View Full Version : Halloween pranks on the neighbors 2004

10-30-2004, 10:20 AM
To start this off you have to understand a bunch of us neighbors are real good friends and we all paintball together, play HALO LAN partys, blah blah.
Well yesterday we (my other neighbor Jay and I) decide it is prank our neighbor (Robert) that owns a farm day, so we wait untill he is milking cows at 8:00 PM and sneak down and soap the windows, Ben Gay on the door handles and steering wheel of his truck, saftey tape around the whole thing.
Run like heck.
Well, he found it so he was calling on the phone yelling vowing revenge, yah right we tell him, so later that night robert sneeks over to jays house with a couple full cans of shaving cream and gets him back.
Jays house looks like a shaving cream factory exploded.
Crap it looks like it is my turn so I hide my car last night at stay up till 2 AM but nothing happens.
That was only friday night, 2 more nights to go. :p
SO the count is,
Jay: 1-1
Me: 1-0
Robert: 1-1
Our other neighbors might get a bottle of Mr. bubble in the hottub tonight!
More to come, the weekend is young. :ninja:
On a side note, yes the pranks might be lame but we don't want to destroy anything or make anyone miss work because of our asshatary.

10-30-2004, 10:43 AM
haha, sounds like its going to be a fun weekend.

10-30-2004, 10:59 AM
um, hate to break it to ya, but he did get you back. he made you hide your car and stay awake half the night... he probably planned that ;) .

10-30-2004, 01:54 PM
yah haha.... What you need to go is get 2 packages of instant jello... And tell him u have to go pee in his bathroom :headbang:

10-30-2004, 01:56 PM
Don't soap the hottub, that will destory things.

10-30-2004, 05:30 PM
Well we went to attack him today with the golf cart of doom but he was ready for us.
Next we will try the WMD!
So far on the list tonight is putting black plastic on all of his house windows, Putting jackstands under his back axle, and baby powder in his heater vent.
Maybe pics of the fun tonight.

10-30-2004, 05:33 PM
yah haha.... What you need to go is get 2 packages of instant jello... And tell him u have to go pee in his bathroom :headbang:
Or leave him a upper decker. :ninja: :p

10-30-2004, 07:07 PM
Me and my friends plastic wrapped a friends house a couple of years back. We got three industrial sized plastic wrap roles and went crazy on the guys house. Must have gone around the house like 30 times with each role. You need at least 10 ppl to do this though, those roles can be heavy.

10-30-2004, 07:30 PM
serand rap(i guess thats how u spell it.. but its the clear stuff) his truck doors... so he cant see it when he goes to open them... or go out to eat.. u drive.. have the other ppl sit in the back.. and child lock the doors.. it so fun doing that to ppl.. expecially after a long trip.. and they want to go ride the skatepark... and u leave them there.. but anywho.... set up one of those net traps in a tree... and get his newspaper in the morning.. and put it in it.. so when he picks it up.. the trap goes off...umm... steal his paintball stuff :D everyone hates that... umm.. thats about all i can think of

10-30-2004, 08:14 PM
Well we went to attack him today with the golf cart of doom but he was ready for us

lol :D

10-31-2004, 12:06 AM
I know it might seem kind of lame but I put some Kerry stickers all over this chicks car. If you knew her you'd laugh, everytime she spots a Kerry sticker on another car she flips out. Honestly I just wanted to upload this pic... :nono:

10-31-2004, 12:08 AM
If you did that to my car I would burn your house down.

10-31-2004, 12:25 AM
The trick is to put the bumbper stickers in places they won't immediately notice them...

My roomate is the typical Liberal Hippie Whining Douche... but it took him 3 days to find the two GWB stickers I put on his car.... :headbang: :headbang:

10-31-2004, 08:48 AM
The worst prank to ever pull would be to superglue a penny to a person key hole. This will cause some major frustration. I say it is the worst because you might incur some reall jail time for the damages to fix the car, and the fact that in order to get in a car you need to destroy a penny. (it is a federal offense to destroy any form of currency)

10-31-2004, 05:49 PM
My roomate is the typical Liberal Hippie Whining Douche...

and youre awesome :cheers:

10-31-2004, 09:36 PM
Or leave him a upper decker. :ninja: :p
:rofl: :rofl:

now that requires alot of practice... or touching it with your hands...

either way its really funny :D

11-01-2004, 07:44 PM
you can also use the sugar in the gas tank trick

11-01-2004, 07:57 PM
you can also use the sugar in the gas tank trick
what exactly does that do? um, just out of curiosity of course...

11-01-2004, 08:00 PM
Well i heard it total screws up you engine and i think you need to get it flushed or it just makes you have to drain your gas tank to get the sugar out. Just heard about it from parents

11-01-2004, 08:21 PM
i watched myth busters and they put sugar and many other things, that i cant remember, in the gas tank, and it did absolutly nothing to the car.

so that myth was busted

11-02-2004, 07:04 AM
hmmm maybe only under certain circumstances it works. Cuz ive heard lots of people talking about it

11-02-2004, 07:27 AM
Uh now a days car's have a gas filter, like an oil filter.
Thats prolly why that mith is not valide anymore.

11-02-2004, 02:05 PM
what exactly does that do? um, just out of curiosity of course...
some people claim the fuel filter will filter out the sugar. All I know is I (i mean) a friend of mine did it once to a guy who deserved it real bad. I never saw his car again and he and three thugs showed up at my door wanting to kick my asshat. I just laughed in there face and said I didn't do it. He didn't know who to blame because he had like 3 or 4 big enemy's at the time. Ahhh the good ol days.

