View Full Version : Bike No More(Motorcycle)

11-02-2004, 07:41 AM
Last night my motorcycle was probably totaled.

Was driving back from out of town at about 9pm going through downtown when a guy in the lane ahead of me, heading towards me started to pull out in front of me. When he did i pulled over to the side to avoid him and slowed down to about 25. Then when i was about 10ft away this guy started turning again and i had no distance to avoid him the way he was driving.

So i had two choices, either lose my leg and get it crushed or ram his front bumper as best i could, glance off it with the bike and take a fall. I chose the fall. My bike hit his drivers side front bumper, bike stopped and i went flying 25-30ft in the air flipping, i got myself into a tumble as best i could and when i landed 25-30 ft away my helmet barely scrapped the ground and i landed dead on my back with my backpack on. Dislocated my shoulder somehow either in the flight or on the landing but i sat up and poped it back in. Still hurts alittle, going to see the doctor today about it.

The thing that eirks me is the guy had to have seen me, he says he didn't, but he hesitated before he turned which makes me believe he saw me. This is a very lit up street and my headlight is the brighest you can buy. The witness in the van behind him saw me and saw what happened.
But let this be a lession, i was driving slower than i had to, pulled off to avoid the first pull over by this guy and still got in a wreck, so sometimes even good precautions aren't good enough.

11-02-2004, 09:24 AM
that sucks hard dude....

re: the shoulder dislocation make sure to follow doctor's orders. A good ortho will tell you to keep your arm in a sling for 3 weeks...thats key as is the physical therapy...trust the kid who has had 3 shoulder surgeries....

11-02-2004, 09:26 AM
Is the bike insured? And did you do the whole police thing?

As for the shoulder, def. go to the doctor. Chances are, it didn't reset correctly. That=bad.

11-02-2004, 11:06 AM
I am assuming you got a police report and it finds him at fault? I hope so.... and hope he has insurance.

Get well soon.

11-02-2004, 12:46 PM
UGH! Bike accidents can bite a big one! I'm glad you're alright but definitely get checked up.

I know a few new riders here at work got their CHP certifications/license. Both bought brand new bikes...one of them even got a Ducati as his first bike! I used to ride a motorcycle long ago and know that any new rider will bail it...and when they asked why I was so shocked at their purchases, I told them that if I had the choice of buying a first bike new or used, I said used.

Well, sure enough, maybe a month after that conversation, both of them bailed their bikes...UGH! It's great that the only thing that was hurt was their pride but it's definitely an expensive lesson to learn.

From the sound of your accident, you did all the right things except the other person did all the wrong things too. :( I know any time I'm driving my car and see a motorcyclist, I always make sure I make room for them.

Get better dude!

11-02-2004, 01:01 PM
Police report won't be ready for 2 business days. Shoulder is doing.......okay, well as okay as a recovering dislocated shoulder can be. Going to see the doc here in an hour and see what he says.

Police were most definately called and witness statements were taken. The witness said that it was the guys fault totally. At the scene the investigating officer said she wouldn't tell whos at fault until the full report was done in 2 days. (She hadn't interviewed the witness yet). But when i asked if i was getting a ticket she said i was free to go home and wouldn't elaborate. I'm glad that i came out of this as well as i did considering what could've happened.

I Appriciate all the thoughts.

11-02-2004, 04:55 PM
Well i am really glad that you got out of this ok. Are u gonna keep riding bikes, casue i know when some people get in motor cycle wreks they get kinda shaken up and avoid riding for a while. I am only 17 so i have never learned how to ride one, but i would love to learn some time in the future.

11-02-2004, 05:22 PM
Of course, no wreck is going to stop me from riding bikes. When we got the bike back to the shop i actually hopped on it and rode it around the parking lot to make sure it still ran, it did but forks are bent.

11-02-2004, 09:49 PM
Glad to hear your ok and hope that your shoulder gets better.

11-02-2004, 10:11 PM
Wow sucks man, I'm glad you're okay (bikes can be replaced). I almost t-boned an SUV the other day. this time of year most guys put there bikes up for the season so people get stupid again and stop looking for them so the other day when it was nice I was out with a few of the other nuts who don't mind cold. This old lady (another reason I hate old people) in the other lane decides to turn but decides not to see me, there was maybe less than 75 ft. between me and her and I and I was going about 60, nothing I hate more than having to go for a handfull of brake in a hurry. by the time I knew I was clear I could have kicked the back of her car and she just pulled into her spot with a stupid look on her face. :mad:

Sorry to jack you thread but I too had to vent

11-03-2004, 12:42 AM
Not hijacking my thread, i understand your pain about the old people. The guy who hit me was an older man, and a friend of mine had to slide his bike because of an old woman who didn't see him. Not to mention mine and his multiple close calls with older drivers.

On another note.
Decided on probably getting a cruiser as my next bike. Torn between a Shadow, Marauder, or a V Star and a Shadow Spirt VT750. Any input on any of these bikes?

11-03-2004, 10:21 AM
I traded my fzr1000 in for a Shadow 1100 aero and I love it, much more comfy than a sport bike, the only thing I'd trade it up for would be a VTX1800 or a V-star (the aftermarket for v-stars is compmrable to an autococker, lol) good luck man

From this to that

11-03-2004, 11:44 AM
glad to hear your ok man

11-03-2004, 06:26 PM
Awesome, they gave him a ticket for Unsafe moving violation. Going to call his insurance company tomorrow and arrange a time for them to come see the bike, I'll take pictures and post em up here when i get them. Looks like things maybe looking up.

11-03-2004, 08:42 PM
glad to hear he didnt get away with anything. its guys like him that make moms not let there kids get motorcycles :mad: :cry:

hope everything flows smooth and you get an awesome replacement :headbang: