View Full Version : Idiotic use of markers and the fatality involved

11-01-2004, 05:59 PM
I heard this story last night on the evening news. It is sad IMMATURE individuals have put use an equipment meant for sport. The gist, several kids were driving around the neighborhood around 8pm shooting at cars and what not. A man saw this got in this car, chased them, rear-ended them, causing the kids' car to roll/flip throwing one of the passengers, killing him later in the evening.


11-01-2004, 06:02 PM
Yeah , pretty sad that the kids would do that.

But whats up with this guy. He thinks its ok to take a 1000+ lb vehicle and act like its a bumper car ? To stop kids from doing something stupid , but not permanently damaging ?

I hope they fry that dumb son of a gun.

11-01-2004, 06:11 PM
ya the kid should of not done that but the guy could of got the licenss plate and turned them in instead of going crazy

11-01-2004, 07:36 PM
wow... double idiocy :mad: any person that uses a paintball gun to shoot people while driving around town is an immature idiot, and not wearing a seatbelt only enforces that. and then a guy rams his car into another car, killing someone, because of washable paint on his car and maybe a few dents at the worst.

11-01-2004, 07:44 PM

11-01-2004, 07:45 PM
I'll go ahead and say the kids deserved it.

11-01-2004, 07:47 PM
Gas em all. I wonder if I can take the reciept back in and get my oxygen back :p

11-01-2004, 07:51 PM
no where in the article did it say the man rammed the kids on porpouse.
while i can say i am sad about the kid dieing. you take stupid risks like these and you pay.

it is as simple as that

11-01-2004, 07:55 PM
To stop kids from doing something stupid , but not permanently damaging ?

What the kids were doing could have been permanently damaging.. what if they hit someone in the eye :tard: . Not smart for the guy to take justice into his own hands he could have followed them till the cops showed up.

But anyway, stupid kids, stupid guy. People need to learn paintball guns are not toys. :(

11-01-2004, 07:59 PM
the kid should have been wearing a seat belt. article says kid wasn't

11-01-2004, 08:01 PM
I'll go ahead and say the kids deserved it.

That kid deserved to die because he was being immature , doing something that kids do?

You are a scary individual if you can justify that in your mind.

What the kids were doing could have been permanently damaging.. what if they hit someone in the eye

I am not saying it was smart. But shooting at cars and people are two different things. What if a piano fell out of the sky and hit them in the eye? What if is good for nothing.

11-01-2004, 08:12 PM
Well its not nice that the kid died but if you do something you must be prepared to take the consicences even if its not fair but when has life ever been

11-01-2004, 08:55 PM
the kids did not deserve that, yes they were doing something stupid but think about it....the kid died, hes not coming back tomorrow. hes dead. this is what happens when you take the law into your own hand. if the kids deserved anythign it was perhaps a fine, not death, your all acting as death is nothing, how would you feel if your mom was speeding, and someone descided to stop her, hit her with her car, and she died?

11-01-2004, 09:02 PM
I totally dont get you guys that say he got what he deserved...are your youths clean? Have you ever drivin with after a couple beers? or for that mater drank underaged? wheres the line? do j-walkers deserve to get hit and killed? Society decides that is a crime and a fair punishment for it, Not any individual. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone and all....

i cant believe you goons could be so harsh....

11-01-2004, 09:29 PM
I totally dont get you guys that say he got what he deserved...are your youths clean? Have you ever drivin with after a couple beers? or for that mater drank underaged? wheres the line? do j-walkers deserve to get hit and killed? Society decides that is a crime and a fair punishment for it, Not any individual. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone and all....

i cant believe you goons could be so harsh....

couldn't agree with you more man.

11-01-2004, 09:45 PM
Ok, all of us agree the kids shouldn't have been doing that. Most agree that the guy shouldnt have taken the actions he did. But keep in mind, yesterday was Halloween, having a large number of children, infants, and adults walking around. No one really knows if the guy did it on purchase, or the kid pointed the marker at the guy, the presumption the kid was in the back of the suburban shooting from the rear window.

