View Full Version : My friends thoughts on tippmann

11-04-2004, 03:26 PM
ok two of my friends and my brother both think that tippmanns are the best guns you can get for tournement paintball or any type. they think they are the most reliable guns out there and they would smoke every one even a timmy. or even a automag!!!!!!! they say that they can smoke anyone with the tippmanns that we rent out at our field. if you think different which i do i could beat all 3 by myself but they don't think any one else can. so if you do think different reply on this thread.


11-04-2004, 03:39 PM
a) speak english...your thread had some of the worst grammar I have ever seen...

b) this looks like a thread that is trolling for negative opinions...thanks but no thanks.

11-04-2004, 03:39 PM
i dont know what else to say other than :wow::tard:

tippmans are durable guns but the way they are configured they are a VERY poor speedball gun and without major ups youl be left in the bps dust

let them think what they want until they are placing in cup il take it that these are calims from an obnoxious 12 year old who cant afford a timmy and is just jealous.

btw mags are tippmans big brother ;)

--edit DARN lord beat me :(

11-04-2004, 03:42 PM
It sounds like your friends are right. Basically, they are saying that its not the marker and that it is the player. They probably could beat you with rental tippmanns, because they actually PLAY THE GAME instead of gloating about how good their gun is or how fast you can walk the trigger.

The fact of the matter is model 98's can smoke angels, timmys, cockers and the like. I have done it numerous times with my old model 98. The 98 never broke down, and its not as fickle as mags or other high end guns. Someday, when you're older, you'll figure out that it is not the gun, it's the player. Until then, don't try to start arguments in a forum.

11-04-2004, 03:43 PM
jees lord way to be harsh? wheres the love? lighten up....gees Who gives a care about grammar? obviously not me

11-04-2004, 03:43 PM
sorry for the grammer. and yes i was looking for negative opinions because tipps suck

11-04-2004, 03:46 PM
sorry for the grammer. and yes i was looking for negative opinions because tipps suck

:spit_take i retract my original statement and say you just might deserve the pwnage unleashed onto you for doubting them. :shooting:

11-04-2004, 03:46 PM
yes i knew someone was going to say that and you are right but i know how good of a players they are and the gun usually doesn't matter but sometimes it does. and i can't walk the trigger lol. and don't say for doubting them one of them has never even played before and another is not that great. and they don't even have tippmanns. one dosen't have a gun and the other has a crapy black dragun

11-04-2004, 03:47 PM
Well you should be glad that they like their guns. It's hard to come by a guy that will admit he absolutely loves his gun. Be happy that they're happy. Seems like this is a thread that bashes on people with low ends.

11-04-2004, 03:47 PM
Yeah, Tippmann's suck, I mean come on, how else could the company stay around for 15+ years?

11-04-2004, 03:47 PM
and yes i was looking for negative opinions because tipps suck

your just as ignorant as your friends.

11-04-2004, 03:49 PM
give me a tippmann with ebolt and a lp kit and i can do wonders, I love Tippmanns

BUT ...I love my emag 10000000000000000000000000000000000x more :D

inform your friends by printing out this thread and showing them :cheers:

11-04-2004, 03:51 PM
ok the almost the only reason tipp has stayed around for so long is because of the field buy them for rentals and noobs get them. and you are as ingorant as a rock

11-04-2004, 03:59 PM
ok the almost the only reason tipp has stayed around for so long is because of the field buy them for rentals and noobs get them. and you are as ingorant as a gook

Umm, ok and you have proof of this? If so, let me know.

And ya better not becalling me ignorant.

11-04-2004, 04:01 PM
ok who else buys them and i am not taking back the ingornant comment

11-04-2004, 04:04 PM
ok who else buys them and i am not taking back the ingornant comment

God, and when I thought that AO couldn't get any more immature.

Try the entire Scenario scene and a lot of the rec-ballers.

11-04-2004, 04:07 PM
and i would not of said anything in the first place if you wouldn't of called me ingornant

ok some scnerio players might use them but they should use the tac one

11-04-2004, 04:08 PM
Can a moderator close this thread? Too much ignorance going on up in here.

11-04-2004, 04:12 PM
ok i just closed it i am sorry about anything i said about tippmanns if you do use one i sugest a automag. but tipp will do ya.


11-04-2004, 04:12 PM
and i would not of said anything in the first place if you wouldn't of called me ingornant

ok some scnerio players might use them but they should use the tac one

Umm...hold up...when the hell did I ever call you Ignorant?

EDIT: It's not just "Some" scenario players, it's alot of them. And why should they use TacOnes when their Tippmanns work well for them?

11-04-2004, 04:13 PM
wow your ignorant and a racist..what a combo.

11-04-2004, 04:14 PM
ok i am sorry for calling you ingorant it is kenn that called my friends and me ingorant so you are good. very sorry

11-04-2004, 04:18 PM
i am not really racists but my buddies are against vietnam because gooks are sneaky little craps, and they are not against vietnam they just wanted to fight in it, don't know why that would of been really scary. one is joining the marines

11-04-2004, 04:21 PM
i am not really racists but my buddies are against vietnam because gooks are sneaky little craps, and they are not against vietnam they just wanted to fight in it, don't know why that would of been really scary. one is joining the marinesGet out of our forums. :mad:

11-04-2004, 04:22 PM
ok some scnerio players might use them but they should use the tac one

I've owned a carbine for over 6 years same with the mag and I use the tippmanns as a primary and the mag as a backup/loaner gun. I've gone up against angels, shockers, and other electros and never felt outgunned. I don't put up as much paint as a high end elctro with a ramping board but I don't need to. I've been *****ed out numerous times about using a full auto gun when using the tippmann and its never failed me. The mag has almost been as good but still isn't as reliable and I shoot much slower because of the trigger. I used to play with the mag when I wanted to shoot less paint. Tippmans are simple and they work.

11-04-2004, 04:23 PM

what happened to this getting closed?

11-04-2004, 04:37 PM
i am not really racists but my buddies are against vietnam because gooks are sneaky little craps, and they are not against vietnam they just wanted to fight in it, don't know why that would of been really scary. one is joining the marines


11-04-2004, 04:56 PM
Nighstalker or whatever your name is.. DU MA

Thats vietnamese.

11-04-2004, 05:04 PM
ok all i am not racists at all it is my friends that wrote that and are trying to be stupid so don't say anything to me about it i already told them they were dumb. :mad:

As for the tippmann thing yes they work and are simple. nothing is wrong with that just like the other guy said it is the guy behind the gun that makes the diffence. a good paintballer could beat a any noob with a timmy any time. :shooting:

Just have fun while you paintball, that is what it is about. i hate going on here some days and reading how stupid some people are in the world with paintball guns and how cnn talks about them. they don't know enough to clean a toliet. so just have fun and be safe,doesn't matter what gun you have :cheers:

11-04-2004, 05:15 PM
i hate going on here some days and reading how stupid some people are in the world
Me too. ;)

11-04-2004, 05:21 PM
dont let your bigot friends use your ao name.

11-04-2004, 05:22 PM
Criminy - my connection to AO dropped just at the wrong time.

Nighstalker - one more racial slur an you are in for ban.

Please read and obey these rules:

Avoid posts intent on bashing guns etc. Everyone has opinions etc etc. I can whoop some people with a pump gun from 1988 - and with others I cant hit them with my tricked out X-mag.


no more racial slurs - post is closed for its pointlessness.

11-04-2004, 05:23 PM
This thread is http://www.ricoracing.netfirms.com/Smilies/bsflag.gif

