View Full Version : Question for AGD

10-25-2004, 06:38 PM
I'm writing an article on low pressure to submit to APG. I was wondering if I could have permission to reference the information you gathered on the pressure the ball sees in a high pressure marker.

Also, I can't seem to find the data pages where this information resides. I've seen it before, but can't find my way back - searching doesn't seem to help me either. Can you please point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

Edit* - ignore that last - I still can't find the right page, but I did find the pertinent information.

10-25-2004, 08:35 PM
What are you going to say about "low pressure"?


10-25-2004, 09:23 PM
What are you going to say about "low pressure"?


It allows magical gnomes to magically load each and every ball with tender loving care, and then the scientific nature of low pressure will trajectorize the balls to within 1/2 minute of angle. At 63.614 balls per second.

I thought that was obvious :p

/itching for those "1st mag pics"
//still have owners video where TK does dorky cop move "turn, drop to knee, draw Sydarm, fire"

10-26-2004, 05:17 PM
Just basic information - what low pressure is (operating pressure, of course), how to achieve it, dispel some myths - largely just pose the question, in the form of an article, "Why do you want low pressure?". Get people thinking about it intelligently, rather than just following the hype.

Your information is the only one I know of that has data illustrating that, on a high pressure marker, 800 psi is not hitting the ball. Granted, if you stop and think about how small a hole the 800 psi is coming out of vs. the size of the breech area, and how a breech is sealed (or not) when the ball is fired, it should be obvious, but hard data always helps make the point.

Again, thanks (yes, I know you haven't given me any permission, but it's always nice to be polite).

SCpolo - I might just have to use that. lol.

10-26-2004, 06:55 PM
Just basic information - what low pressure is (operating pressure, of course), how to achieve it, dispel some myths - largely just pose the question, in the form of an article, "Why do you want low pressure?". Get people thinking about it intelligently, rather than just following the hype.

Your information is the only one I know of that has data illustrating that, on a high pressure marker, 800 psi is not hitting the ball. Granted, if you stop and think about how small a hole the 800 psi is coming out of vs. the size of the breech area, and how a breech is sealed (or not) when the ball is fired, it should be obvious, but hard data always helps make the point.

Again, thanks (yes, I know you haven't given me any permission, but it's always nice to be polite).

SCpolo - I might just have to use that. lol.

All markers are low pressure as far as the paintball itself is concerned. When the air reaches the ball... it's at somewhere between 45-100 psi roughly, regardless of what marker you have.

This "high" and "low" pressure stuff describes what happens BEFORE the air gets to the ball. A side effect of what pressure a marker is run at is how fast some of the parts move and how fast air gets regulated - what this implies varies with each marker.

10-26-2004, 07:57 PM
Yes - that's why I want to use the information.

Here's the basic premise: You see it all the time on internet forums - "What is the difference between high and low pressure?", "How do I make my marker low pressure?", "Will putting a regulator on my marker make it low pressure?", "Low pressure gives you less barrel breaks", etc.

APG wants me to submit some articles, and I thought this would be a good subject to address. Don't know if it'll get printed, but the worst I can get is a "No", so why not?

I just need to know if I can use Tom's excellent test data to illustrate the point that converting your marker to low pressure (or buying a low pressure marker) will not, in fact, give you less barrel breaks.

10-27-2004, 09:21 AM
Getting a article published that debunks the myth of low pressure, in a mag that receives much of its income from advertisers that make money off this myth, is going to be tough. It is a good subject to address, but don't title it: "The Myth of Low Pressure". :)
Good luck.

10-27-2004, 12:19 PM
Thanks. Fortunately, I can avoid that trap - low pressure isn't all myth. It is a viable option on nearly any marker and will help reduce recoil in some markers, as well as improving low temperature operation using CO2 - it's just not everything many people make it out to be. There is some myth and hype associated with low pressure operation, and my intention is to help readers separate fact from fiction, hype from information.

10-27-2004, 01:10 PM
//still have owners video where TK does dorky cop move "turn, drop to knee, draw Sydarm, fire"

yes!!!! hehe that video rules!

10-27-2004, 05:39 PM
Fo sho.

Starting a thread in Friendly to have someone make one of those multi-frame gifs of that manuever...

10-27-2004, 09:51 PM
Yes you can use the info but make sure we get credit.


10-28-2004, 09:11 AM
Absolutely. Actually, I wouldn't think about not, one because it'd be unethical (and possibly illegal) and two, because attaching your name to it would inhance its credibility anyway.

Thank you.

10-30-2004, 12:19 PM
If you would like to see a sample of my writing, check out page 212 of the Dec. issue of APG.

10-30-2004, 12:33 PM
//still have owners video where TK does dorky cop move "turn, drop to knee, draw Sydarm, fire"


it wasnt dorky when he made the video :tard:

10-30-2004, 12:41 PM
where can i get that video?

10-31-2004, 01:27 AM
//still have owners video where TK does dorky cop move "turn, drop to knee, draw Sydarm, fire"

:rofl: Man oh man...I love that video

I have nothing important to add to thise post..

11-01-2004, 11:09 PM
where can one find that vid?