We have the opportunity to view this in hindsite but in all reality the man made a decision that has tarnished his life.

Ask yourself this....if you were put in the same situation as that man, would you do what he did? Could you live with yourself knowing you took a teen's life?

Not to be harsh on anyone here with their answers...my thoughts sway back and forth with this issue. I dont know either or saw this issue, it was something to think about.

11-01-2004, 09:56 PM
I totally dont get you guys that say he got what he deserved...

Do you "deserve" to get away with it? It's not about fairness, or giving the dink a break, or whether he "deserved it".

They were however at fault and responsible for their actions. Ultimately, fate held them accountable for their actions.

While I hate to see such a useless waste of life for such a pathetic exercise, I have a hard time feeling particularily sorry for anyone involved.

Is that "harsh"? No. It's reality. Reality has the nasty habit of biting your head off when you least expect it. Life is all about earning the right lessons before something truly monumental goes wrong. Unfortunately, in this case, neither the car load of buffoons with the paintball markers not the testosterone pumped nimrod pursuing them had figured it out yet.

11-01-2004, 09:58 PM
The kids went out looking for an incident. They found one and it got the better of them.

11-02-2004, 12:00 AM
It just goes to show that if you go screwing around you end up getting ****ed! :(

11-02-2004, 12:18 AM
I'll go ahead and say the kids deserved it.
I concur

The kids went out looking for an incident. They found one and it got the better of them.
Couldn't of said it better myself

11-02-2004, 01:30 AM
What is shooting cars with a paintball gun? At the most a misdemeanor.

The guy murdered one of the kids, he is a felon and he is going to jail or going to fry for being a vigilante dumb ****.

And for all your people that think the kids deserved, just look back at your teenage years, I am sure you did crap that was just as bad. I had some kids through apples into my convertable and sprayed **** all over the place, I knew who it was, so did I grab my mak-90 and shoot them or run them over? No, I told them to clean the crap up, the next day when they were back in their apartment.

11-02-2004, 02:15 AM
shooting at cars may be a misdemeanor, however, the article states that they shot at people too.

in the realm of law enforcement, pball markers are guns. therefore they must be treated as such in vehicles etc. now from what i know of texas law, firearms can be in the open of a car in texas, however cannot be loaded(and minors probably cant have them in cars either). obviously, if they were firing on people, then they were breaking this law. firing on unknowing people should be an assault charge at least.

What is shooting cars with a paintball gun? At the most a misdemeanor.

The guy murdered one of the kids, he is a felon and he is going to jail or going to fry for being a vigilante dumb ****.

And for all your people that think the kids deserved, just look back at your teenage years, I am sure you did crap that was just as bad. I had some kids through apples into my convertable and sprayed **** all over the place, I knew who it was, so did I grab my mak-90 and shoot them or run them over? No, I told them to clean the crap up, the next day when they were back in their apartment.

im sorry but throwing apples at a car, and firing projectiles at 300fps at people without proper protection are very different things. throwing apples may cause property damage, but paintballs can kill, or seriously injure someone.

did that kid deserve to die? no, but the article doesnt even tell what exactly happend. who knows the kid driving couldve brake checked the older guy causeing the collision.

Is that "harsh"? No. It's reality. Reality has the nasty habit of biting your head off when you least expect it. Life is all about earning the right lessons before something truly monumental goes wrong. Unfortunately, in this case, neither the car load of buffoons with the paintball markers not the testosterone pumped nimrod pursuing them had figured it out yet.


11-02-2004, 04:02 AM
Too bad the media bends the truth ... Like ^^^ said - it's hard to know what really happened or wether or not they were shooting at people. Or wether the guy was drunk... or if the kids caused the accident... I just find it unfortunate that all of this revovled around paintball and some parent may possibly deny their child the opportunity to play this great sport over such a thing. I hope the kids who did survive learn a lesson from this. Maybe 10 years from now they won't be doing the same thing agian, except with real firearms.

