View Full Version : Chronoing electroframe RT

10-28-2004, 05:38 AM
How would you do to chrono a hyperframe or devilmag? You cant hold the sear back, release and then fire with that kind of frame. Any ideas?

10-28-2004, 06:00 AM
You can't really do the RT chrono process. Since we know that the RT may climb as much as 10fps during rapid fire, I chrono around 275-280 to be sure I don't exceedd the 300fps limit. I have heard youu can rip off a string real fast and then let the last shot go over the chrono to get an idea. I can't vouch for the accuracy of that though. If someone out there has a chrono that can record the FPS of each individual ball in a string, they could test that theory out.


10-28-2004, 08:02 AM
I know the Hyperframe has a manual sear release by the strip screw. Maybe that would work?

10-28-2004, 09:19 AM
Isn't that just a sear safety, like the emag has? That wouldn't really help

10-28-2004, 09:51 AM
shooting approximately 3 bps will leave you with the same result, and most good chronos will be able to read all 3 shot speeds.... i wondered about the same thing, and because i shoot mech, i was able to compare speeds while doing both the RT chrono procedure and simulating an electro by just shooting over the chrono at a certain rate...

the speed increase is about the heated gas in the valve, and that it continues to increase in pressure after its in teh valve chamber waiting to be fired... from my observations 1/3 of a second is not enough time for the heat in the valve to dissapate, so the last shot off a string of 3 is pretty much the same FPS as one while doing the RT procedure....

joni... you have a mech.... try for yourself and compare your results with mine, i'd be interested in seeing if my marker is an isolated case...


Ohms Law
10-28-2004, 10:40 AM
There is a hole in the Hyperframe that allows you to manually depress the sear and fire the gun. Just use the same allen wrench you use to set the velocity, but put it in hole and press the sear and hold it. Then repeat. This is the same as the AGD recommended chrono procedure.

10-28-2004, 11:34 AM
shooting approximately 3 bps will leave you with the same result, and most good chronos will be able to read all 3 shot speeds.... i wondered about the same thing, and because i shoot mech, i was able to compare speeds while doing both the RT chrono procedure and simulating an electro by just shooting over the chrono at a certain rate...

the speed increase is about the heated gas in the valve, and that it continues to increase in pressure after its in teh valve chamber waiting to be fired... from my observations 1/3 of a second is not enough time for the heat in the valve to dissapate, so the last shot off a string of 3 is pretty much the same FPS as one while doing the RT procedure....

joni... you have a mech.... try for yourself and compare your results with mine, i'd be interested in seeing if my marker is an isolated case...


I'll try that the next time I go to a chrono. Might be some time...my frame is away on milling to accept hyperframe internals (hence the question)

10-28-2004, 01:38 PM
you sly fox.. i might have to follow suit

10-28-2004, 08:21 PM
Would you be able to give us a price on that conversion you're having done? If the guy doesn't want to let a lot of people know could you pm me about it? I've been looking at an electro vert frame for mags that is coming out in a while and will cost around $250 but if this conversion to my Logic frame costs less I'll go that route. Thanks.

10-29-2004, 08:00 AM
When I'm ready I'll post a step by step thread with all the info and pics...Might make people happy =)

10-29-2004, 10:38 AM
I'd like to hear Rob_AGD weigh in on this (we’ve had conversations on the issue) - but here is my take - the RT chrono process is outdated. I've chronoed my emag in manual (with battery isolated) and then using the RT chrono procedure and then in E-mode and saw no real difference. In my mind all that the RT chrono process has done is destroy any acceptance at all of the emag in regulated play. Most everyone I know who ever tried playing with the Emag would get bounced for bounce, so would remove the trigger rod, then get bounced for not being able to chrono in mech mode per “the manufacturer’s instructions.” The whole issue pretty much killed the emag for tournament play from what I saw – which deeply saddens me.

I did my chrono tests back in the 1.37 firmware days shooting 6 round bursts that had no, or up to 1-2fps increase. The 6r round bursts were at 9bps (set by board) and I have no idea how many BPS the RT procedure simulates - but I wouldn't guess more then 12. Based on my experiences that would roughly equal a *potential* shoot up of 2-2.5 fps. Frankly that is nothing in my book. Under and over sized balls, air systems, heck even humidity all affect velocity – lowering or increasing it depending. Frankly, the goggle systems are way better these days (more able to withstand impact) but the velocities are much less then that 15 years ago – 285 to 290 currently, vs. 325-350 when I started playing.

I can say that in my early ReTro valve days that I might see as much as a 10fps difference - but later found that it, along with a lot of other weird stuff, was due to a faulty reg piston which totally wreaked havoc.

I think AGD likes to play it safe - it's too bad that trying to keep things above the board ultimately hurt the product - although I'm sure he'd rather take the business hit then have someone really get hurt. That having been said, based on my experience I don't bother using the RT chrono procedure on my Emag. I will bet my bottom dollar that MANY, MANY more people have been injured by low-end markers using C02 bottles that warmed up (causing EXTREMELY hot shots) then EVER could have potentially been hurt by the minor RT shoot up.


10-29-2004, 05:35 PM
Well thought out post Cledford...I wonder what TK has to say on the matter? May have to ask him at AO SEIII if he doesn't weigh in here.

03-17-2005, 07:45 PM
where do u get this hyperframe? will it work with the classic RT?

03-17-2005, 07:51 PM
It seems to be less of an issue with the aluminum valves.


I also shoot a short string and then drop my barrel on big red for the last shot.Then I give 5 fps as a buffer.