View Full Version : liitle brat

10-31-2004, 11:29 PM
this incident happened a while back but here it is:

At a local field that I play at there is a rule that there is no shooting during field maintainance. Hence everyone turns off or plugs their guns and puts it on the ground. At this time the entire field, chrono station and target area are a no fire area. Well this one kid did not follow suit and decided to fire directly at the field crew, becuase he was complaining they were taking to long. Yes, the crew should have been wearing their masks, but then again everyone should have been away from their guns. Well needless to say that this kid was litterally throw off the preimisses and told to to never return.
He later came back with his father. To which he and the owner got into an arguement about how he made the kid walk home. The owner then said that he should call CPS on the guy for not supervising his kid at an esablishment where an adult is required. At this fist were thrown. Me and some friends were required to pull the father away and secure him while the cops were called.

Has this happened anywhere else?

10-31-2004, 11:47 PM
I've almost seen a fight at a field. A fellow was drunk and did not like how one of the sober people was playing. The drunk told the guy he wanted to "settle this." The player thought he wanted to settle it on the speedball course, the drunk wanted a fist fight. No punches were thrown and the drunk was told to leave.

11-01-2004, 12:35 AM
Ive seen punches thrown unfortunately.. big name people but wont say who or where... :ninja: but one guy was setting a bunker back up for a teamate to play behind (his fault for running right INTO the bunker so of course it will fall over). The guy picking it up gets shot up and yells at the shooter for shooting him (of course you will get shot.. your in a live game right to the LAST guy on the team...). Shooter comes up and says his apologies... person A (standing the bunker up) calls the shooter said name and then shooter goes into a brawl with him.... me bieng 5 feet away from it i sorta tried to get ahold of the situation (kinda hard for ME to pull away 2 180+ men from beating the snot outa each other...) so i told everyone to put their guns down.. takes them a while to do it (sigh) but they do eventually. Boss chops out and handles the 2 guys... they shill and are better eventually.. one doesn't play the rest of the day i believe but it got situated....

The other horror story is a NeWb comes out of the netting without his barrel plug, gun live (electro), and is pointing it at people in the stands.. I ran the the hell over there to try and get him, luckilly head ref was outside already, grabs gun reaches to turn it off... kid pulls trigger.... ref gets nutted from 1 foot away. Gets mad takes the gun, turns off, sets on ground, kids parent (one sitting in bleachers) says well its his fault.. he hit the trigger.... :tard: .... I was 2 feet away.. he never had his fingers near the trigger... was reaching for the off switch. :ninja: Didn;t see the damage of it (eww) but from what he said looked like he had a ringworm.... :eek:

Oh and good riddance to them.. their OWN fault... i can understand the maininace stuff.... its hard to be working at a field (one where you do things other than just ref). Kid is the one in fault and he ignored the waiver he signed so his own fault for not being safe, and dad's fault for not watching his brat....

Tought day.. there are better days man. Its not all bad working at a field... theres the good regulars that make it worthwhile to actualy be doing what your doing...

11-01-2004, 12:45 AM
this incident happened a while back but here it is:

At a local field that I play at there is a rule that there is no shooting during field maintainance. Hence everyone turns off or plugs their guns and puts it on the ground. At this time the entire field, chrono station and target area are a no fire area. Well this one kid did not follow suit and decided to fire directly at the field crew, becuase he was complaining they were taking to long. Yes, the crew should have been wearing their masks, but then again everyone should have been away from their guns. Well needless to say that this kid was litterally throw off the preimisses and told to to never return.
He later came back with his father. To which he and the owner got into an arguement about how he made the kid walk home. The owner then said that he should call CPS on the guy for not supervising his kid at an esablishment where an adult is required. At this fist were thrown. Me and some friends were required to pull the father away and secure him while the cops were called.

Has this happened anywhere else?

man this story makes me sad.

11-01-2004, 12:50 AM
I really have to wonder about some of these parents - when did they come from the soccer and baseball fields out to our paintball fields? Their job at a field is to SUPERVISE their kid, not defend them, and to DISCIPLINE when necessary.

I dont like painting an 8 year old on a general basis, but a few weeks ago, well... He was an ***, and I absolutely wasted him. The best part - he tried to get his dad to yell at me, but he just shrugged his shoulders, smiled, and said "It's part of the game."

Absolutely classic.

11-01-2004, 02:08 AM
"This is not a day care center" should become a standard sign at fields now.

Actually, now that I think about it a little further, do you guys believe that kids should just be dumped off at fields?

