View Full Version : Just got my RT ULE Custom but it's not reactive...

10-29-2004, 10:28 PM
I've been a mag owner for years. Started with a Minimag about 10 years ago and it's now my backup after having an Angel Speed and Flatline A-5 that I didn't care for(both are for sale BTW!), I decided to get an RT ULE Custom to complement my tried and true Minimag.

When I ordered it I had AGD send it with the ULE Trigger Pull mod installed.

I screwed in my HPA Pure Energy 88cu/4.5k 800psi preset tank and played with it. Trigger pull was nice, but no reactivity as I expected. When I ordered it, I had them include a stock on/off valve for this reason.

So I took off the tank, took out the X valve and swapped the ULE on/off for the stock on/off.

Put the tank back on and it was shooting like full auto non stop. I figured something must be wrong here, so I looked at the exploded valve guide and it looked like I was missing an o-ring on the stock on/off. I just had a tiny one at the top and it looked like I was missing a slightly larger one.

So I took one of the right size off the ULE on/off and put it on the stock on/off. Put the tank back on and it shoots fine, EXCEPT I have no reactivity. If I try to sweet spot the trigger, it doesn't do anything special...

Am I doing something wrong, or do I need to give it 850+ psi in order to see any form of reactivity cause I have NONE!

Hoping Zak Vetter or someone of the same knowledge can give me some good info. I was under the impression that it was called the RT because the trigger was somewhat reactive out of the box.


10-30-2004, 03:51 AM
You called?

Your most telling piece of information is that you are using a preset tank. While you should get some kick back from the stock RT on/off, the KEY to getting the kind of reactivity you want is the input pressure and the how high flow the tank reg is.

Now speaking practically here is what I would do:

1- Check and confirm that you do in fact have the correct O-rings and parts installed on your on/off assembly. I hear people putting in a ULT shim or 2 in their stock on/off and all sorts of oddball stuff so clear up that you have your valving squared away.

2- See if you can get your hands on an adjustable tank system. Borrow one or ask if you can plug one in at a PB store. I think you will find that a high end adjustable 4500 reg and a little input pressure (900+) you will have everything you ever wanted.

3- Now it's all well and good for me to suggest you just go get a new tank but that is expensive. Though the properly setup ULT on/off assembly will not bounce, but as you may have read, the ULT can be made to bounce much like the stock RT. Unlike the stock on/off, the ULT can bounce with a preset tank. The difference also is that you cannot, not make it bounce, unless you remove the shims.

Remember that the RT bounce can get you DQed in a tourney if you or the refs can get the thing to fire 2x per pull (even if it's SUPER hard to do). I hope this offers some directions and if I did not answer anything please ask again.

10-30-2004, 02:13 PM
1. Stock on/off IS setup right...

2. I already have an 88cu 4500 tank. If I bought a smart parts max flow, and screwed that into the top of the tank in place of my current setup, would that give me the reactivity I seek? Right now the gun only fires on a trigger pull. Nothing special happens if I try to hold it half way. It just never resets, and sometimes it will leak a little if I hold it at the wrong point. There is no bounce or reactiveness.

3. I put all the shims on and all the shims off on the ULE trigger pull on/off. All shims off didn't fire, all shims (6 total) on worked as normal. Your wording was confusing so I tried both. Is it possible for me to get any level of bounce or reactiveness with either on/off and my 800preset pure engery tank?

I don't play tourny so I'm not worried about any DQ's or anything. This is an open play woodsball/scenario marker for me.

Thanks Z!

11-01-2004, 11:44 AM
Looking at getting a maxflow to add to my tank or getting an entire maxflow setup.

Will this give me the full auto like reactivity I seek?

11-01-2004, 01:31 PM
Sorry about the delay there. The ULT should get reactive when you start over shimming the assembly. This means that if the stock, properly functioning on/off has 4 shims, put in 5, then 6, then 7 if needed. It should get reactive on you,

As for the Max-Flo question, you could simply replace your tank reg with the Max-Flo one or get the tank but adding a Max-Flow linie reg into the system will not be what you want to do. The Max-Flo would still be limited by the preset reg and would only help to starve the RT valve.

