View Full Version : Sledding Stories

10-27-2004, 02:18 PM
Alright so its almost November and it is feeling somewhat like winter here in the big cheese, and I know I love to sled. We have a huge arse hill right by my house, great fun going down it. I just want to hear some of your sledding stories. CAN"T WAIT FOR SNOW!!!

Heres one one mine: Alright the hill by us is very steep, very fast, and very very high! its a bortch to walk up it when its only 5 seconds to go down. Well one year, must have been 4 years ago, two friends of mine and I go to the big hill to sled, well it was so warm one day so it rained and then the day day it was so cold, so the rain froze and the whole hill was ice. we go down missing the jump because hell if i wiped out i was done for. the last time i go down i take a huge running start and jump on, as i get near the bottom the sled spins so im backwards. Then all of the sudden i hit a jump and fly into the air. I notice that the sled is now on top of me and im upside down while in the air. when i land my head hits the ice and i slide about 20 feet. After laying there for a while i get up to see i lost most of my clothing, my glasses, the tube and i made a 2 inch hole in the ice with my head. i felt fine after that too.

10-27-2004, 02:39 PM
We had this hill behind a junior high school that was pretty damn big (the type they use for motorcycle hill climbs.)
We would go out to this thing at about 12 or 1 a.m. Which was all fine and dandy until we had conditions similar to those. Anyways my buddy goes all the way to the top and goes down.
He flies past us and hits a rock or something before the great 15ft across ditch.
The dumbass goes all the way across the ditch but instead of clearing it gravity takes its toll.
He comes to an impact on the other side. His leg struck perfectly perpendicular to the other side. Broke it, yes sir he did.

That and the cops busting our parties put an end to that hill. :cry: I wish I could find another one just like it.

The other cool thing was this was all when the game "Road Rash 3" had just come out.
So my merry band of idiots and I would try to pummel each other off our sleds to be the first one down.

If anyone understands my post please translate for me.

10-27-2004, 02:47 PM
Mt Grandparents used to have a house in the Catskill Mts. And they had a driveway that gradually sloped to a curving downhill run at the bottom. Well, they had just had the Driveway leveled, and after it getting plowed and having cars run over it, it was so hard packed that it was like dirt. So my little cousins had left one of their sleds up there, it was like a plastic snowmobile. I had to scrunch up to fit one it, but it was nice, it had steering and metal tipped breaks. So I start at the top of the drive and start to go down, I gain more speed, and start turning at the bottom. The first couple of times I made it, going about as fast as Ive ever gone on a sled, but then I fell off going supper fast, man that hurt, cause I tried to go up one of the embankments on the sleed, and I fell of and landed on a big 'ol chunk of ice. Haha, but it was fun. Also, there is a hill near me now that Ive hit a jump on with my 6 foot tobbogan (all wooden oldskool one) and get like 2 feet of air, and Ive also fliped saucers a couple of times.

P.S. In the fist sled run at the Catskills, I had just gotten Mario Kart DD and was trying to do all that stuff, lol.

10-27-2004, 03:20 PM
Gigantic field behind the middle school. 4 inches of snow. Friend's new old car. Lots of rope, lots of sleds, many nearly broken bodies.

10-27-2004, 03:27 PM
I used to have one of those old Flexi-Flyers (http://www.sports4kids.com/flexibleflyerhome.htm) . Our sled hill ended at the back of a housing complex. I went flying down the hill, hit the jump, amde a perfect landing and just kept going. There was a pretty decent flat stretch before the wall of the apartment building so I thought I could have just coasted to a stop.

By the time I realized that I was still moving pretty fast it was to late. Despite my best effort I couldn't stop myself and slammed my face into the the wall.

Not my head.

My face.

I chipped three out of four front teeth, broke my nose and had to get 19 stiches on the inside of my lower lip.

I should have just rolled off the damn thing.

Also, my neighborhod in on a huge hill. The highest point in Queens actually ad we have a single road that goes non-stop from the top all the way to the bottom. There is one sharp turn. That's all.

Two of my buddies and I got the brilliant idea to try and get the three of us to go down the hill together. On the same sled. After trying various positions (shut up) we decided that it would be best if we went down (the HILL!) with us laying on top of each other (I said shut up). Anyway, we make it all the way down the hill and at the curve I made a sharp right turn, the G's of which cause the guy on the top to get flung off. He rolled to the curd and slammed into a fire hydrant.

Broke two ribs on that one. :rofl:

10-27-2004, 03:33 PM

10-27-2004, 03:36 PM
I used to have one of those old Flexi-Flyers (http://www.sports4kids.com/flexibleflyerhome.htm) . Our sled hill ended at the back of a housing complex. I went flying down the hill, hit the jump, amde a perfect landing and just kept going. There was a pretty decent flat stretch before the wall of the apartment building so I thought I could have just coasted to a stop.

