View Full Version : Another one of those rambling which marker threads....lol

11-06-2004, 01:04 AM
I find myself kinda in a fix...

I recently sold off the better part of my Mag. The most important piece of course being the X valve. The thing that I hated about my X valve was its constant need for oil and attention. I couldn't skip a weekend of play and have the marker not leak , or require some attention to chrono right , not bolt stick , ect. Its not that I couldn't do it , it just was a hassle. I have heard many people talk about the reliability and lack of trouble with the X valve ...I guess mine was just needy?

I replaced it with a Dye Matrix. I have used the Matrix for a few weekends and just can't really get used to it. Its really accurate , ultra fast , and with the eyes and Trinity reg , it doesn't chop just like I was used to with the LX in the X valve. I really like the way the Matrix performs , but dislike the weight and feel of it. It just doesn't feel natural the way the Mag did. I have also found that the Trix requires a bit of attention also. Frequent maintainance and lubing , that generally result in nicks on O rings , leaks , etc...easy to fix , but a hassle just the same.

I suppose I am just ranting a bit about my luck with markers. I mean I do play hard and often. I should expect a bit of wear and tear on my equipment. I just long for the days when I really could just pull the gun out of the bag , load it up and go. I didn't have a feel for a marker , and just was happy to pull the trigger and it fire...... I would like to find something as fast as the Matrix , with the feel of the Mag , and reliable the way a classic valve is.....

Am I dreaming ?

11-06-2004, 01:14 AM
couldve told me this before you sold the valve to me!! :cry: :cry:

11-06-2004, 01:17 AM
Viking. Fast, reliable, uber easy to maintain.

11-06-2004, 01:22 AM
couldve told me this before you sold the valve to me!! :cry: :cry:

Don't get me wrong....it worked fine all the time that I played with it frequently. I only had problems with it leaking when I skipped a few weekends. All it required to fix was to oil the powertube and load oil in the ASA , take off the barrel and fire it through a tank of air. I hear this is fairly normal with many LX equipped valves. It just was such a hassle when I skipped a few weeks of play and had to lube the thing up to play.

I certainly would not have sold it to you if I though there was something "really" wrong with it w/o telling you.

PS- the bolt stick was a result of my adjusting the trigger for maximum rate of fire. A problem I never encountered before switching from the Intelliframe to the Logic frame.

11-06-2004, 01:24 AM
I was jk. It was a great price, i didnt care what condition it was in :D

Thanks again.

11-06-2004, 01:27 AM
I was jk. It was a great price, i didnt care what condition it was in :D

Thanks again.

You had me for a minute :eek:

11-06-2004, 01:28 AM
look in to the 05 speed...its easy to maintain and no need to upgrade it besides volumizers.and if you dont like the 90 grips they also have the 45 available...so you get more of a choice to which frame you like better...

either that or what steelrat said..

11-06-2004, 02:25 AM
Viking. Fast, reliable, uber easy to maintain.

This man speaks the truth.

11-06-2004, 02:46 AM
It just was such a hassle when I skipped a few weeks of play and had to lube the thing up to play.

God forbid you have to give it a few drops of oil :rolleyes:

Yeah, definately stay away from the Matrix, Freestyle and Cyborg... all of which actually require you to disassemble the marker and *grease* it ::gasp:: Hell, if oiling a marker before a day of play, you should probably quit paintball all together. Any marker you get is going to require some form of maintenance and we all know how big of a hassle a few drops of oil can be :eek:

11-06-2004, 10:06 AM
angel or viking

11-06-2004, 10:22 AM
You need a Palmer Blazer. :)

11-06-2004, 10:54 AM
God forbid you have to give it a few drops of oil :rolleyes:

Yeah, definately stay away from the Matrix, Freestyle and Cyborg... all of which actually require you to disassemble the marker and *grease* it ::gasp:: Hell, if oiling a marker before a day of play, you should probably quit paintball all together. Any marker you get is going to require some form of maintenance and we all know how big of a hassle a few drops of oil can be :eek:

I just love when some punk has to throw in his .02......

OK , Mr. Smarty pants.

The reason that I found it a problem was the claim that "RT's can sit in the trunk of your car for months , pull it out and play w/o doing anything to it." I am not quoting word for word , but this was said by TK regarding his new valves. I am completly aware that all markers require maintainance on a regular basis to operate properly. I would just like to find one that doesn't require it every single time I get to the field.

I am not really sure that I had a point in posting this here , but it certainly wasn't to be the target of your crappy attitude or smart arse replies. I can get all I want of that from my 12 year old daughter.....

11-06-2004, 11:14 AM
I just love when some punk has to throw in his .02......

OK , Mr. Smarty pants.

The reason that I found it a problem was the claim that "RT's can sit in the trunk of your car for months , pull it out and play w/o doing anything to it." I am not quoting word for word , but this was said by TK regarding his new valves. I am completly aware that all markers require maintainance on a regular basis to operate properly. I would just like to find one that doesn't require it every single time I get to the field.

I am not really sure that I had a point in posting this here , but it certainly wasn't to be the target of your crappy attitude or smart arse replies. I can get all I want of that from my 12 year old daughter.....

Actually I normally hear, let it sit for months at a time, oil it up, air it up and go.

I think its an issue in high end markers, as with anything else if you push the edges of performance you are going to have maintenance issues. And these are fairly small things designed to operate at very high pressures - even the markers shooting "low" pressure 100PSI range. This is going to cause some maintenance issues I think just because of that.

