View Full Version : manike, about the 303 rounds you made...

11-04-2004, 06:41 PM
i had seen that you were able to make 303 rounds out of nylon, or some other material, and i was wondering if it would be possible to make just the tails, so that a normal paintball could be put into it, i have been looking into this, but unless i want to spend a lot of money for something that may not work, i thought it wouldnt happen, i think that this could work if it was lighter than the paintball, but none the less, i would still love to have some for testing,
so if you are still able/willing to make some i would be more than willing to offer compensation
i would of sent this through a pm, but your not accepting any
and i know what the results were when you tryed making the full-sized rounds

11-04-2004, 06:56 PM
Yes I could just make the fins and then stick them onto normal paintballs. This has actually already been done a LONG long time ago. :) I can't remember what they were called but there is a picture from an advertisement floating around on the net somewhere.

But it's not something I could do as a service for you sorry. It's using work machines and my personal time (to do the modelling). Work won't allow me to do anything for anyone else, and I don't have any spare time right now.

The rounds I made didn't fly so well because the nose needs to be weighted. I need to make some more at some point, and I may make just some fins too at that point, but I don't know when I will get time to work on 'fun' projects like that. I'm busy as heck with real work and I also have some projects of my own I want to test if ever I get some free time. :rofl:

Good luck with your testing if you are able to make some.

11-04-2004, 07:59 PM
well right now my "tails" are oak-tag cut out and put together to form 4 fins attached with hot-glue, i havent been to the range in order to really test them, but they have been the most effective thing ive tryed, the others were at first cotton, which i glued on, they were shredded in the barrel, then there was strips of plastic bag glued on the balls, they made cool noises when they flew but not much else, all of them have been impossable to load though, they've required taking off the barrel, loading the ball, and then re-attaching the barrel, very slow, my next idea has been cutting a larger hole for the breach on my pro/carbine, i should still be able to shoot and load normally, my other thought has been making a gun with an automag valve, that has gap between the valve and barrel, where the body would be, a paintball in a casing would then be placed in there, and the bolt would go all the way through the casing then fire, i was thinking of then adding some kind of eject system, the casings could be plastic, but it doesnt really matter, along with a clip loading system, it would rule, depending on the length of the casings, i could load two balls and have a shot-gun of sorts, it could be made so that you could have different length casings aswell, but of course with my luck there isnt anywhere or way i could cheaply make some prototypes, my dad does wood working, so those are they only tools i ever get to use,
so anyone have ideas for me to bulid a prototype of eitehr the tails, or the gun with casings?

11-05-2004, 09:44 AM
I remember the sniper rounds of the early 90's Came is packs of 5 for 5 dollars. Had a tail fin on them and flew pretty much the same.
I believe the actual name was Sniper Rounds.

11-05-2004, 11:44 AM
my next idea has been cutting a larger hole for the breach on my pro/carbine, i should still be able to shoot and load normally
the problem with that is that the hole in the breach will be the right size, so the round can fit in, but the bolt will still move the same distance, leaving a gap when you fire. you would have to completely redesign the marker to change the length that the bolt moves.

11-05-2004, 07:35 PM
ohokay, after taking a better look at it, i realize your right, i would have to move the hole back and everything, eheehe