View Full Version : Help me out

11-01-2004, 07:32 PM
Ok, found a deal on a DM4 that seems almost to good to be true, but im concerned that it really is. The guy is in the UK, adn wants a western union money transfer. Which i know has been used to scam paintballers in the past. But, even if i convince him to use another payment method, how can i make this transaction secure.

note- this guy has 140 ebay feedbacks, 100% posotive, but, all of them (that i saw) were for enexpensive non-paintball related items.

its hard to pass up such a great deal, but, it may not be a great deal if i never get the marker

11-01-2004, 07:35 PM
Ask him to use a third party service. If he declines, dont buy it off of him.

11-01-2004, 07:39 PM
just got this email- Look what I can do for you:
For payment I agree WesternUnion
- you will make the transfer to my location but not to my name (you
will use your best friends name for example as receiver's name) so you
can be sure that I will not pick up the money until you get the
item;You will send the money to your friend but at my address,
so you make a deposit at Western Union and you will give me the
check that the deposit was made. After I verify it I will send you the
item immediately.
- only after you will receive the item and check it if its OK you
will have to change the receiver's name of the transfer to my name so I
collect my money.

So until you will have the item in your hands the money will be
deposited on your best friend's name at Western Union Agency.

I think it is better to not inform Western Union that you will
change the receivers name in a few days because it is possible they ask
you to pay the fees twice (fees that are quite big for such an amount),
Also when you go to an Western Union office to make the transfer,
please don't tell there the reason for you send the money because here
in this country I must pay some additional taxes when I receive the
Please say you send the money to your friends or to your partner.

11-01-2004, 07:55 PM
use the escrow.com service.. its basically 1% of the purchase price I think.. (havent used it in awhile) It will make sure you both get your money. For being in the UK this sounds way too risky.. you have 100% no recourse if he skips with your money or uses a fake ID etc to pick up the cash.

In my local area the western union offices are in grocery stores and the like.. ran by minimum wage morons.. Im sure its like that over there. They arent going to know how to spot a fake ID and/or arent going to be expecting it.. Dont risk it !

11-01-2004, 08:19 PM
Like i say if it sounds like its to good to be true then it probaly is.

11-01-2004, 08:34 PM
id suggest asking to use http://www.palmer-pursuit.com/ as a third party, or anyother reliable source, then whatever payment method you want

11-01-2004, 08:41 PM
Like i say if it sounds like its to good to be true then it probaly is.

but ill kick myself if i find out its legit

11-01-2004, 08:46 PM
But you'll also kick yourself if you find out it's not.

11-01-2004, 10:05 PM
It is so easy to get/make a fake ID.

I agree with the above. Sounds too good , it probably is. If he is legit he will use 3rd party , esp if you offer to cover the cost. It would be worth it to lay out the extra $ and be protected.

11-01-2004, 10:08 PM
if you decline, how will you find out if it was legit or not? you could decline it and sleep easy tonight ;)

11-01-2004, 11:03 PM
trying to negotiate 3rd party, if not, oh well, ill get an isis whenever they come out