Do you think that at least some parents should be present and observing the games and everything else going on? And I don't mean sitting in the staging area reading a book, completely oblivious to what is going on.

11-01-2004, 12:46 PM
my next door neighbor has a kid around 11 that wants to play paintball. She doesnt want to stay with him at the course so instead of dropping him off she said she'll PAY ME to watch the kid and get him setup while playing paintball.

11-01-2004, 12:49 PM
my next door neighbor has a kid around 11 that wants to play paintball. She doesnt want to stay with him at the course so instead of dropping him off she said she'll PAY ME to watch the kid and get him setup while playing paintball.
Now that's a deal :headbang:

11-01-2004, 12:50 PM
Fields in my area, at least on paper, say that they are supposed to be supervised under a certain age. Personally, I never see it enforced. I would NEVER just dump my nephew off to play though. Too many things can go wrong. I agree about the no babysitting policy; if you arent old enough to drive, you should have a guardian there.
As far as that guy trying to fight; he was claerly in the wrong. He allegedly signed the waiver for his son to play, accepting ALL responsibility for his sons actions. Who's at fault again?!?!?!?!

11-01-2004, 01:55 PM
hey man just cause someone cant drive doesnt mean they arent mature. My field gives us a waiver to sign accepting responsibility and that should be enough for someone who seriously wants to play some paintball.

11-01-2004, 02:06 PM
hey man just cause someone cant drive doesnt mean they arent mature. My field gives us a waiver to sign accepting responsibility and that should be enough for someone who seriously wants to play some paintball.
No, being young doesn't necessarily equal being immature. But, if something does happen, and there is always the possibility for even the most mature young persion, if you can't drive, you have no way to leave, other than walking, if it comes to being removed from the field. There should be a guardian there if the person cannot drive.

11-01-2004, 02:18 PM
I cannot see where a parent would possibly think its ok to let their kids loose somewhere like that. I would never dream of just dropping mine off (ANYWHERE) to be someone else's responsibility.Unfortunately I see this happen all the time at my local field also.

What I wonder is what happens if their kid gets hurt or something....?

We have an age limit at our field though. No one under 10 is allowed to play , and no one under 12 allowed w/o the parent on the field with them. Generally the youngest only play with private groups anyway.

To my knowledge there has never been a fight there. The owner of the field (who happens to be a REALLY nice guy) could kick Bruce Lee's butt , so no one starts any crap with him. The few incidents there have been have resulted in people being banned from the field . Most of them were the result of yelling matches gone bad.

11-01-2004, 03:22 PM
I've almost seen a fight at a field. A fellow was drunk and did not like how one of the sober people was playing. The drunk told the guy he wanted to "settle this." The player thought he wanted to settle it on the speedball course, the drunk wanted a fist fight. No punches were thrown and the drunk was told to leave.

Your local field lets people play while drunk??! That's pretty dumb. :tard:

Re: unsupervised kids, I think everyone agrees it is a bad thing. But it is up to individual field owners to manage and enforce it. All we can do as players is to tell them our opinions, and encourage reasonable policies for youth-supervsion and mimimum playing age.

11-01-2004, 03:51 PM
Well, they were sneaking drinks. The beer was back at their vehicles and they'd go have some between games. They started out fine and as the dy when on got more beligerant.

11-01-2004, 04:05 PM
unsupervised kids, I think everyone agrees it is a bad thing.
depends who the kids are. unsupervised immature people are a bad thing. im 16 and there is no reason that i should be any more supervised than the average 20 year old. same goes for my friends and some kids i have seen between 12 and 16.

and, unfortunately, i have seen a fight break out at a field once. it was 3 on 1. the one was in the back left, and on the other team there were players at the back left and right and one player at the 50. the one player made a great move and ran down the center of the field when the player at the back left was reloading and the man at the 50 was talking with the player at the back right. he bunkered the player at the 50, then proceeded down the field, but the player at the 50 (who had been eliminated) decided to shoot him, and claimed that they shot each other out at the same time. they got into a huge argument which escalated into a firefight, which the two other players joined into, and they ended up tackling him and tearing off his mask, at which point the refs intervened.

11-01-2004, 04:26 PM
Legalities of the situation prohibit anyone under the age of 18 from purchasing an airgun. Period. Minors cannot solely sign waivers unless they have been emancipated. Period. And believe it or not, your age might not directally imply your personal maturity level (some of my 20's something friends are really immature at times,) but if your 16, even if you can drive, YOU ARE NOT A LEGAL ADULT.

It really sucks sometimes to have your parent's ok anything like this you want to do. But the rules are there for a reason.

