View Full Version : The Grudge

10-23-2004, 11:45 PM
First hour scary as crap, second was more story but still good. Thoughts?

10-24-2004, 12:10 AM
I thought it was very perdictable, but then again Ive seen about every scarey movie lol. I thought it was a PG-13 version of the ring. What was the deal with the one chicks face, she was only scary cause how fugly she looked :D and the naked asian kid who meows :rofl:

10-24-2004, 12:23 AM
OT but have you seen Donnie Darko? It isn't that scary but it is really confusing.

10-24-2004, 12:29 AM
i didn't see it, but at the theater i was at a guy said as i was walking out that 2 people **** them self. i don't know for sure, but i got a friend ion the inside who i'm sure got pics of this.

10-24-2004, 04:45 AM
(Spoilers at the bottom)

I saw this almost 2 years ago!

With that being said, I've seen both 'versions,' and the Japanese version is alot better IMO, they cut out alot of good scenes from the Japanese version and it was almost as if they merged The Grudge 1 & 2 (JP) and pacakged it as 1 movie for the american release.

Whine/Spoilers below in white text, drag to see.

What ticks me off the most though, is the fact that they COMPLETELY cut out the scene with the policemans daughter and how she dies. That was one of the better scenes in the movie, and it dissapointed me that they didnt include it with the american released :( :(

10-24-2004, 10:30 AM
I thought it was a PG-13 version of the ring.
I thought the Ring was PG-13?

10-24-2004, 02:12 PM
I thought the Ring was PG-13?
Hmm, now that you mention it I dont know.. :D And quik tell me what they cut out.

10-24-2004, 02:26 PM
Yes the Ring was PG-13 and my wife and i saw the grudge sat nite and i thought it was better and creepyer than the ring, I enjoyed it and the wife covered her face.. :dance:

10-24-2004, 02:33 PM
Pretty good, somewhat scary... but the damn 50 12-yr-old girls in the back of the theater screamed at everything - even that elevator scene when she's going up the foors :mad:

(don't worry, that was in the previews)

10-24-2004, 02:40 PM
but the damn 50 12-yr-old girls in the back of the theater screamed at everything
I hear you, they were screaming just when the phone rang. Last time I go to the movies on at friday night at 7pm :rolleyes: They pretty much ruined any hope of it being scary for me, they screamed before any thing would even happen...

10-24-2004, 02:41 PM
Saw it. Laughed.

It had some really creepy elements to it, but overall, it just didn't do it that well. To many "horror" movies these days rely on the same quick/choppy movement, now you see me/now you don't/oh there I am type deals.

I'm waiting for a director to just say screw it and make something so distubing, so creepy, so terrifying that the general public looses 5 hours of sleep a night for a year because of it. Something just says "to hell with the bar, I'm lowering it so far that it will have to learn chinese ". But the problem is, people can only take so much. I showed some of my friends some of my medium creepy movies last halloween and it honestly made them sick. There was only so much they could stomach before it was just too much and they loose it. But yeah, I enjoy stuff like that, so it's what I'm waiting for.

10-24-2004, 02:50 PM
I showed some of my friends some of my medium creepy movies last halloween and it honestly made them sick. There was only so much they could stomach before it was just too much and they loose it. But yeah, I enjoy stuff like that, so it's what I'm waiting for.

What movies are these?

10-24-2004, 02:54 PM
The Devils Experiment

and the first part of The Joy of Torture.

10-24-2004, 03:52 PM
I am seriously the biggest loser when it comes to scary movies...

Let's just say that although I paid for a ticket, I honestly only saw about 1/4 of the movie.......

:ninja: <----Me in my hoodie.

10-24-2004, 06:17 PM
it sucked. i knew what was going to happen. all it did to scare you is have things come out of nowhere...it was only actually scary once- when the dectetive guy was watching the video. it was horribly put together and the plot was weak. id give it a 4/10.

10-25-2004, 12:22 AM
It really didn't do anything for me.

It seemed to scare the crap out of my gf, aswell as everyone else in the theatre though.

I'm looking forward to Saw.

