View Full Version : Spyder Velocity Problem

10-31-2004, 08:10 PM
Hey i have a spyder imagine and I have been haveing some problems with getting my velocity up to the right speed. Lately the overall velocity has dropped to about 230-250 fps and i can't get it any higher... I have a spring kit and i have the "highest" spring in the gun and the velocity adjuster is all the way in. Any ideas what would be the problem or any ways I can get my velocity back up to what its supposed to be?

P.S. Im running compressed air.


10-31-2004, 11:23 PM
check that little nob on the the end of the striker for excessive wear... also check to see if the following are broken.. : striker o-ring, bolt o-rings, cup seal... sometimes an oring will split and will cause the striker or bolt to drag on the walls of the body. causing low velocity....


11-01-2004, 01:50 AM
You can also lighten your valve spring.

A thorough clean and lube can sometimes work wonders.

11-06-2004, 02:37 PM
yeah, a lighter valve spring should fix it.

i use the light valve spring and medium main spring in my spyder without any problems.
although, my spyder's only running on about 375 psi.