And just remember - thank god our country STILL allows us to hold the parents responsable for their kids actions, reguardless of waivers signed or not. If the kid causes trouble, kindly remind the idiot who brought him that he is LEGALLY responsible for their actions, both on and off the field.

Last I checked, directally disobeying a posted field rule and causing injury was assult, plain and simple. Wonder how quick they'll leave next time...

11-01-2004, 04:46 PM
At my friend a guy I know that is a very good player bunkered a a newbie and the newb came of the field and said that he cant do that and he comes and changes the rules, also that he hit him before he bunkered him and didnt go Out , when the reffed checked him , So he walked off started to cuss at my friend , THEN he had the nerve to go back in the game and start playin again , When the game was over , he started swearing more and running his mouth , then a players father comes to get him and he told him to watch his mouth because he didnt want his kids to hear him cuss. so they started arguing , they we both buff guys , I thought i might have to turn into the hulk to hold them back :rolleyes:

The newbie hasnt come back sence , its been like 2 months :rofl:

11-01-2004, 05:07 PM
Legalities of the situation prohibit anyone under the age of 18 from purchasing an airgun. Period.

Yeah, right

Because when I was 16 I didn't have some plastic I could use online, nor did I not have a paypal account tied to my bank account that I could use online either.

11-01-2004, 06:00 PM
nor did I not have a paypal account tied to my bank account that I could use online either.
hmm, i was told i couldnt do that until i was 18... damn bank :tard: oh well, my dad made a bank for paypal that is essentially mine.

11-01-2004, 06:06 PM
If i were one of the people that the kid starting shooting at when my mask was off he would of been running for his life.

11-01-2004, 06:11 PM
the real newbs are the ones who get angry when theyre shot, make fun of other peoples guns, cuss, etc. i think when you truly become an experienced player is when you get bunkered, and walk off the field trying to figure out where YOU messed up, and then tell the guy who bunkered you "nice shot". Its part of the game. No pain, no game. I get mad sometimes when im shot, but then i realize it is 100%my fault when im shot. i just dont like it when people talk big and have no game. so, if youget bunkered, dude, its totally your fault. you should have stopped him.

11-01-2004, 06:51 PM
hmm, i was told i couldnt do that until i was 18... damn bank :tard: oh well, my dad made a bank for paypal that is essentially mine.

I've had my own account since I was 14. 100% mine. No cosign, no custodian, nothing. Mine. A real one, not one of those junior saver thingies.

11-01-2004, 06:58 PM
I've had my own account since I was 14. 100% mine. No cosign, no custodian, nothing. Mine. A real one, not one of those junior saver thingies.
you suck... where do you live? i cant get my own bank account, and i cant even link a paypal account to my/my dads account.

11-01-2004, 08:00 PM
By the same token, its not like the adults are guaranteed to be mature about anything either... The worst injuries I have ever taken paintballing were the direct results of the actions of adults, and I don't mean 18 year olds.

When I played NPPL, we were scrimmaging a team on our airball field. We invited them out, and proceeded to run drills, crimmages, 2v3, etc. Just a friendly practice between a couple teams. Anywho, one of the 7 man scrimmages, we wiped the floor with them. I bunkered 2 guys, (I'm a front guy) and we cleared the field. Everything was hunky dorry. We picked up pods, everyone turned off markers/put on condoms, and my captain gave us the "masks off" call. (there were no nearby fields and netting was around us)

I take off my mask and right afterwards somebody decides to start unloading paint into my back/neck area. I of course can't turn around, so I put my mask on and turn around, being shot all teh while. One of my teammates tackles the guy and starts just beating the crap out of him (my teammate had no mask, but he was trying to protect me.) Anyways, we take the guys marker, call the cops, and subdue him. At this point, I've been shot between 40 and 50 times, and the guy is still cursing and threatening my life. Gory details aside, a 30+ year old man decided to try and kill me with a paintball marker because I "overshot" his friend/teammate. :tard:

Leave the young kids alone. They are just dumb. Its the adults with anger management problems and a perchance for violence that you really have to look out for...