11-01-2004, 01:37 PM
Thanks for the reply...

I'm still lost. I was under the impression that the stock on/off has ZERO shims. If you look at the exploded valve view, there are no shims shown. Are we talking about the same thing here?

I am planning to replace the stock reg on my Pure Energy tank with a maxflow manifold reg, but I only want to spend the $300 if it will get me the reactivity I have seen in your video.

I don't want to get the maxflow and still have it perform the same as it is now, ie one pull one shot, only way to shoot faster is to fan it.

11-01-2004, 01:45 PM
The ULT mod does use shims just like the lvl 10. and just like the lvl 10 each ULT may need 1 or 2 or 3 more or less shims than the next ULT. That is why AGD gives you a few so you can get it tuned right. So setp 1 is to get it working properly (1.e. you can pull the trigger and there is ZERO bounce). From there start adding shims (testing it out each time you add a shim). Make sence?

As for the reg I would suggest you look at getting a Max-Flo system used. The old 2 step style setups can be had for uner $200 with a tank to boot. It's FAR cheaper to get a used one. Heck get one that's almost or is out of hydro for a bargain price and swap the taks if you dont want to hydro it.

I would not want to spend $300 either.

11-01-2004, 01:54 PM
Ok we are having a total disconnect here...

If you re-read my above post I said stock on/off.

On your website you even have a paragraph that says:
Things You DON'T Want / Won't Help At All
The ULE Trigger. It's a quality item like most AGD stuff, but it all but KILLS the reactivity of the RT valve. I spent some time messing with a ULT equipped X-Valve and my Max-Flo, but I was not able to coax any bounce out of it.

Right now I have tried the STOCK on/off, the ULE Trigger on/off as it shipped from AGD (4 shims) and the ULE Trigger with 6 shims on.

In all three cases I have nothing I would call reactive.

Questions for you:

1) If I use the STOCK on/off in my X-Valve, in conjunction with a maxflow at 900psi, will this give me the ability to hold the trigger and get the 20+bps bursts like your video? Or is there something else that needs to be done?

2) where do you suggest getting a used maxflow? I looked on eBay and couldn't find anything good.

I found a new maxflow manifold online for $225 and was going to grab that. I think I'd rather get a new one than deal with rebuilding a used one. I don't mind spending the $200-$300 I just don't want to spend it if it won't do what I want.

If you can get on AIM now. It might be easier to chat than go back and forth here :D

Carbon Blue
11-01-2004, 03:11 PM
im still trying to decide whether i should keep my reacitivty with high ROF and hi input psi, or go with a lighter trigger pull run less of a input pressure and save some air? but then again air only cost about 1$ per 1000psi :rofl:

I had an ACI Bulldog 2 preset at 800psi and all it cost me was about 6-7$ of air per day of play. I now have a 68ci 4500psi Maxflo set at about 850-900psi. I shoot about 1150-1200balls in about a 7-8 hour period and thats with about 4 games of speedball and the rest is woodsball. Anyone know how much of an increase in $$$ i will be spending on air now? the local field is closed and nothing is close by.

11-01-2004, 04:21 PM
I get a hint of reactivity with my ULT. I've got 5 shims on there and I'm running an 800-850psi preset Nitro Duck. I'm definately going to get an adjustable tank soon. I know all regs are different, but let's say with an AA geddon cranked up to 1000psi will I be able to get full reactivity with my ULT seeing as it already gets some at 800psi?

Carbon Blue
11-01-2004, 07:00 PM
I get a hint of reactivity with my ULT. I've got 5 shims on there and I'm running an 800-850psi preset Nitro Duck. I'm definately going to get an adjustable tank soon. I know all regs are different, but let's say with an AA geddon cranked up to 1000psi will I be able to get full reactivity with my ULT seeing as it already gets some at 800psi?

yes i would think so, try adding another shim in there and you might get what your looking for ;)

11-01-2004, 07:06 PM
Excellent. I just added a 6th shim and I'm getting a little more bounce. Once I get an adjustable... yay.