View Full Version : Buyer beware

10-28-2004, 12:28 AM
I bought a brand new Centerflag dynaflow 68/4500 tank off of an Ebay PB store . It worked for a little bit then started leaking out of the adjuster hole.I took it apart and found the main larg spring full of rust . I pulled the regulator apart and it was full of white dust ( like a corrosion) I cleaned the springs and everything I could and put it back together turning the set screw all the way in and backing it off 1/8 of a turn. . I have no air becouse it all leaked out slowly . . I Guess I will find out how it works when I get Air again . I just wanted everyone to know that they should take thnks apart to check them even when brand new , to see what you are truley working with . This Im sure was an isolated incident and in no way am I condemning the dynaflow. I just wanted to let everyone know what had happened to me . thanks for your time .

PS I recieved nothing but excellent Tech support from Craig at Centerflag on this matter !! :cheers: also I would like to add that this tank had never benn further than my backdoor when testing my new marker so I did not subject it to the elements .

10-28-2004, 03:25 AM
What I want to know is, did you get your Halo B yet? I am very interested in hearing about how this all ends up. I be DynaFlow will stand behind their product, that is the kind of thing I hear from them.

10-28-2004, 01:27 PM
Yeah I got my Halo B - I Finally got the leaks fixed . I shot it- fires good but not as fast as it was before the level 10 . I had to crack up my velociity all the way to get it to fire normal becouse my Dynaflow wasnt allowing me to up my input pressure . If I tried going past 700 it would leak out of the adjuster hole on the regulator on the dynaflow . So know I have to drive 45 minutes get my tank filled again and try to adjust my tank again now that I have it all cleaned and lubed up again. We will see. The paint jammed up in the feed neck right by the barrel hole so I dont know if the plug needs to be replaced or not .Man I am starting to get bummed out here. I hope this gun fires like yours when I am done Z-MAN I have the setup you recommend so it should . This level 10 is a pain to tune if ya ask me . :confused:

10-28-2004, 01:37 PM
oooo preeeety!!

2 thoughts on what you have said.

Fist, I have heard of some Dynaflows leaking when they reach the higher pressures. Call CenterFlag up and I think they have a new reg seat replacement that solves that problem. Their tech support as you know is top notch.

Second. Confirm that you have the correct powerfeed plug. Older style RT's had a plug that had a flat spot that caused jamming problems. AGD made a replacement for them that solves that issue.

It's found here at the AGD store under Parts --> Replacement Parts (Page 2)


Do not be discouraged! You will get this working.

10-28-2004, 01:44 PM
Man, I love the older Rt's. Nice gun.