11-02-2004, 01:31 AM
My under 16 post was not about maturity. It is about being able to leave when asked to. The case in this thread illustrates the point.
Besides, LEGALLY, they can probably limit anyone under 18 onsite without a guardian. After all, somone has to be responsible for the child, right? And, you are not considered an adult until you are 18. Not to say people much older act irresponsibly, and people younger may act more mature at times. But, we are discussing the legal issue of it, not the perception.
Someone else illustrated another valid point; what if a 14 y/o got dropped off there by his parnets? Now, say this kid somehow got hurt...unable to talk. Say he took a header into a tree. Now, what if he doesnt have ID? Ok, we go to the waivers. Hm...you would have to sift through lets say 30-40 waivers. Now, who is responsible for this childs health? He has to go to the hospital. Ok, he left a home phone #. You call that, Johnny's parents are out for the day. Now, you are stuck with this poor kid, going to a hospital, and his parents have no clue. Not only that...what are you gonna tell his parents when they show up at 4? Especially if he's been in the hospital since 10? See where I am going with this?
Granted, this may be an extreme case. But, sometimes it only takes one bad thing to close a field. A lot of town boards look for that one excuse to shutr it down. THAT is why I think ALL kids should have some sort of guardian there. The field isnt running a babysitting service.

11-02-2004, 01:37 AM
Some ofyou do see that I was really talking about the immature father. I know there are some really mature teens, hell I cheated of themin high school. J/K :D

The little brat of my story was the dad. He could not take the blame for his own faults and resulted to violence when he was confronted by the full brunt of reality. :nono: The child is not at total fault for his actions, he obvioulsy learned the behavior from his father.

11-02-2004, 01:42 AM
Dad can be sued though. The kid cant. Taking someones money away (legally ;) ) will hurt much more than a smack in the face. Besdies...you cant argue a fine. The winner of a fight is usually up for contention though...

11-02-2004, 05:43 AM
the real newbs are the ones who get angry when theyre shot, make fun of other peoples guns, cuss, etc. i think when you truly become an experienced player is when you get bunkered, and walk off the field trying to figure out where YOU messed up, and then tell the guy who bunkered you "nice shot". Its part of the game. No pain, no game. I get mad sometimes when im shot, but then i realize it is 100%my fault when im shot. i just dont like it when people talk big and have no game. so, if youget bunkered, dude, its totally your fault. you should have stopped him.

hrmmm, alot of newbies playing this sport professionally then :p :rofl:

11-02-2004, 02:54 PM
I have been doinked twice. Once as a player & once as a ref.

As a player I was playing indoor at the field I worked at for a couple years. I had the night off & was playing against a bunch of college kids that were a bit cocky. I ended up shooting one of them on the ear from about 12 feet away (220 fps field speed) . He got pissed & butt stroked me with his gun. He realized his error very quickly..... Sadly I was asked to leave the field that night.

The next was kind of sneaky...
As a ref I ran into a team that felt that they were not getting a fair shake in a tourny & decided to take it out on the refs. (They kept getting caught cheating) After the third game in they started shooting refs point blank on the break. I got shot from about 3 inches on my leg. First time we thought was an accident but after they did it to another ref we caught on & they were asked to leave. Me & the other guy have matching scars on our legs to this day.

We call those type Dads that get out of hand around here baseball dads.

11-02-2004, 04:05 PM
As a player I was playing indoor at the field I worked at for a couple years. I had the night off & was playing against a bunch of college kids that were a bit cocky. I ended up shooting one of them on the ear from about 12 feet away (220 fps field speed) . He got pissed & butt stroked me with his gun. He realized his error very quickly..... Sadly I was asked to leave the field that night.
wait, you were asked to leave the field because you shot someone legally in the game and he hit you with his gun? :confused:

11-02-2004, 11:12 PM
I'm guessing the situation escalated after getting buttstocked, and he simply didn't elaborate on that part...

11-03-2004, 12:12 AM
Wow thread has taken a lif of its own. Me like it. :headbang:

11-03-2004, 09:03 AM
The refs on the field grabbed me before I could do anything. I wanted to take it outside but he wouldnt go. With me being an employee the owner felt that it was best that I leave to defuse the situation. I got an apology a couple years later after I ran into the guy. Seems that he had anger management issues that finally caught up with him. He’s in a wheelchair after trying to run someone off the road.

11-03-2004, 04:45 PM
The refs on the field grabbed me before I could do anything. I wanted to take it outside but he wouldnt go. With me being an employee the owner felt that it was best that I leave to defuse the situation. I got an apology a couple years later after I ran into the guy. Seems that he had anger management issues that finally caught up with him. He’s in a wheelchair after trying to run someone off the road.

Ahh, finally, a happy ending.

11-03-2004, 07:58 PM
Karma is a bad mutha. It is cool that he did apologize to you. I live on a small island and it is retarded to hold a grudge for long because you meet up with that person very soon. I guess this can bee seen everywhere.