View Full Version : Buying a Gun on Ebay or Elsewhere. How to be Safe..

10-24-2004, 07:49 PM
Okay I recently purchased an Xmag on ebay and I think I have taken all the Precautions that one can take. I will list them for future ebayers/others to read for both a educational and informative reasons. Now I will also state that as of yet I haven’t gotten the the Xmag in question UPS is doing the Cha Cha with it across the U.S. as we speak.

1. Feedback.. Always check your users feedback. If its under 20 check the amount the user has bid/sold on If it all $1.00 $2.00 coupons diet pills etc.. then you can bet this guy isnt legit.

2. There is an option in ebay most users dont know about. It allows you to gain the contact information given to ebay at signup. Including telephone number. This can be found via searching Help under ebays main topics and searching for "Sellers contact information" Id state the link but ebay seems to change it every month.

3. Secure payment method.. Never pay for an item over $200 with anything other then paypal. Items $200 and under are covered by ebays protection program and will reimburse you if you can prove payment (Ie money order made out to them check etc.) They chage a $25 fee for this so its not foolproof but its better then nothing.

4. For auctions over $200 If the seller is a Paypal user in good standing(his account is over 3 months old) Paypal will provide you with $500 in coverage. It will state this on the auction. Now most older mags will fall under this mark and even a Basic E-Mag but if you bid for something higher then this you need to be careful. As the only coverage you get is $500.. So.. The take these measures. Get an ISP email.. never send contact info back and forth with a Juno/hotmail/excite email address. You want something that links the sale to him. Besides that use the above information to get his full contact info from ebay. Try the ebay phone number and if it doesnt work you can bet the deal will be sour. Report the false contact info to ebay and you wont get in trouble for not paying on the auction.

5. Never pay for Items with Cash for any reason. I dont care if you are under 18 and dont have a credit card or whatever. Never ever ever pay with cash.. For those under 18 you can purchase prepaid creditcards at most gas stations(in the U.S.) for $5 plus the amount you want.. So want 100 on a card ? pay 105.. You can then use this card for anything.. including paypal etc..

6. If the deal sounds too good to be true it is. Now granted you might get a few hundred off an auction that was poorly posted(Like what I got) but if you are geting an item for half price or less be wary.. the person in question could get the same amount instantly from going to any local proshop etc.. I never personally have worried about buying used AGD guns because of its outstanding warranty but would I buy other guns sight and condition unseen? no..

7. Hay I seem to be counting alot lets let this number be a break.. take a deep breath.. purge all the unclean thoughts from your mind and relax...

8. Location.. Never buy anything from overseas unless its a very confirmed business.. IE AGDE. You have no chance of going to visit them and voice your displeasure.. they know this.. Also if you think the U.S. police force is bad at investigating crimes of internet fraud and theft. Try some other countries.. Seriously you dont want to buy from overseas unless its a must(Ie Xmag new from AGDE)

9. You got the guys phone number call him.. Don’t accept answering machines.. If you don’t get him on that number after calling several times a day then most likely you wont be able to contact him when there is a problem. You want a home telephone number not a cell. Now if you do contact him. Talk to him.. find out why he’s selling the marker have him describe it to you get the serial number off it how many times its been sent in etc.. call AGD and confirm the item isn’t stolen before purchasing. You can normally tell if the guy is the legit owner from a simple 5 minute conversation.

10. Don’t use lengthy delivery methods if you can.. use a 2 day UPS service or the like and have him ship the day payment is received. If you get the item within two days and its not what its supposed to be or he doesn’t ship it in two days then you know to call your CreditCard company and block the charges.

11. Pizza just arrived at the door.. Will I tip him well ? Yes.. will he deliver to me first next trip round yes..?

Any edits to this(as Im eating pizza) Will be posted with EDIT : but for those who have are looking for a marker read over my information. And a big tip for people buying.. Try mis-spelled or poorly auctioned items.. IE the auction I won was titled XMAg only.. nothing else.. so only those searching Xmag would find it.. it should have had a title like "Xmag/emag airgun designs paintball". Etc.. Well.. Ill leave you to your toils and me to my pizza(and my many misspelled words)