View Full Version : Polar Paintballs

11-01-2001, 06:28 PM
Im proably having a paintball war sometime in january and since the winters where I live (Kansas) are pretty cold and dry, do you think I should buy RPS brand of cold weather paintballs¿

11-01-2001, 06:37 PM
Last year at my home field Paintball Sams In Racine Wisconsin, they had the polar paintballs and they sucked. They would curve and break in your barrel almost every time. I would just go with the normal Rps balls. hope this helps :D

11-01-2001, 07:01 PM
Well, they work fine in all weather for me... I've never had trouble with them.

11-01-2001, 07:34 PM
Team Colors makes their paintballs w/ a "winter fill" for the colder months. I've shot them and they seemed to perform just like the regular fill even though it was 40 degrees. I'd give them a try. I'd like to hear how they did in even colder temps.

11-01-2001, 07:54 PM
its been a few years, but ive shot the RPS polar ice in the 'hunter orange shell/fill" . we were using it in temps around 20-30 degrees, and it worked just fine for us, while other paints were REALLY brittle. i believe the polar ice has a little thicker shell, so if you shoot it in the warmer months, its kinda like a super pro-bounce.

as far as polar ice breaking in the barrel, I nor any of my friends had any problems with it at all. It's always possible that someone just got a bad batch. - - thats happened to me w/ almost every kind of paint out there.

Hope this helps,


11-01-2001, 09:16 PM
i'm going to have to agree with oneshot on this one. i was there too and they broke almost all the time during the day. i switched to the normal RPS and they worked like they should, normally, hardly a break at all, and it was pretty cold out too. my advice is to go with the normal stuff and they should work just fine.

11-02-2001, 12:55 AM
boys, (you know who im talking to) i was there for the bad spell of polar ice, but you do have to remember we were newer back then and didnt know about matching paint size to bore size, i would be willing to use polar ice again now that i have the freak, i would rather use it because it is a little thicker and wouldnt break as easy in cold weather. i think it will work just fine if its not to big for your barrel, if it is big, you will be breaking balls like crazy, but this goes for all paint that is too big for the barrel your using.

11-02-2001, 04:40 AM
You can also use Pro ball, I have had good luck with it in the winter months.