View Full Version : DM4 Board in a Mag

10-25-2004, 12:20 AM
Would a DM4 Board fit into any Mag Frame?

With slight milling would it fit?

Am I an Idiot for asking?

Would any one wanna try on my I-Frame?

10-25-2004, 01:50 AM
Would a DM4 Board fit into any Mag Frame?

With slight milling would it fit?

Am I an Idiot for asking?

Would any one wanna try on my I-Frame?

.....The bar has been raised again.

10-25-2004, 02:37 AM
Dare I ask why you would want to do this? If the answers lieing somewhere around cheater chips and secret codes, I don't want to know....

10-25-2004, 12:17 PM
ive never seen a dm4 board, so i wouldnt know the dimensions, but if you could get it to work that would be soooooooooo cool. try it

10-25-2004, 12:29 PM
I have one in mine, its awesome!

10-25-2004, 12:38 PM
if not a dm4 board you could use a nerve board there small and are in the trigger frame

10-25-2004, 12:59 PM
or a nerve or shocker board bassiclly i want to take a gun with a switch and see how it runs on a mag rather than the magnetic Hall Sensor.

dont get me wrong i love my e-mag but i and everyone else i know cannot get it over 9bps at the cronny and thats with the trigger tuned so its a nice short light pull but i can rip like 20+ on a timmy.

but timmys sux and SP is evil... :p

10-25-2004, 01:21 PM
sometimes you have to bite the bullet to help in tournaments, and go with a company that you might not agree with. i traded my mag for a imp and im am glad i did. but i still got my pump mag to rep agd

or a nerve or shocker board bassiclly i want to take a gun with a switch and see how it runs on a mag rather than the magnetic Hall Sensor.

dont get me wrong i love my e-mag but i and everyone else i know cannot get it over 9bps at the cronny and thats with the trigger tuned so its a nice short light pull but i can rip like 20+ on a timmy.

but timmys sux and SP is evil... :p

10-25-2004, 01:32 PM
it'll work fine, as will any other board that drives a single-solenoid gun... just make sure you have the dwell set to 30m/s, which is what the stock e-mag board's dwell is permanantly set at

10-25-2004, 01:40 PM
^^ While that is true, you have to realize that the E-Mag board operates at 18v. That's very high for most other boards and could/would fry the board.

If a DM4/Nerve board can't take 18v, look into the Morlock board.

10-25-2004, 02:03 PM
SHHHHH dont let them know....i was lookin forward to all the "i burnt my cheater board up" threads.

you ruined all my amusement.


10-25-2004, 02:15 PM
or a nerve or shocker board bassiclly i want to take a gun with a switch and see how it runs on a mag rather than the magnetic Hall Sensor.

dont get me wrong i love my e-mag but i and everyone else i know cannot get it over 9bps at the cronny and thats with the trigger tuned so its a nice short light pull but i can rip like 20+ on a timmy.

but timmys sux and SP is evil... :p

Only 9bps???? Adjustmuch??? :tard:

10-25-2004, 03:01 PM
SHHHHH dont let them know....i was lookin forward to all the "i burnt my cheater board up" threads.

you ruined all my amusement.



10-25-2004, 03:09 PM
there not cheater boards there HELPER boards :headbang: :dance:

SHHHHH dont let them know....i was lookin forward to all the "i burnt my cheater board up" threads.

you ruined all my amusement.


10-25-2004, 03:54 PM
... would a non-cheater board really affect the bps of your gun? Is there something I'm missing?

10-25-2004, 03:59 PM
... would a non-cheater board really affect the bps of your gun? Is there something I'm missing?
Yes. It's called bounce.

10-25-2004, 04:10 PM
or ramping

10-25-2004, 04:15 PM
Hm... never really thought of this before......hmm....

10-25-2004, 04:22 PM
i hate how so many people in these forums automatically jump on the "every electro is a cheater gun" bandwagon, its really disgusting, then they go orgasm over a nice e-mag or x-mag. When i had my e-mag, i could make it go full auto very very easily, and you all know you can make an RT bounce like mad if you wanted to, the same thing with most electro guns out now. You can make them bounce if you want to, but only idiots do it.

Btw, DM4 boards with an aftermarket chip like tadao have some of the best anti bounce on em you can get, 3 kids on my team have DM4s, one with tadao, none of their guns bounce at all. If you wanted to put a board that wouldnt bounce in a mag a DM4 board would be one of ur best choices, but since it runs at 9v it wouldnt work, a morlock would tho i believe.

10-25-2004, 04:48 PM
i don't believe anyone here said "every electro is a cheater gun." adding extra balls once you reach a certain ROF or excessive bounce is pretty much cheating though. you're not actually doing the work, the marker is. that being said, i can bounce my emag in hybrid mode too, which is why i intend to remove the selector switch for tournies(if i can. haven't tried yet). and if you can't get your emag past 9 bps, you've got a problem somewhere, be it you or the marker. i can do 13 bps on mine, and one of my friends hit 15 bps with it no problem. i can see someone with quick fingers doing 17 or 18 on it.