Such a senseless waste of lives saddens me.

11-02-2004, 04:17 AM
Some of the people that made really ignorant posts on here are just going to have to waite till they have a personal experience that changes their mind on the value of other people's life that they don't know.

11-02-2004, 06:49 AM
Death is the next greatest adventure

11-02-2004, 07:24 AM
Kid got what he deserved - it may not have been what he expected, but that was his own lack of forsight. I think the guy who rammed them may have been overboard - but he likely didn't intend to kill anyone either.

Maybe if the stupid kid had his seatbelt on he wouldn't have been ejected - wait, you can't wear a seatbelt and hang out of the car window shooting people - well I guess the kid was doubly at fault...

Sorry to harsh - but Darwin's laws cover this one...


11-02-2004, 10:55 AM
shooting at cars may be a misdemeanor, however, the article states that they shot at people too.

in the realm of law enforcement, pball markers are guns. therefore they must be treated as such in vehicles etc. now from what i know of texas law, firearms can be in the open of a car in texas, however cannot be loaded(and minors probably cant have them in cars either). obviously, if they were firing on people, then they were breaking this law. firing on unknowing people should be an assault charge at least.

im sorry but throwing apples at a car, and firing projectiles at 300fps at people without proper protection are very different things. throwing apples may cause property damage, but paintballs can kill, or seriously injure someone.

did that kid deserve to die? no, but the article doesnt even tell what exactly happend. who knows the kid driving couldve brake checked the older guy causeing the collision.


to comment about the apples, if your driving along and someone throws an apple in your window, im pretty sure it would kill you a little quicker than a small nickel sized gelatin paint filled ball

Kaiser Bob
11-02-2004, 11:19 AM
That day a kid got run over by some drunk guy driving a truck and 2 guys who were helping their kids go trick or treating jumped in their cars and gave chase to get the guy off the road and call the cops. Thats probably what this guy was trying to do with the kids, but got into a wreck instead. As far as idiotic use of markers goes, it depends. If a kid just picked up something from walmart and did this, I would attribute it to underage irresponsibility and wouldent say they deserve what they got if they got killed. However, a paintballer knows what damage their markers are capable of and all the safety precautions required to play, so if a paintballer decides to go out and shoot unprotected innocents, then the Darwin rule applies to whatever consequences fall on them.

11-02-2004, 11:32 AM
What is shooting cars with a paintball gun? At the most a misdemeanor.


Fleeing the scene and driving at speeds capable of flipping a vehicle is a criminal offense. Is it not?

Those kids endangered the public when they decided to flee at dangerous speeds. I'm more thankful that nobody else got hurt than I am saddened that the kid was killed or enraged that the idiot who pursued them took the law into his own hands.

11-02-2004, 03:23 PM
All you losers who think that kid deserves what he got think about all the stupid things you did when you were a kid. You are still alive aren't you. Write all those stupid things down and give me your address. I have a 9mm and some justice to serve.

11-02-2004, 04:06 PM
All you losers who think that kid deserves what he got think about all the stupid things you did when you were a kid. You are still alive aren't you. Write all those stupid things down and give me your address. I have a 9mm and some justice to serve.

Nature doesn't serve justice. Nature and life simply deal out action/reaction and probability. Rich people don't "deserve" to win the lotto, while poor people certainly do. But you roll the dice, you suffer the consequences, it is completely random.

The kids rolled the dice twice. First, risking seriously pissing someone or the authorities off by shooting from a moving vehicle. Second, by attempting to get away. Bbut from the report it's not clear if the other twit pursued them or was driving at the time and just reacted to being shot at. Both times they came up snake eyes.

The kid didn't "deserve" to die, but I'm not sure he "derserves" our pity either.

