View Full Version : anodizing in canada

11-05-2004, 08:41 AM
alright well i want to get my gun anodized but iam not sure where to get it done. i here about you guys talking about places in the states where it can be done but i was wondering is there anyone who knows of places in canada where it can be done???

thanks dudes :cheers:

Creative Mayhem
11-05-2004, 08:52 AM
I know of a couple in Hamilton, but they are into the industrial finishes, nothing anywhere close to paintball finishes. If I were you, I would try to jump in on, or start a bulk batch anno and it can be cheaper, and a MUCH better finish.

Personally, I will OMLY deal with Aplus annodizing. After I saw the finish on my XMag, and seeing other xmags done by other companies, there really isn't a better finish.

Hope this helps.

11-05-2004, 09:37 AM
I had a trigger frame done here.


Looks good and pricing was reasonable. Turnaround was pretty quick.

11-05-2004, 01:41 PM
Creative Mayhem, how much did your gun cost you??? what all did you have done an any chance you got some pics i could maybe see. iam really looking for a good job. i dont want no half *** stuff done to my gun. come on man the gun is a part of me cant have anything but the best lol.

Creative Mayhem
11-05-2004, 03:00 PM
Creative Mayhem, how much did your gun cost you??? what all did you have done an any chance you got some pics i could maybe see. iam really looking for a good job. i dont want no half *** stuff done to my gun. come on man the gun is a part of me cant have anything but the best lol.

My Xmag with warp cost me $2100CAD. The anno I had done is the stock finish, the way it came from the factory.

I hear what you are saying about your marker needing the best, which is why I feel that APlus has the best finishes I have seen.

Thanks for asking for a pic.. gave me a chance to play with my new Digicam :clap:

11-05-2004, 03:50 PM
so that cost you 2100$$ just for the anno??? or for the gun plus getting it anno??? just wondering how much was just the annoing??? and is Aplus a canadian company??? do they have a website??? thanks man :D

Creative Mayhem
11-05-2004, 04:17 PM
That cost was for the marker, the anno was part of the cost from AGD.

Here's the website for APLUS (http://www.aplusanodizing.com/)