View Full Version : how to get my pump mag rockin

10-26-2004, 04:07 AM
Alright, so everyone at the field that I play at saw a guy walking around with a Sniper Pump :shooting: one weekend and now that is the cool gun to own, even if those who ran out and got them can't play with anything but the $1000+ electro :nono: . I will only run :hail: Mags and so I took it upon myself to build a pump Mag out of parts I scavenged from Ebay and other sites. I have everything together but I can't get it to quit leaking down the barrel :cry: . This is not a small leak either.
I have taken out, and reinstalled after trying this, the blue bumper, AGD techs told me to go ahead and just use the blue one in place of the black one they built special for the pump kits, in an effort to just get the bolt to latch and now the bolt will latch to sear when cocked, but there is still lots of air leaking. I have tried this pump kit with 3 different valve/reg assemblies that were known to be good in semi operation. The wave springs were purchased from Brad Nestle and are believed to be near factory specs as can be.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :cheers: . If anyone has pics, or would like to phone with help, all the better.
Also the pump has “blem no warranty” written on the top of the handle. Does this cancel the warranty for the gun it is attached to of just the pump kit itself?
Thanks for your time.
[email protected]

10-26-2004, 06:02 PM
Are you running the classic valve? I know the level 10 leaks everytime its pumped.

Go here: http://haveblue.org/tech/automag/index.html

It has a lot of good info.

Mine dosent leak, and I cant remember which spacer I have in mine. I cut down one of the blue bumpers as my black one started to shred.

My pump kit has the same thing written on it. Its just for the pump kit, not the gun.

Hope this helps.

10-28-2004, 09:10 PM
same problem here...

every time I fire... and the bolt hasnt been returned yet (via pump) it leaks...

and does anyone have any of the specifications on the pump rod? the one that came with my pump mag looked to be home made and broke...


hrm... anyone know where I can get the spacer kit mentioned on the above website?

is It just a set of powertube spacers?

10-28-2004, 11:01 PM
I am tring to use a standard am/mm valve but I have tried it with my retro also. I just want to know if agd will honnor the three stars left on the valve if I send it in with the pump kit on it. :rolleyes: "THAT WOULD BE SOOO NICE OF THEM" :rofl: .

10-29-2004, 05:50 AM
Look at the online store here. They had the spacer kit for @ 12 dollars I think.