View Full Version : ULT works with what valves??

10-29-2004, 05:16 PM
hey guys im building my own mag and i want an ult on my valve so i won't have a heavy pull.
i want an x valve but either can't find one or can't fine one for cheap.
i was wondering will the ult work with an retro valve or emag valve?? i know it won't work on an classic vlave


10-29-2004, 08:57 PM
hey guys im building my own mag and i want an ult on my valve so i won't have a heavy pull.
i want an x valve but either can't find one or can't fine one for cheap.
i was wondering will the ult work with an retro valve or emag valve?? i know it won't work on an classic vlave


Hey Hanibal..

Just to let you know, there are lots of people that have posted that it does work on the classic valve.. I will see if I can find the video posts and post the link here for you..

It is very impressive to watch :)

Edit - Ok, here is a couple of links to check out..
The first link has SilentDeath55 (or BadDog, not sure which) showing his mag with a classic valve with ult, does it again and then shows the difference with a classic valve and stock on/off.. WOW what a difference..


Still looking for the one that shows the guy walking the trigger..

10-29-2004, 09:15 PM
hey battlewear thanx for ur help but wheres the link to the videos??

10-29-2004, 10:45 PM
hey battlewear thanx for ur help but wheres the link to the videos??

Ahh Crap. Knew I forgot something :rofl:
