View Full Version : pp protection

11-02-2001, 03:02 PM
What do you fella's wear for package protection?
I just wear pants, but some ppl are telling me a cup is essential...hmmmm:rolleyes:


11-02-2001, 03:22 PM
If you are worried about head shots wear a helmet :)

11-02-2001, 03:32 PM
I have never worn a cup to play paintball. I also have never been hit to the point of needing one. I find them way to hard to run in.

11-02-2001, 03:46 PM
Before I got the new DYE sliding shorts(has a removeable soft cup), I used to wear a pair of mesh gym shorts that had a thick peice of neoprene velcoed in.

Playing up front, I find protection very, very essential. Been shot in the area too many times to count during runs and bunker moves.

11-02-2001, 03:49 PM
2nd day playing...didnt have glasses on for distance, and i was lookin far off, i thought the guy behind the rock wasnt facing my way, make a sprint for a tree...get pelted, and i mean pelted, at least 7 times shot, and i was hit in the twiggin berries, o man did it hurt...u got no idea...and believe me, cups r the way to go...if u get hit there to hard, the main bloodflow vein twists cutting off the circulation to the testicle....resulting in it getting all huge and red then they gotta operate, if ur lucky they can save it most of the times they cant(happened to my brother, he got lucky and it untwisted himself, and my dads a doctor..what i speak is truth, so just be careful, who wants to go around like tom green....one nutted.

11-02-2001, 03:50 PM
well, you already asked me about this on AIM, but whatever.

I just wear these heavy baggy cargo pants, and the few hits that get near there lose thier momentum on the fabric. It's never gotten through very hard.

I hate cups :)

Looking into a soft cup might not be a bad idea, though.

11-02-2001, 03:56 PM
A cup is a must! They aren't too comfortable, but better than taking the direct hit in the junk.

11-02-2001, 04:04 PM
If you are worried about it a soft cup is the way to go. Not as much protection as a hard cup but it's a lot better for moving/running.

11-02-2001, 04:16 PM
after a while you won't really notice the hard cup (what i wear). i wear em in football and paintball and i guess i jsut got used to it a little bit. for me its fairly easy to run with.

11-02-2001, 04:27 PM
I always wear a cup, I'm used to it from hockey. I've been shot there a couple times (with a cup). Once I didn't even know it, I found out after when there were 2 big blue spots on my cup. :eek: That would have been bad

11-02-2001, 04:57 PM
Here's a good reason why you should wear a cup. :)


11-02-2001, 06:36 PM
told ya...u get hit in the nuts, you are done for

11-02-2001, 06:57 PM
oh my dear lord... i am wearing a cup from now on when ever i get near a pb field...... omg i feel sorry for that guy

11-03-2001, 01:47 AM
I think when we start a field around the Bay Area, we're gonna rent out women's underwear for protection. What do you think?

Seriously though, I got tagged once in the nuts.. I made it to the 50 at my local field, and slid in, then was sitting with my legs in front of me, spread out with my knees bent, in a V facing the bunker of barrels, to give me a stable shooting platform.. What I didn't know was the barrels had come loose and a small space had opened, which happened to be right in line with my grandchildren. So a couple seconds after I get in, THWAP.. I was kind of in shock at first so I didn't feel the pain, and then the pain came in and I kinda gasped behind my bunker in disbelief.
My legs spread, It tagged me square in the sack. I still play rec without a cup, but tournyball calls for me to put on my grandchildren's paintball-proof jacket.

11-03-2001, 04:53 PM
this one is pretty funny, its a guy from my local feild...


p.s. its divx codec, so you may need to get that first


11-03-2001, 06:41 PM
it is the most important thing to a guy(a close second is there paintball gun), and its generally like the 5th or 6th most important thing to a wife or girlfriend. why wouldn't you want to protect that?

if you don't like the hard cups, there are soft ones, that are very comfortable(from a friend who does martial arts). atleast wear something. hell, i have seen a ball come up and hit me in MR. HAPPY. i walked off after the hit(something you can't do without one, i suppose), and thanked Bike.

11-03-2001, 07:24 PM
Mr. Cup kame in handy today. :) Got shot right in the jewels today...but no pain. :)

11-04-2001, 09:43 PM
ravenusa.com makes some pretty decent slider shorts with a soft cup in em...kinda itchy at first (on my legs), but you get used to em...


11-04-2001, 10:15 PM
ok, your nutual area is pritty damn small compared to your whole body. Tell me, how many times have you gotten hit on a 3" in diameter with your left nipple being the center. Now you getting hit in the 3" diameter of your nipple is alot higher than you getting hit in the nutual area because generally your chest will be out of the bunker more than your man sack would be. The chances are pritty damn slim. Sure you hear stories alot. You also hear stories about people getting hit by cars, have you been hit by a car? Just to feel safer, hang a towel on your pack belt and let it cover your nutual area. I absolutly hate cups, they are extrmely ploddy. Hell i don't even wear a cup while playing hockey. I meen, it' ain't gonna kill ya. Sure it hurts abit, but it's a slow dull pain which i can stand. And plus thats why God gave you two :).

11-04-2001, 10:20 PM
I usually play with a remote(ACI heavy slinky). One of the first woods games I ever played was getting really intense. I bailed off the side hill to get behind a player, after sliding past the trees he was behind, I came to a crouching stance. He saw my move and was already shooting before I stopped and peppered my good.

I wear either a cup or a heavy sock in my jockies now. As I was in a crouch, my happy's were in the open. The only thing that saved me that day was the slinky hanging down in front of me. I felt the impact from the liquid paint after two balls broke on the slinky, and that was enough to fold me up and roll me the rest of the way down the hill. The shooter saw the hits and was immediatly at my side in a panic over my coming pain. Thank God there was no damage and little pain, but that was enough to convince me that cups, or any protection, are a must for guys.:cool: