View Full Version : Treo 600 PDA Phone?

10-29-2004, 08:04 PM
Just wondering if anyone has one and what you think of it. I'm thinking of buying one used and setting it up on an account with Cingular (I already have an account with them for my cellphone) for when I head of to college next fall. I hate to say it, but I find myself needing to write down more and more stuff nowadays and I think this would be very handy to have. But, I don't want to drop a good deal of money on something that people might find more bothersome or expensive than it's really worth. So, let me know what you think, and thanks for the insight. ;)

10-29-2004, 08:39 PM
there is no phone that can do what a PDA can do for hte price. I recomend a ipaq with wireless lan and blue tooth and a phone with blue tooth like a nokia 6820. Use the wireless lan on campus for free or use the phone to connect to the internet when you're underway. The benefit is a MUCH bigger screen, more features, faster processor....

Slimm Jimm
10-29-2004, 09:23 PM
I actually ffirst ordered mine just so I woulsn't have to lug a phone and a pda and their chargers, I found out when the person I ordered mine from that they can also go online. (and you can post stuff on AO like I am right now)

A new one is in the works to comine the phone and bluetooth technology. You can also get one with a camera phone.

Now for those who can't figure it out, I really like my Treo 600 and highly recommend them.

10-29-2004, 10:07 PM
The Treo 600 is a great combo of phone and PDA so you're not lugging one other device in your pocket or bag. I've had mine for about 3 months, August when Verizon finally started shipping them and it has rocked with surfing the web, emails, etc. If you're looking for a single device on the Cingular network, the Treo 600 will be your best bet.

If you're willing to wait a few months, you can possibly get the T650 which will have Bluetooth and a higher resolution screen(320x320 vs 160x160) and better camera(1.3 mp).

Keep in mind how much will you be doing with your Smartphone, such as surfing the web, emails...will it be intensive, or would it be better getting a nice phone such as a Sony Ericcson 630 and connect your laptop to that.

Also, do you have a laptop?
Does you have bluetooth? If not, you can purchase a USB BT adapter cheap.
etc. Decide what you really going to be doing with it, most phones can keep appts and schedules, it's just tedious in putting them in manually using the numeric keypad.

You can find more info about the Treo's both 650 and 600 at http://www.treocentral.com

You can hit me up on aim: webmstrk9 and we can discuss this if ya like. I made my decision to go with the Treo 600 since VZW came out with it, NO REGRETS.

10-30-2004, 06:19 PM
Sounds great! I don't have a laptop as of yet, but will probably be picking up a Dell as freshman year approaches.