By the time I realized that I was still moving pretty fast it was to late. Despite my best effort I couldn't stop myself and slammed my face into the the wall.

Not my head.

My face.

I chipped three out of four front teeth, broke my nose and had to get 19 stiches on the inside of my lower lip.

I should have just rolled off the damn thing.

Also, my neighborhod in on a huge hill. The highest point in Queens actually ad we have a single road that goes non-stop from the top all the way to the bottom. There is one sharp turn. That's all.

Two of my buddies and I got the brilliant idea to try and get the three of us to go down the hill together. On the same sled. After trying various positions (shut up) we decided that it would be best if we went down (the HILL!) with us laying on top of each other (I said shut up). Anyway, we make it all the way down the hill and at the curve I made a sharp right turn, the G's of which cause the guy on the top to get flung off. He rolled to the curd and slammed into a fire hydrant.

Broke two ribs on that one. :rofl:

That is effing hilarious.

Effing hilarious.

10-27-2004, 03:51 PM
We did SO many stupid things when we were teenagers it amazes me we are still a live.

I once ran across the Grand Central Parkway while holding an inflated 4 man raft. It was like trying to run while strapped into a parachute.

Then there were the bottle rocket/bb gun wars.

The evil acts perpetrated on neighbors and neighborhood pets.

Property Damage.


The list of stupidity is endless.

My firned had this really cool sled. Made out of aluminum tubes it was designed to be used for up to four people in a seating position and the front of it was attached sorta like the forks to a motorcycle.

When we were younger his two malamuts (sp?) would pull us around the hood like we were doing the Iditarod.

This is a recipe for great fun and great disaster.

A 89 Ford Bronco, Water ski rope, one of those flimsy plastic disc sleds and a freshly snowed parking lot.

Just be sure that when you swing the disc-er behind you there are no light poles within the arc of the rope.

All we heard was my friends head thumping against the side of the truck.

10-27-2004, 04:12 PM
I'm a co-captain of a sledding team in SE WI if you guys want to scrimmage, put a team together and let me know. We have speed, slollom(sp?), style, and a "king of the sled" type event. Lots of fun although it gets pretty competitive.

In my area there is a public sledding hill with an approx. 20-30ft professionally built ramp you have to climb up. At the top it's kind of like a water slide, but with snow. You eventually hit earth at a high rate of speed (not kidding, someone actually died there last year), and try to stay inside the mounds that form a track on either side of you. Sledding season officially starts either on Dec. 1st (snow or not), or upon first snow fall, and I can't wait.

10-27-2004, 04:14 PM
I'm a co-captain of a sledding team in SE WI if you guys want to scrimmage, put a team together and let me know. We have speed, slollom(sp?), style, and a "king of the sled" type event. Lots of fun although it gets pretty competitive.

Care to elaborate? What are the different kinds.. ? lol

10-27-2004, 04:20 PM
I live in Wisconsin, it ain't even close to feeling like winter.

10-27-2004, 06:04 PM
snow is white
but sometimes it is yellow :ninja:

10-27-2004, 08:26 PM
I live in Wisconsin, it ain't even close to feeling like winter.

at 5 in the morning getting ready for school it does, i hate waking up for high school

10-27-2004, 08:28 PM
its in the high 30's at 5. I still sleep with my windows open. I love Wisconsin.

Cold weather>all other weather

10-27-2004, 08:35 PM
i live in a frezzer lol :rofl:

at bouttom of the page check them out

10-27-2004, 08:36 PM
Well my worst wipe out was this past year sledding at a local hill. Well we decided to go out when it was dark out and all they had were the street lights. I was cruising down the hill and we would always hit a jump but never knew when they would come because it was dark. Well my last run of the night i was cruising down the hill, waiting for that jump to come. I was nearing the bottom of the hill when i hit it, i was about 2 feet off the ground (from what i hear) and wham. I hit the sidewalk at the bottom of the hill. First my back hit then my head, i was out for about 5 minutes only to come to with about 4 inches of snow on my face. It didnt really hurt to much, except that my back was really sore.

10-27-2004, 11:42 PM
When I was 7 I was sledding and I hit a mound, turned around on my saucer, and turned around again just in time to smack my face on a telephone pole. A lost tooth and a tennis ball like lump coming out of my forehead, but I was fine.

Last year I was riding these awesome things called Snow-Boogies, they go incredibly fast down hills. So I made a fatty jump in front of a 4 foot drop off, went up the hill for speed, and went down. Unfortunately I forgot to look at what was in front of my ramp (which just so happened to be a huge tree branch) and I didn't notice until I was at the jump. I hit the ramp, smacked my head right into the branch (I was laying down on the sled) and I fell off of the sled, which kept on going. That one hurt my ego more than my head, because tons of people were watching. Someone sent me a video of it, and from the side you could really see me smack the branch. I can't find the video now though :(