View Full Version : Old schooler getting back into it...please help

10-29-2004, 02:17 AM
high all! I'm an OLLLLLLD schooler - been playing since '91, played touneys from '94-'98 and then faded away from the sport for a while. I've recently got the fire back in me to start really playing again and i have a question that I hope someone can answer...

I still have my Classic mag that I used to play with back in the day - DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE TO FIND THE PARTS TO DO THE "auto-response" trigger setup??? (pull trigger=fire... release trigger=fire) ???

if anyone can help an old geezer, i'd most definately appreciate it. Yes - I know about the level 10, etc, etc... i want to do the old school auto response - anyone know where to get the parts or how to do it??


10-29-2004, 08:12 AM
high all! I'm an OLLLLLLD schooler - been playing since '91, played touneys from '94-'98 and then faded away from the sport for a while. I've recently got the fire back in me to start really playing again and i have a question that I hope someone can answer...

I still have my Classic mag that I used to play with back in the day - DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE TO FIND THE PARTS TO DO THE "auto-response" trigger setup??? (pull trigger=fire... release trigger=fire) ???

if anyone can help an old geezer, i'd most definately appreciate it. Yes - I know about the level 10, etc, etc... i want to do the old school auto response - anyone know where to get the parts or how to do it??


Hey there! Welcome back!

Glad to see another old schooler :) I started playing in 90 and then did the tourney scene in 94 to about 97 and then like your self drifted away :)

As for the auto responce trigger (and ya I remember those! LOL) they seem to be hard to locate. I think part of the problem was that back then you really couldnt use them, they where deamed illegal by a lot of fields and not useable in tourneys..

Since returning to paintball (last year) I have only seen 1 of those come up.. Am I looking in the wrong places? In all honesty possibly. Maybe I am just not seeing them because I am not looking for one. My suggestion is this.. 1 - Post a WTB (want to buy) add in the MISC section of the forms here, see if any one gets back to you.. There is also another web site (McMasters I think it is called?) that is specifically for Old School markers and such.. I dont have the web addy here or the exact name but when I get home tonight I will take a look and post it here for you..

My biggest suggestion at this time is to look at getting a ULT for your current trigger.. As per a few people around here you get them to be either reactive (bouncing) or walkable (with 2 finger trigger).. I have just ordered my ULT and should have it soon.

Of course best of luck on any dirrection :)
Us Old guys eed to stick together ;) :cheers:

10-29-2004, 12:42 PM
There just happens to be one on Ebay I just looked at:


Good luck! :shooting:

10-29-2004, 07:18 PM
thanks for the suggestions! :cheers: what's this "ULT" thing - sorry, been out of the game a while, trying to get back up to speed.

If there is a more modern trigger frame that will allow me to "walk" the gun and not have to pay for the level 10 upgrade... I'm all for it, because I'm trying to get some more speed out of my mag. players these days have some rediculous fast guns and I don't have the money or desire to pay for an e-gun... wouldn't really want one anyway

so what is this ULT?


10-29-2004, 08:27 PM
thanks for the suggestions! :cheers: what's this "ULT" thing - sorry, been out of the game a while, trying to get back up to speed.

If there is a more modern trigger frame that will allow me to "walk" the gun and not have to pay for the level 10 upgrade... I'm all for it, because I'm trying to get some more speed out of my mag. players these days have some rediculous fast guns and I don't have the money or desire to pay for an e-gun... wouldn't really want one anyway

so what is this ULT?


Hey there.. Ok, the ULT stands for Ultra Light Trigger (I believe).. It is a trigger pin mod that changes the amount of pressure you need to use on the trigger from 3 lbs down to 15 ouces.. There are video's of guys walking the triggers with the ULT..

I'll tell ya this, get that Level 10 mod! For the cost of it not chopping paint is AWESOME! I am still working on getting mine set up fully but I was able to stick my finger into the breach and the bolt just hardly touched it before pulling back.. Honestly I was nervous about doing so, but after feeling it touch my finger it has made a believer out of me! What ever effort you have to put in to getting it to work it is 1000% worth it! :) Man, less barrel cleanings!! SWEETNESS!

Can it get up to the speed of todays markers? To be honest no.. I dont think any mechanical can (until the new Fireblade or hAir Triggers come out (pnuematicly assisted triggers)), which are said to be able to get up to the rate of fire of a electro, but of course to get up to that speed you'll need a X-valve..

Hope this helps :)

10-29-2004, 08:32 PM
that does help - thanks!

10-29-2004, 08:55 PM
that does help - thanks!

Once you have it all decked out post some pictures :) Every one loves seeing pics :)

Once I have all my other parts that are coming in from Rogue I will be posting some pictures..

Just not sure if that is going to be before or after I either clean or repaint the body again LOL! (considering doing a Red to back fade if possible)..

10-30-2004, 07:08 PM
i'll get some pics up asap - it's pretty simple now- ANS expansion, remote line with ANS expansion at the tank. standard 10" old school basic barrel.. and that's about it.

waiting on that ebay double trigger, smart parts barrel, revy hopper

10-30-2004, 07:33 PM
Like you I left the sport 10 years ago when my Daughter was born. Just got back into it in May. Back in 94-95 I had one of the 1st mags. What a difference it made back then. But as you stated, times have changed and so has the sport (sucks up here ...they only play air courses, no woods ball). Rates of fire are insane and the electros dominate.

Well, enough rambling, back to your gun. The ULT will not (should not) work on a Classic Mag. Level 10 is a must...I dont even take a squeegee on the field anymore! It is so nice, have only broke one ball and it was REALLY old paint. You can pick one up online here for around $50 (i have one if you cant find one). Depending on what you can afford to do, going compressed air is great as well...no more freezing up, and with the guage, you knjow how much air you are going out on the field with. My last suggestion is to go Retro. It gives you twice the fire power! I picked up an older RT and it's trigger is very light and very nice. I do not feel threatened by the electros anymore. I cant shoot 20 rounds a second, but 9 to 10 is plenty for me. I saw an emag valve (same as retro) with level 10 installed online a minute ago for $135 shipped. You could still sell your old valve for $40 -$50 and not be out to much.

Well, enough for now....feel free to contact me for and other questions or suggestions.


10-31-2004, 03:06 PM
i got back into mags a few months ago .. wanted to go back to agd .. with there service and
automags.org they cant be beat .. there are plenty of options for mags now ... alot more then you would think .. a retro valve or emag valve is a good start and lvl 10 is the best thing for a mag .. keep the mag .. there arent to many on the feilds by me anymore ..
you got to look around there are some real nice mags not even but beutiful mags on here
i think mags are the still the best gun around ... this site has so many people here that are willing to help you out with any problem you might have .. and there is alot of info links ... use the search the search will become your best freind .. i cant stay away from ao for a day ..

and welcome back to the best sport... and ao the best site i have found yet

10-31-2004, 03:43 PM
Check out www.mcarterbrown.com for a dash of nostalgia. :headbang:

11-01-2004, 07:09 AM

This is why I sold my Earon Carter Cocker! Because the people with Mag's are so helpful!

I have not regreted selling my cocker one bit, I am very happy with my minimag that I picked up this year.. Now if I can just get the LX fine tuned I will be super happy..

Beyond that I am just waiting for my ULT to come in from Rogue along with a 15* ASA and snatch grip! :) Once I have it all put together I'll take a snap...

The body looks like crap because it is the old grey but the previous owner had spray painted it black and it is wearing off.. I am planning to clean it down to the grey again and possibly look at sending it in to get it anodized or something.

Any ways, welcome back to the sport and the best marker out there! :)