View Full Version : wheres the best place to buy paintball bunkers

11-03-2004, 07:28 PM
like the tital i need to know a good place to buy paintball bunkers from online i want to buy the tial the dranage tial to make a huge 7 man course for my team can someone tell me a site i can look at for pricees.this would help me out a ton cuz my team is all newbs to tourneys and wee need the practice lol.

11-03-2004, 07:42 PM

11-03-2004, 07:48 PM
like the tital i need to know a good place to buy paintball bunkers from online i want to buy the tial the dranage tial to make a huge 7 man course for my team can someone tell me a site i can look at for pricees.this would help me out a ton cuz my team is all newbs to tourneys and wee need the practice lol.


As the title says, I am intersted in a reputable wholesaler / retailer of paintball-grade bunkers, website preffered. I want to buy the ... drainage ... to make a large 7-Man course for private use among my teammates. I would apreciate it if someone could post a website showing prices and examples, this is would be beneficial to our team as we are inexperienced, and are "tourney virgin's".

11-03-2004, 07:50 PM
Quick Robin get me the internet english to english translator. da da

uhhh good luck in trying to make that huge field. I know it cost my team about 5k to get a good seven man set up and it did not even come with a snake.

11-03-2004, 07:50 PM
Quick Robin get me the internet english to english translator. da da

uhhh good luck in trying to make that huge field. I know it cost my team about 5k to get a good seven man set up and it did not even come with a snake.

My name isn't Robin. :nono:

11-03-2004, 08:07 PM
ebay u can get a good set of sub air for 1k but i cant put all that crap on paypal lol

11-03-2004, 08:08 PM
Having trouble understanding your last post.. Ebay doesn't require you to use PayPal.. and secondly, if you already know of prices and a place to buy (eBay), why bother asking?

11-03-2004, 09:59 PM
i was asking bcuz i wanted to c if anyone new the prices of the tial or where i could find some i new ebay had sub air for bout 1.5k so im looking fr tial so i dont have to mess with the air going flat.

11-04-2004, 02:04 AM
OK PLEASE type legibly. And what the crap is tial? And where does drainage fit in :confused:

11-05-2004, 11:15 AM
you know....the tial.....as in

"he's in the tial!!! Mug him"

11-05-2004, 11:38 AM
i was asking bcuz i wanted to c if anyone new the prices of the tial or where i could find some i new ebay had sub air for bout 1.5k so im looking fr tial so i dont have to mess with the air going flat.

Are people really that slow and pathetic on a keyboard that you can't type a few extra letters and appear as if you're actually educated?

Fine, there might be an excuse in chat when speed is of the essence. But, in other, non-instantaneous, communication not bothering to to properly type is just laziness.

If you're too lazy to communicate properly, why should we put in the effort to help?

11-05-2004, 03:23 PM
you know....the tial.....as in

"he's in the tial!!! Mug him"

Is that anything like a dorito? :confused:

11-05-2004, 04:34 PM
that is poor english....

i see.......................

anyway, i see a bunch go off ebay for like 90 bucks a piece. at 180 for 2, it might be worthwhile for snapping (depending on your value of "worthwhile")

i think 7 man fields go for 2 grand...

take that extra minute to look at what your typing... some just wont take you seriously.

11-05-2004, 04:49 PM
wtf is tial.. do you mean the corrugated PVC stuff?

11-05-2004, 05:03 PM
This guys definetly from Europe. They dont call bunkering "mugging" here.

11-05-2004, 06:01 PM
yes i mean like pcv stuff and i would have typed better aboive but i was leaveing the state for 2 days.i want to make it out of pcv and i dont know any sites where i can find it?

11-06-2004, 07:34 PM


11-06-2004, 09:11 PM
you know....

by saying "screw AO" and you, yourself being part of AO....

your really saying "i screw myself" :D

Head knight of Ni
11-06-2004, 10:26 PM
you know....

by saying "screw AO" and you, yourself being part of AO....

your really saying "i screw myself" :D

Is he wrong? I doubt it. In fact I bet he enjoys it. :dance:

11-06-2004, 10:34 PM

11-07-2004, 12:30 AM
you know....

by saying "screw AO" and you, yourself being part of AO....

your really saying "i screw myself" :D

I forgot that was still my sig, I should change it back to my old sig considering it didn't break any sig rules but was changed by the moderators. :mad:

11-07-2004, 12:30 AM

aww dam, the site must be down! ;)

matwizard- i woold tri to fynd some EbAAY deals also lol cuz u r nuewbeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ant yu pribly wuldnt hvae mucht cazh lol fer thoz tials lol. oyu defnatleiy catn play lol withtou those tials lol. god louck bildeng ur HUGE 7 man cuorse lol.

11-07-2004, 03:48 AM
im assuming you want the large black drainage pipes, aka hyperball tubing. Btw its SUP air.

Go to local work sites, and ask if they have any spair that they would be willing to let go for cheep, if not, ask them where you might be able to purchase some. you arent going to be ordering giant plastic tubes of the internet for any thing cheep, i can garauntee you that.

BTW i dont know where the poster is from, but bolter is from england, hence the term mugging

11-07-2004, 01:56 PM
thanks for all the help ppl!i found a ton of stuff.what r some other good idea of makeing a feild out of I know there 55gal. barrels kinda $.then theres the drainage tial bout the same as the barrels.is there anything else that is around that price that i dont know of?because money isnt relly a problem but i dont want to have to keep the sup air blown up so i like stuff that is easy to maintain.i can spend like 500-1000$ on the course.

11-07-2004, 02:56 PM
I'm still not sure what a "tial" is. Is it the big black lumpy looking stuff, or is it more like a hyperball stuff?

11-07-2004, 03:38 PM
yes its the black lunby looking stuff i keep spelling the word wrong im looking for pvc pipe or tile i have know clu what they call it but i dont know where i could find someprices for it online so i know where to go looking and not get ripped off bad.yes its the tile(pipes or whatever u call them) on a hyperball feild.