View Full Version : People piss me off.....Livestrong rant

10-31-2004, 12:50 PM
Come on now, the purpose of Livestrong is what? To raise money for cancer. But people have the nerve to sell and buy those yellow bracelets on eBay for outrageous prices. That extra money isn't going to cancer research, its going into some low lifes' pocket who is just profiteering off a trend the was created to help benefit society. Why would you even buy one for 4 or 5 dollers more then they actually cost? Can't wait 2 weeks to get one? That much of a trend whore that you need one right now? And what about these cheap asian ripoffs people are selling on ebay. Different colored Livestrong bracelets that arn't even real. Some people really need to do the world a favor and just die :shooting:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3839&item=7110278490&rd=1 :shooting:

10-31-2004, 01:34 PM
I second that motion.

It really sickens me when people try to profit off of other people's suffering.

10-31-2004, 01:39 PM
youwouldn't wnat to blame the buyer now would you?

10-31-2004, 01:41 PM
youwouldn't wnat to blame the buyer now would you?

:confused: huh?

10-31-2004, 01:48 PM
youwouldn't wnat to blame the buyer now would you?

well the buyer is jsut a moron and not buying it to help the cancer research, but just casue other kids are wearing them and they want to look cool also.

On the colored ones issue, i think i have seen someone wearing a pink one, but i was told by a different person that the money from those went to breast cancer reaserch.

10-31-2004, 01:52 PM
well the buyer is jsut a moron and not buying it to help the cancer research, but just casue other kids are wearing them and they want to look cool also.

On the colored ones issue, i think i have seen someone wearing a pink one, but i was told by a different person that the money from those went to breast cancer reaserch.

Yea there is one for breat cancer research. they say Hope, Faith, Love on them

10-31-2004, 02:09 PM
thats why some specifically say "Do Not Buy For More Than $1"

what really gets me though, is a few neighbor kids (about 5-7 years old)

were selling pictures and stuff to raise money for the WTC fund.

the problem was:
1- The fund hadnt been established yet
2- They kept the money
3- it was in excess of $100

10-31-2004, 02:14 PM
thats why some specifically say "Do Not Buy For More Than $1"

what really gets me though, is a few neighbor kids (about 5-7 years old)

were selling pictures and stuff to raise money for the WTC fund.

the problem was:
1- The fund hadnt been established yet
2- They kept the money
3- it was in excess of $100

I highly doubt that children at that age have the propensity to devise such a scheme.

10-31-2004, 02:19 PM
these children are responsible for drivng a golf cart into a parked car with with speed locked at 2.5 mph.... at 8:30 without parentes permission.... did i mention it was inside the driveway?

i know morality isnt very high in children, but these kids are something else...