11-02-2004, 04:16 PM
The use of the marker in this situation is idiotic. Yes, true paintballers know better, that is a given. I had posted this subject in another forum which were more along the lines of the people involved in the incident. The first 2 posts were had comments of

'yeah i thought of using my paintball marker this halloween, and i know all of you did too'

Yes, it was a thought, but what would have taken him/her to actually do it, another friend encouraging it? Can we not say peer pressure in our teenage years played a part in our development? Given the situation with the accident it was 4 teenagers, driver 19, fatality 16, other 2 im unsure, but assumption is in the same age group.

I know not all teens have this mentality, but feeling of being invincible is getting ridiculous. Take for instance pbnation.

In my opinion, both parties are at fault, it looks like the man who was chasing them is without a doubt at fault for what he did. Given he was shot at and not knowing what he was being shot at he became enraged. Anger does weird things to a human psyche.

Now, people keep on mentioning retail stores, well, keep in mind, some of us bought our first markers from a retail chain. Does that not make us any better?

Were the markers an impulse buy to do what they did?
Do the stores need to regulate who they sell to?
Does the industry need to be more strict?
Does the govt need to get involved on how to 'regulate' the sale of markers?

If there are regulation, we know that will just hurt the GROWTH of our hobby. I know AGD requires an 'adult' of at least the age of 18 to receive their marker as well as Palmer. Given these builders are of mail order and would only be known if research was done. What are we to do with mass produced markers, ie. BE, JT's, Tippmann's, etc.

Just some thoughts...hope ya'll dont mind my rambling.

11-02-2004, 11:25 PM
Just a little FYI. In at least some states (maybe all) shooting paintballs at a car or house is a felony. Its actually treated with all of the seriousness of a firearm.

11-03-2004, 01:44 AM
I heard this story last night on the evening news. It is sad IMMATURE individuals have put use an equipment meant for sport. The gist, several kids were driving around the neighborhood around 8pm shooting at cars and what not. A man saw this got in this car, chased them, rear-ended them, causing the kids' car to roll/flip throwing one of the passengers, killing him later in the evening.


Wow, i live here and i didnt hear about that. that is definitely the suck.

But see the statement that immature people using equipment meant for sports and such. Think about all the people that get beatan to death by bats etc etc :)

11-03-2004, 03:19 AM
you see this is why kids need fast cars!!! now if those kids where in a wrx hitting 11s home boy in the truck wouldnt have kept up and the fatal wreck wouldnt have occurred!! seriously though the kids deserved to be injured i know if someone shot my truck with its nice paint job i would be fighting them.. hands down i fought my cousin for hitting my car with a paintball that he threw by hand! its respect for property i would have preferred the kid had survived with massive injuries but he died oh well.. as for the other dude if he tried to ram them then he should be convicted of manslaughter. if the wreck was accidental then let him go with a hefty fine and some community service. god knows the family is going to hit him with a wrongful death lawsuit anyway! i wish i could feel pitty for these kids but i dont the people that deserve my pitty was my friend who died when he rolled his truck rushing to help a friend that was stuck in the desert!!!!

11-03-2004, 05:49 PM
I blame this on the guy that hit them... sereously... i am 16 and ive done some stupid stuff, but their is no way I would deserve to die from what i did. I know that paintball guns are at a diffrent level, and that it could put out an eye... but still, they did not put out any eyes. Their had to of been somthing wrong with that man that ran after them. I know that some parents would go after the kids.. and if he was going after them and they were kids they probually gave him a brake check... and that might of made the wreck. But who knows... the article could of been more in-depth about the status of the kids and why the man ran after them.

Kaiser Bob
11-03-2004, 06:06 PM
Its pretty stupid to brake check a guy chasing you because of some dumbass thing you did to them. The others are lucky they didnt get shot up instead, this is Texas after all.

