View Full Version : need some help in speech

11-03-2004, 10:02 PM
ok. we need to write a speech on a contemporary issue - i chose teenage drinking

i need some good information - in a "comtemporary issue form"
it's kinda hard to explain, but it can't be an essay where i give an opinion.

if anyone knows what i'm talking about, help me

i need some good information about that contemporary issue

i need some statistics as well. i don't want 3 pages of stats and nothing else

and don't tell me to go search google - i already have.

i'm not asking you to do my homework; just need some help. i'm getting a bit frustrated

11-04-2004, 01:00 AM
Your subject of "teenage drinking" is too vague. What about it? Are you going to focus on alcoholism, factors that contribute to underage drinking, effects of it, treatment programs, give recipes, zero tolerance laws and other legal ramifications, is there such a thing is a "gateway drug"?

Once you narrow down your topic, you can search old issues of Time, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Psychological Association for TONS of reporting and research that has been done. I know you said you searched Google, but make sure you search it for substance abuse, alcoholism, addiction, and addictive behaviors (when and then pair up each term with teenage and underage). Also, you can do a new Google search once you have narrowed down your speech.

Remember that for a speech like this, you need to present facts and/or both sides of an issue. Try not to use words that are judgemental or have any type of connotation. You want to "nice it up". Make sure that when you state numbers, you cite the source. For example, instead of saying "X% of teenagers who use alcohol go on to abuse other drugs like marijuana, heroin, and cocaine", you should say, "According to the American Psychological Association, X% of teenagers who use alcohol go on to abuse other drugs like marijuana, heroin, and cocaine."

There are SO many ways you can take your topic. How long does it have to be?

11-04-2004, 11:05 AM
Your subject of "teenage drinking" is too vague. What about it? Are you going to focus on alcoholism, factors that contribute to underage drinking, effects of it, treatment programs, give recipes, zero tolerance laws and other legal ramifications, is there such a thing is a "gateway drug"?

Once you narrow down your topic, you can search old issues of Time, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Psychological Association for TONS of reporting and research that has been done. I know you said you searched Google, but make sure you search it for substance abuse, alcoholism, addiction, and addictive behaviors (when and then pair up each term with teenage and underage). Also, you can do a new Google search once you have narrowed down your speech.

Remember that for a speech like this, you need to present facts and/or both sides of an issue. Try not to use words that are judgemental or have any type of connotation. You want to "nice it up". Make sure that when you state numbers, you cite the source. For example, instead of saying "X% of teenagers who use alcohol go on to abuse other drugs like marijuana, heroin, and cocaine", you should say, "According to the American Psychological Association, X% of teenagers who use alcohol go on to abuse other drugs like marijuana, heroin, and cocaine."

There are SO many ways you can take your topic. How long does it have to be?

thanks for that

i was mainly going to focus on alcoholism, maybe drinking and driving. i think i'll put some treatment programs in there as well.

and yes, i've already got my resources cited and stats giving credit to such and such.

it has to be 4.5 minutes and up

thanks - that helped a lot