10-25-2004, 04:56 PM
i hate how so many people in these forums automatically jump on the "every electro is a cheater gun" bandwagon, its really disgusting, then they go orgasm over a nice e-mag or x-mag. When i had my e-mag, i could make it go full auto very very easily, and you all know you can make an RT bounce like mad if you wanted to, the same thing with most electro guns out now. You can make them bounce if you want to, but only idiots do it.

Btw, DM4 boards with an aftermarket chip like tadao have some of the best anti bounce on em you can get, 3 kids on my team have DM4s, one with tadao, none of their guns bounce at all. If you wanted to put a board that wouldnt bounce in a mag a DM4 board would be one of ur best choices, but since it runs at 9v it wouldnt work, a morlock would tho i believe.

Actually, just because a board runs on 9volts and you have an 18v power suply, doesn't mean it won't work... getting your voltage down to 9 is the easy part. Making the DM4 board fit and work is the hard part.

As far as the rest... why are the DM4s so much faster then the e-mag? I suppose with that board your fingers magically start to wiggle faster..

10-25-2004, 05:04 PM
or the trigger is shorter and lighter = easer to walk

10-25-2004, 05:13 PM
the dm4s do have some wicked programing but if the board will fit in the grip then it may be possible to use it as long has your solenoid will fit in there too.. emags have massive soleniods and the board conforms around it thus the emags are out unless you get ult and replace the soleniod. now a hyper frame or the new devil vert frames are a big possiblity for a swap but any other frame would take to much work cuz they are made to thin to house a big enough soleniod to fire the gun!! yeah i tried to e frame a z grip but quickly learned that i needed the emags internals for everything else wouldnt be able to sit close enough to sear to trip it!

10-25-2004, 05:26 PM
seriously, if you cant hit passed 9bps on an emag, you need to practice shooting. on my emag and sfl i can hit about 15-17bps, while my teammate can hit 20bps with his xmag.

*good way to walk a marker faster* wrap a rubber band around your pointer and middle finger and slowly stretch them away from each other(like walking a trigger) then move them back the other way. do this until your arm/hands hurts so much that you cant do it anymore, repeat using other hand. do this daily when sitting in school or watching tv and youll be shooting fast in no time.

*good way to shoot a mech faster*you can build up strength in your fingers by holding a 20oz soda bottle at top with cap held by your thumb. using whatever finger you shoot with, continually depress the top of the bottle, the bottle gives some resistance and will help you build strength

my $.02


10-25-2004, 05:36 PM
Guys, don't trail off the topic if you can't answer the question. Who cares if he wants to put a "cheater board" in his gun. I have been curious about this too. I been wanting to know if you could put a different board into the Emags. So free bump on this.

10-25-2004, 05:38 PM
exactly, and where do you get the idea that DM4s are "so much faster"?

they are a little faster, i believe the trigger on a DM4 is much better than the emag's trigger, making it easier to walk.

Anyway, RTDynaflow, You're making a huge assumption that a DM4 makes people automatically shoot faster, Im sure there are a number of people who can walk their emag/xmag faster than they could on a DM4. Btw, i can shoot several guns faster than i can DM4s, i hate their triggers and id never waste my money buying one. Stop making up things like how come DM4s are faster, and crap like that, e-mags and x-mags are just as fast, it all depends on which trigger you like better.

10-25-2004, 06:43 PM
If i can get some one to host my vid i will show you my astonishing 9bps nothing i do with the trigger will get it over that ntm that iam not slow at walking i have hit some guns over 18+ with no bounce and i dont want a cheater board i just want a hella fast gun.

10-25-2004, 06:52 PM
what software do you have ?

because i can easily do 10-11 bps on any electro marker ( as long as the cap is not lower then that). with my Xmag i can hit like 14-15 ..im not the fastest :(

10-25-2004, 06:55 PM
3.2 and for the love of god i cant or nobody i know can hit above 9bps.

my shot buffer is at 4 and my bps cap is 20.

10-25-2004, 06:58 PM
Sell your e-mag, buy a gun you can shoot faster.. simple answer

10-25-2004, 06:58 PM
I think he could make it work with a custom e frame like a devil mag

10-25-2004, 07:00 PM
i have an e-mag

i want to keep my e-mag

i know how to shoot

i have a spare i-frame kicking around that if some one wanted to they could slap some kinda board into it and make it work i would pay them for the customs job

10-25-2004, 09:35 PM
There are threads floating around discussing;

1. Using a Spyder/clone E-frame on mag internals. ULT is required, and I believe some drilling. PBN has the thread, it's a little jumbled. May be reposted here.

2. GADevil sells a complete gun/frame that has up to date software, break-beam eyes, yada, yada. He has a thread in Dealer's forum.

I think that with legal settings (including various league differences) and a mechanical firing device (a robot) you will find that all guns will attain around the same ROF. It's limited by the ability of a loader to feed.

Mr. Mills wrote an excellent article for warpig.com that compared loader speeds. When tested with legal software, with a robot pulling cycles, the X valve came out on top of several categories. Not a blow away, but proof of good engineering ;)

As to why people with newer electronic guns and any apparent increase in ROF. I thin we already know the answer to that question :(

10-25-2004, 10:46 PM
check uto the predator II board.

10-26-2004, 01:07 AM
check uto the predator II board.

The morlock has allready been mentioned in this thread. Basically the same board, but smaller.