11-04-2004, 01:46 AM
I have just one thing to say " What if it was your kid? " now shut up

11-04-2004, 05:51 AM
Wow,,, its nice to see soo many people have such a blatent disreguard for life nowadays. Has society turned to poop that much that people think people deserve to DIE because of misuse with an airgun?!?! I could swear most of you are acting like the poor kid had gone on a murderous rampage across the city!
I think alot of you need to take a long look in the mirror. A family has lost a son and alot of you are more worried about what it may cause to the image of paintball! I dare you all who think he some how deserved to lose his life to say that to his parents and see wether they agree with you!

Dirty Dakota
11-04-2004, 09:13 AM
Holy Moly Lostrock,

I have just one thing to say " What if it was your kid? " now shut up

I wish it had been said before. If you think that the kid deserved it; you probably don't have kids or are trying to instigate. If you do have kids, please find another country to live in because you don't deserve the America. If you are trying to instigate you have done well young Jedi.

ANYWAY...the reality is that the kid is dead, because of the stupid action of another. Unless that kid was risking someone elses life he didn't come close to deserving it.


11-04-2004, 09:30 AM

11-04-2004, 11:43 AM
i am 16 and ive done some stupid stuff, but their is no way I would deserve to die from what i did.

You guys just don't get it do you?

If you do something stupid, and it results in your death, and the death would have been entirely preventable by exercising your own responsibility, it has nothing to do with DESERVING to die.

It's just responsibility and the realities of life. Action/reaction.

And I have a kid. If he died in something like this I would be very upset. Upset that he could do something so dissappointing and mad that I hadn't raised him to be more respectful of others and more responsible.

11-04-2004, 12:35 PM
Hello, first off I want to say thatI have read the post above. I am disapointed with soem of the responses and very nervous to read others. I would like to say something that I feel is very important. I am a retired Firefighter/Medic from the Chicago land area. I used to work in the Robert Taylor homes area and the Cabrenee Green area along with most of the East side and South Side. So I do have some knowledge of the stupid things people do to each other.

The first time I seen someone do something stupid to some one was when my cousin was shot in the head with a pellet gun. He died in my arm on the way to the hospital, I was 12. He was shot by his brother. I onloy say this to show that accidents do happen. However: When you take the CROWN of Stupidity on put it proudly onto your head and do something like drive around and shoot out the window of a moving vehicle, you can expect that people will react in a way they normally would not. Case in point. A person in a town near me over the summer was arrested and jailed for shooting a kid. It was the same thing there was some kids doing drive bys with markers. They shot at him and his family striking him and his children. (note the kids were toddlers and a Baby. They were using RED fill. Now this man thought that his children were just killed, he was in shock, seeing what appeared to be blood and seeing one of his children unconcious frombeing hit in the head, (the baby). So he grabed his pistol, and fired back. He struck the driver and a passenger. The kids were 16 and 15 year olds. Should he have fired? Should he have just called the police? I for onr do have small children. And I would do all that I had to do to protect them in any situation. How many times have we read about kids killing people, I seen it every day in Chicago, it is sad but as long as people wear that Crown, things like this will happen. Markers are not TOYS, they can cause very permanent injury or death if misused. And if they are used like this then they are deserving of what happens to them. Ask yourself this what if they were shooting with Tec-9's or some other firearms would it have made a difference.

Thanks and soory for the long post.

11-04-2004, 04:01 PM
I have just one thing to say " What if it was your kid? " now shut up
Bogus appeal to emotion. Come back with an argument.

As Slarty and Medic said, these kids instigated the series of events that led to the death of one of their friends. They caused this to happen.

Doing what they were doing, they were bound to run into somebody who would not stand idly by and wait for an impact.

11-04-2004, 06:15 PM
I'll go ahead and say the kids deserved it.
I have to agree. Of course the kids will be sure to be labled "victims". too bad someone had to die though. But If I was on the town and some kid thought he would be funny and point a marker, bb gun or an air soft gun at me, my family or my property - he WILL get a beat down. IF the guy was just chasing them and got brake checked - then yes,
100% the kids fault. If the guy ramed them - well thats going too far and should be on his way to jail ---- along with the surviving punks. :cuss:

11-04-2004, 10:03 PM
IM glad he chased them down, but he went way to far by hitting them. Should of just gotten their plates and called the cops.