10-25-2004, 03:11 PM
I thought it kinda sucked myself. I mean, the idea of the movie wasn't bad to begin with, but the writing was very predictable and cliched. How many people have to walk into a closet and get killed before people stop doing that crap? The movie had some genuine creepiness to it and some good jump scenes, but the sad thing was most of it was so cliched it came off as funny and not scary. The old "Don't go in that room! Oh, there, see you went in the room and you got killed. What'd you learn?!" kind of scenes.

I dug the fact it was set in Japan, which here Stateside you never see that. I also liked the fact it's ghosts looked like The Ring's ghost (maybe that's just what Japanese people think ghosts look like...creepy, dirty, long black haired undead folks). The Ring was a much better movie and by far scarier. It was like this film had potential, then got hindered by simplistic writing, cliches, and not enough explanation.

That having been said, there were a few things in this film worth keeping in a better made version of itself. For example, the video monitor image where the ghost materializes out of the floor was bad***.

Overall I thought the movie was a rental only.

10-25-2004, 03:13 PM
I'm glad lately they seem to be using the original directors from the Japanese counterparts in it.

The Grudge was done by the original Japanese director, and so is The Ring 2.

While every movie has its issues when Hollywood takes over, they seem to be much better when remade by the original directors.

Plus that girl is WAY creepier than Samara ...

10-25-2004, 03:45 PM
I'm glad lately they seem to be using the original directors from the Japanese counterparts in it.

The Grudge was done by the original Japanese director, and so is The Ring 2.

While every movie has its issues when Hollywood takes over, they seem to be much better when remade by the original directors.

Plus that girl is WAY creepier than Samara ...
... Sam Raime was the director of the grudge, and I have a feeling that he didn't do the japanese version.

10-25-2004, 03:45 PM
hey now, i swear, the next time people go somewhere without a buddy, im gunna shoot em my self. Its quite obvious you dont go into the room with the closet, where everyone else dies, and you dont g any where without some one! also, why was tokyo so porly lit? i swear its like these people cant afford lightbulbs over there. i seem to remember in godzilla a good amount of lights....

also i thought the chick with no bottom jaw was tight. but what was up with the chewbaca like sound they made when killing *****es?

Also, i didnt like how the movie didnt really come together! and why did the professor kill himself? there was like... no reason for it. or was he just to disgusted at what happened at his expense? because some dumb ho was stalking him and got her *** killed?

i dunno, better than the ring, im looking forewards to White Noise, and Saw

10-25-2004, 04:12 PM
... Sam Raime was the director of the grudge, and I have a feeling that he didn't do the japanese version.

Actually no he wasn't. He was the Producer, and his production company "Ghost House Pictures" produced it. He didn't direct it. Sorry, but ... YOU'RE OUTTA HERE..lol

It was directed by the Original JU-ON: The Grudge director Takashi Shimizu.

He directed 4 JU-ON movies in Japan and Raimi convinced him to direct the remake.

10-25-2004, 04:31 PM
Actually no he wasn't. He was the Producer, and his production company "Ghost House Pictures" produced it. He didn't direct it. Sorry, but ... YOU'RE OUTTA HERE..lol

It was directed by the Original JU-ON: The Grudge director Takashi Shimizu.

He directed 4 JU-ON movies in Japan and Raimi convinced him to direct the remake.

Up yours Jesus.

10-25-2004, 04:32 PM
I prefer to be called "The Eternal One"


Converting PAL to NTSC sucks (sorry, just off the top of my head). I had to convert my copy of SHAUN OF THE DEAD (had the dvd imported) to NTSC. Blah to that.

10-25-2004, 09:43 PM
It wasnt even Sam Raimi, it was Sam's brother Ted Raimi who convinced him.

10-26-2004, 05:29 PM
im sorry but i thought that movie was retarded.

I laughed my *** off at the weak, hole laden plot, the undeveloped characters (and concept over all) and a naked asian kid who meowed as the bad guy. Dead, evil, well-dwelling girls make much better antagonists.

THe scariest part of the movie was seeing asian peoples eyes. (im asian, and i havent even seen my own eyes)

crap crap crap.

Each bit alone would have been good (like when yoko looks into the attic, or when the lady is running home to her apartment), but jumbled up as it was with no concrete storyline, it just ruined the movie.