View Full Version : Another Pumpmarker question...

10-24-2004, 03:02 AM
hi there,

i was just wondering why there are not many Pump Markers out there. The most playing with higer level Markers. Can someone help me. I mean i have 2Mags and a Cocker. But they all Mech. And a little upgraded. You can check pics here:


Btw, the RT is not upgraded yet, and i will take and Upload a pic with the new Body for the other Mag.

Well dont get me wrong i like my Mags. I play Scenario Games the most time. So why do i need a Timmy or an Angle?? Maybe they can not shoot and have to tag the Bunker with their Paint to hit someone or why??? On the last Game i taged a Guy with a Angel and he went off pissed?? Hey Man its a Game if you can not shoot get a Training class.... Sorry for this but it is just aggrevating.....

So i think the Pump Markers are sweet like hell.
Another question is where i can find reviews about Pump Markers??
Because i think to buy one. But there are many outside which looking nice. And i think if i like a Marker in my Hands i like to shoot it...

Hope somebody can help me...


10-24-2004, 05:58 AM
pbreview.com for the pump markers
If you like playing with pumps, try playing in a few stock games. They're different animals. I've seen stock players tear speedballs apart before, however I've seen it go both ways with speedballers tear the pumps up.
Anyways, I have an unibody phantom for sale. It's pretty good shape, considering how much history it has, they're alittle rare, so pricey to be a pump, but they do shoot like a dream.
Another pump I would suggest is a ghost, if you can find one. I've heard that more are coming out soon, so you may look into one of those as well. Buzzards are nice too, they're really lots of good pumps, these are just a few that I've had great experiences with, all around I'd say the phantom is where the money's at. www.phantomonline.com

10-24-2004, 06:03 AM
to answer you're initial question, people don't usually play with pumps because people like to shoot, and when they do, they like to shot fast. So the chances of hitting are higher, and it makes games much faster. Faster games equals more games you get to play in a day. Plus, most everyone use semis now, so why be caught on the feild getting outshot with your good ol pump against a bouncing beast. Don't get me wrong, there are people that still play with pumps, and stock class is excellent play, but you're right you don't see many exceptions.

10-24-2004, 06:37 AM
Pump is still alive, but mainly in places like Cali, Texas, and the NE. It's a bit more work, but definitely a refreshing change of pace from the typical 'spray&pray' most players practice.

Links to check out:
Pump Players Interntet Group (http://www.pumpplayers.org)
StockClassPaintball.com (http://www.stockclasspaintball.com)

Both have fairly decent main sites, but the real guts are the forums, just like the AGD webpage and AO.

10-24-2004, 07:17 AM
At my local field there are a ton of pumps and mags.
here are some places to get them cheap

Pyrate Jim
10-24-2004, 07:27 AM
Ladymarshal has quite a few links for pump play.


10-24-2004, 09:18 AM
Another thing to consider is a pump kit for your Autococker... CCM Makes them, as well as a few others, if I do recall correctly.

10-24-2004, 01:47 PM
Make sure pumps are for you, dont get involved in something you might now like. And if your planing on going stockclass, be patient it can be discouraging at times especially if your just starting out. Stockclass is completely different, im still getting used to it. My advice is to go for a Phantom, there already perfect right out of the box.

10-24-2004, 02:31 PM
Buy a Talon, play with it a couple games, it if it manages not to break during those games, and you like it get a Phantom. I would not ordinarily recommend a Talon because I have broken three of them at the barrel while I was trying pump play out, but they are cheap. Stock is hard, and it can be intimidating and frustrating, but it is fun.

50 cal
10-24-2004, 02:35 PM
I like playing with my Phantom against all the electros. The talk smack, they get to walk off first.

10-24-2004, 03:21 PM
As a side note, I run a Trracer that I got for a decent price as a pump. Threw a Stock Cocker reg on it to regulate the velocity down. Fun little gun.

10-24-2004, 05:46 PM

10-24-2004, 06:58 PM
Thanks for the response... I will look around...


10-24-2004, 07:27 PM
sterlings ohh so horney.

10-24-2004, 10:34 PM

Got my Sterling here on AO a few months ago. It's super sweet, and it scares the bejesus out of people in the staging area. Direct feed and HPA.

There are two main styles. Cocker style markers, called Sniper (II) which have the pump under the barrel. Easiest would be cheap old cocker and a WGP pump kit for 20. Best would be a quality 45 frame, nice internals, milling/ano, and most importantly, a CCM pump kit. They are teh oNeOnEoNeOpheaar3300011one Agg. Just sweet.

Phantom style pumps are single tube. The pump wraps around the barrel. Choices here are basically phantom, sterling.

There is a third group of limited run pump gear, namely Palmers gus, and carter buzzards, PGPs, and some others I'm forgetting. Beware the player with one of these... :ninja:

Try it. Play at a non-arena field first to get the hang of it. Then move on to walk on play at the arenas.

10-25-2004, 10:08 AM

Got my Sterling here on AO a few months ago. It's super sweet, and it scares the bejesus out of people in the staging area. Direct feed and HPA.

There are two main styles. Cocker style markers, called Sniper (II) which have the pump under the barrel. Easiest would be cheap old cocker and a WGP pump kit for 20. Best would be a quality 45 frame, nice internals, milling/ano, and most importantly, a CCM pump kit. They are teh oNeOnEoNeOpheaar3300011one Agg. Just sweet.

Phantom style pumps are single tube. The pump wraps around the barrel. Choices here are basically phantom, sterling.

There is a third group of limited run pump gear, namely Palmers gus, and carter buzzards, PGPs, and some others I'm forgetting. Beware the player with one of these... :ninja:

Try it. Play at a non-arena field first to get the hang of it. Then move on to walk on play at the arenas.

just to correct you, they are refered to as " Sheridan" and "Nelson" styles :p and palmers, carters ect will fall into there two catagorys.

and as for this line
" There is a third group of limited run pump gear, namely Palmers gus, and carter buzzards, PGPs, and some others I'm forgetting. Beware the player with one of these... :ninja: "
i couldnt agree more...

10-25-2004, 10:36 AM
I have been playing pump most of my career. Cant tell you the rush when you take out semis with the pump. Right now I do carry a pump mag, that when the dark side comes over me I can go back to pump. If yu want to get one, look for a trracer of maverick on ebay.
Or if you want a real challenge get yourself a PGP, but definatly get a speed changer for it. That cap takes a lot of turns to get it off, and not something you want to do whil in a fire fight.

Or, see if you can find a pump kit for one of your mags. Thant way you have both. and if you dont like to play pump, you can always sell the pump kit. Lots of people looking for those to buy......