you can trick them into it but if you're involved in an accident the insurance company is going to find out and tell you to go scew youreslf.

10-25-2004, 09:12 AM
It sounds like you have a choke problem.

He's got a caddy... he's not the Yankees. :)

10-25-2004, 09:46 AM
He's got a caddy... he's not the Yankees. :)

oh, SNAP!

10-28-2004, 12:13 PM
The people want to know whats happening with this car.