11-02-2004, 02:23 PM
i wonder if intant jellow would work also :confused:

Deep Sixx
11-02-2004, 03:02 PM
To start this off you have to understand a bunch of us neighbors are real good friends and we all paintball together, play HALO LAN partys, blah blah.
Well yesterday we (my other neighbor Jay and I) decide it is prank our neighbor (Robert) that owns a farm day, so we wait untill he is milking cows at 8:00 PM and sneak down and soap the windows, Ben Gay on the door handles and steering wheel of his truck, saftey tape around the whole thing.
Run like heck.
Well, he found it so he was calling on the phone yelling vowing revenge, yah right we tell him, so later that night robert sneeks over to jays house with a couple full cans of shaving cream and gets him back.

You're playing tricks on a guy that owns a farm? :nono: Do the words "manure spreader" mean anything to you? :eek:


11-02-2004, 10:15 PM
Sugar in the gas tank does not work. Unless of course you completly fill the gas tank with sugar then it would be a PITA to clean out.

11-02-2004, 10:23 PM
the ultimate best prank ever- forking. i swear to god if i saw this in my yard id have a heart attack.

11-03-2004, 03:23 PM
WEll, The pics were too large to fit here, But imagine 100+ "support our troops" car stickers on a minivan!!! It was freakin Halarious!!!

(If sum1 can help me get the pics on here Ill post em up) :rofl:

Deep Sixx
11-03-2004, 03:47 PM
Uh now a days car's have a gas filter, like an oil filter.
Thats prolly why that mith is not valide anymore.

Cars have always had fuel filters. Sugar in the gas tank has NEVER done anything, I don't know how that myth got started. Sugar doesn't dissolve in gasoline, it would just sit in the bottom of the tank. I doubt it would even make it to the fuel filter as there is a screen over the in-tank pick-up.

Here's the story on the myth: http://www.snopes.com/autos/grace/sugar.asp


11-03-2004, 04:01 PM
um, hate to break it to ya, but he did get you back. he made you hide your car and stay awake half the night... he probably planned that ;) .


Fear of death is worse than death itself.

A cute trick to do with Seran Wrap is to vover the toilet bowl. Do this on the bowl itself and very tight. If they take a piss it's gonne go everywhere and god forbid they take a dump..... :rofl:

Also, get some of that lovely revenge toilet paper, the kind that doesn't rip and put it in your bathroom. Then take out anything that could possibly be used to wipe your crack with.

Invite the guy over and some friends for a party. Make sure you have lots of beer and crabcakes. Once he goes to the bathroom, be prepared to hear total silence. I guarantee he won't say word and will probably leave right after he gets out of the bathroom.

11-03-2004, 07:34 PM

Fear of death is worse than death itself.

A cute trick to do with Seran Wrap is to vover the toilet bowl. Do this on the bowl itself and very tight. If they take a piss it's gonne go everywhere and god forbid they take a dump..... :rofl:

Also, get some of that lovely revenge toilet paper, the kind that doesn't rip and put it in your bathroom. Then take out anything that could possibly be used to wipe your crack with.

Invite the guy over and some friends for a party. Make sure you have lots of beer and crabcakes. Once he goes to the bathroom, be prepared to hear total silence. I guarantee he won't say word and will probably leave right after he gets out of the bathroom.
YOU would let him do it in your bathroom and are down to clean up the mess after.

I dont think I would be able to do that.

11-04-2004, 02:13 AM
it is a federal offense to destroy any form of currency

I'm pretty sure it's only against the law if you try to pass destroyed currency. Why would they make simply destroying it illegal?

Plus you could just use a small washer.

Deep Sixx
11-04-2004, 09:28 AM
I'm pretty sure it's only against the law if you try to pass destroyed currency. Why would they make simply destroying it illegal?

Money is government property. Defacing it is illegal.


11-04-2004, 11:10 AM
Ahh...memories. Turd in the tank, shaving cream, Tp, the list goes on.

Friend of mine had a little metal thing you could stick in someones exhaust and it would make a loud whistle when you accelerated. He also claimed he could wire someones horn to go off whenever they hit the brake but we never got around to trying it.

Speaking of the turd in the tank...you think thats hard trying pissing in the ball washers at a golf course :eek:

Me and some friends had a water ballon launcher that we put to good use. Potato cannon.

I know im forgettin something. Uh. Oh im forgetting my fav. Every year during the local elections everybody puts all those little signs everywhere. We'd get a few trucks and yank as many as we could find then dump them all in someones yard. Im gonna stop before I incriminate myself.

11-04-2004, 11:20 AM
We made a huge pumpkin patch in one guys yard and stuffed decorations all over and in his car :)

11-04-2004, 08:32 PM
i was at a party that got somewhat out of control early on and the poor girl tried to kick everyone out and a bunch of guys smashed pumpkins all over her living room. i sorta felt bad but she was being a beottcchh so ah well. ok thats part one. part 2 was she called the cops and they got fines and misdemeanor vandalism. hahaaaaaaaaa

11-04-2004, 10:01 PM
How is she doing anything wrong by not wanting a huge party at her house?

11-05-2004, 01:19 AM
if she didnt want a huge party at her house she shouldnt pass out over 40 fliers 2 weeks in advance and on the fliers tell everyone to bring any friends they want.