11-04-2004, 10:10 PM
I'll go ahead and say the kids deserved it.

i will go ahead and agree with you, even if you are kidding.

hate to say it, but, they got what they had coming to them. end result is a little tragic, however, they must have realized that their actions wouldnt go consequence free. that, and there are this type of loonies (the ones who chase you down in vehicles) out there that do this. im sure the guy who hit them is in a boatload of trouble.. eh.

All you losers who think that kid deserves what he got think about all the stupid things you did when you were a kid. You are still alive aren't you. Write all those stupid things down and give me your address. I have a 9mm and some justice to serve.

the kid got what was coming to him. i suppose the rest of them are lucky, for 1, wearing their seatbelt, or 2, the guy didnt pull out a gun instead of give chase. maybe at the age of 19, the driver would have had a little more common sense to know that this was a bad idea. he had to have known there would be consequences to the actions. I doubt he thought it all the way through to this.. I gurantee you, he will be regretting driving that car the rest of his life, having been responsible for the death of his younger brother. i mean for christs sakes.. the kid was 3 years older than his brother. should have set more of an example.. now, cant set any example for him.

I have just one thing to say " What if it was your kid? " now shut up

i would have raised mine to know better. flawed arguement, based loosely on the fact that if it was my 19 and 16 year old boys, the 19 year old would be joining the 16 year old. that outta teach him to eff around with my kids.

11-04-2004, 10:31 PM

Fleeing the scene and driving at speeds capable of flipping a vehicle is a criminal offense. Is it not?

Those kids endangered the public when they decided to flee at dangerous speeds. I'm more thankful that nobody else got hurt than I am saddened that the kid was killed or enraged that the idiot who pursued them took the law into his own hands.
It didn't say that they fled at dangerous speeds. Surburbans are very top heavy and if they were to say, go into a ditch at a normal speed could easily roll. I think it is going a bit far to say that they deserved to die for shooting cars and people with paintballs.

Beaver, I have had my plates written down. Since there was no police officer at the scene (I assume) they can do nothing except say "Ok sir, we will look into it..." because there is no proof. I could be wrong though since paintball guns were involved and there would be proof they were shooting (welts and broken paint)

11-04-2004, 10:42 PM
no one deserves to be shot by a paint marker by some kids "joyriding"... no one has the right to use a vehicle as a weapon and most of all... NO ONE DESERVES death in such a circumstance.

This "should have been wearing a seatbelt" or "had it coming", etc = bull****

there is no place for any of it in a civilized society. it's idiot kids that make it hard on the responsible marker owners and it's road raged morons that makes it harder on you and I to get insurance and end up getting people killed.

That was someones child - period. They could matured and become a gene scientist, the guy that finds a cure for whatever... could have been a complete **** up, whatever, but no one deserves death in an incident such as that.

11-04-2004, 10:45 PM
and to think it happened in my own town.

i think that the kids did not deserve to die, but they deserved to be hurt. this is coming from me, the guy who says dont touch me to the kids at school, and the hardly poke me, and i punch them in the face and scream at them if you ever do that again ill beat the living )(# out of them. (hence the little thing beneath my name: dont poke me!)

anyway, i hate this, and im glad because even my advisor in school who is a mom and a teacher recognizes that paintball is a sport, and we talked about it alot cuz it happened to close to us. even the girls who occasionally go paintballing were mad bcuz then there parents wouldnt let them maybe.

see in texas, everyone loves paintball.

i would have just got the license plate, called the cops. plus..umm has that guy never heard of car insurance? he could qipe the paint off and have the garage do the suction thing to get the minor dents out. and i thought that i had anger problems.