I know that my Shockers require quite a bit of maintenance, more than I would like to see. And I got sick of the mag for the same reasons you stated, the Shocker I was more accepting of the maintenance, theres not a good reason why, perhaps its just I really wanted to like my "new" marker. Come to think of it... I have to go fix one of mine that my teammate has LOL

11-06-2004, 11:36 AM
for low maintainance, i guess id say viking or angel. I dont have too much experiance with vikings but everyone says there hot, and the new speeds are definatly awesome. However, id suggest an intimidator. The maintainance isnt bad at all, it takes about 15 minutes every 4 cases.

11-06-2004, 12:08 PM
I hardly consider three drops of oil into the ASA before you screw the tank in 'maintenance' ..

11-06-2004, 12:09 PM
I would go with 05 speed, faster than the matrix and they feel very good. Very solidly built. All you gotta do is clean out the breech and barrel(about a min with a squeegee) then every 8000 shots drop a little oil in it and every 20000 you grease it...easy.

Vikings and excaliburs are also great choices.(I have an excalibur fs :D )

11-06-2004, 01:09 PM
Yeah, I'm such a punk for stating the obvious truth. What teufelhunden says below sums up what I was trying to get at.

I hardly consider three drops of oil into the ASA before you screw the tank in 'maintenance' ..

The "maintenance" you're talking about takes all of what... 2 minutes *TOPS* ? If you have to take the valve out to lube anything else up, that's one whole screw. So for your maintenance, you're looking at a small bottle of oil and an allen wrench and 2 minutes of time before you start the day. I hate to tell it to you, but that's extremely minor. That's if you even *have* to take the valve out. Like Lohman446 said, you'll probably be looking at that much maintenance (or more) on just about any high end gun you get.

Oil guns will probably need to be oiled more often than grease guns. Grease guns on the other hand will more than likely need to have the old grease cleaned off first and take a bit longer to do.

Creative Mayhem
11-06-2004, 01:24 PM
I honestly can't remember the last time I actually oiled my xmag(i think i should sometime soon ;)) I don't get the opportinity to play all that often, but when I do I usually just oull the xmag out, gas up and go. My Minimag was a different story... I think in the 12 years I have had it, I dont think I have oiled it much and it just keeps going, mind you that was before LX.. I find that the LX itself needs the oil more than the rest of the valve. The bolt stem sliding in and out of the carrier orings tend to really work the oil hard. S really, it's not a suprise that it needs a little more oil. The mag, even with LX really needs the least amount of maintenace than any other marker out there once setup. No offense, but you seem to be looking for the "golden goose", and it just doesnt exist. ALL markers need oiling, and occasional maintenace, but the mag truely is the best marker I have owned.

Just adding my .02 as well.

11-07-2004, 02:42 AM
When I used to shoot my old mag and minimag back in the day they required very little maintenance. They both had classic AIR valves level 7 I believe, and they literally could sit for months and shoot just like the last time they were played with. In mid 2002 I got an RT pro and while it shot great, it required frequent attention like you said with constant oiling, leaks if not used frequently, and finicky chrono procedures. I guess I expected the same amount of maintenance as the standard valve being it was the standard valves successor(Retro valve) In 2003, I picked up an x valve for my newly acquired emag and with the lvl 10 bolt, it brought the term frequent maintenance to a new level. The gun now required rediculious amounts of oil not to leak down the barrel no matter what carrier selection I used, hours and hours of tuning the level 10 kit,and the purchase of a new lvl 10 kit, thinking my original was defective. I found myself staying up into the late hours of the morning every day before play tuning my x valve and lvl 10 to work properly. When I did play with it, It would work great most of the time, but was prone to screw up at the worst possible moments. It always seemed to me that if you got the lvl 10 to do one thing right, like reset all of the time, it would leak or simply not shoot. It just seemed like I could never get the lvl 10 to do everything it was supposed to do all at once. It was either one or the other. I finally got frustrated with the lvl 10 and went back to lvl 7 without any chopping problems ever. I even knew some people with emags and rts and they didn't have as many problems as I did but still had the frequent maintenance and such. As for easily maintained guns, I will have to agree with torbo on timmies. All they really require is the ram to be regreased every few cases and the bolt to be cleaned off. I know vikings are pretty maintenance friendly too. Angels aren't bad either. Angels just require the purchase of an angel tool kit if you really want to adjust the lpr or remove the ram on an angel. Angels also require the purchase of a metric hex key set.

11-07-2004, 02:59 AM
my minimag L7 sat in the closet for almost 3 years and shot as soon as i gased it up. of coarse i oiled it up with 2 dropes of oil before the game just for good measure :clap:

11-07-2004, 09:30 AM
Not neccesarily what Fallen said , but how he said it that griped my cookies....Actually I am not sure there is a way to be that sarcastic and still be nice.

I hardly consider three drops of oil into the ASA before you screw the tank in 'maintenance' ..

I agree completly , but this was hardly a "drop some oil and go" some days. I would spend half my day and tanks of air getting it to stop leaking before I could play. Sometimes just dealing with a slow leak all day to be able to play.

RT pro and while it shot great, it required frequent attention like you said with constant oiling, leaks if not used frequently, and finicky chrono procedures. I guess I expected the same amount of maintenance as the standard valve being it was the standard valves successor(Retro valve) In 2003, I picked up an x valve for my newly acquired emag and with the lvl 10 bolt, it brought the term frequent maintenance to a new level. The gun now required rediculious amounts of oil not to leak down the barrel.....hours and hours of tuning the level 10 kit....staying up into the late hours of the morning every day before play tuning ...When I did play with it, It would work great most of the time, but was prone to screw up at the worst possible moments

...not the only person who got fed up with that stuff out of their LX.

11-07-2004, 05:06 PM
I just love when some punk has to throw in his .02......

OK , Mr. Smarty pants.

The reason that I found it a problem was the claim that "RT's can sit in the trunk of your car for months , pull it out and play w/o doing anything to it." I am not quoting word for word , but this was said by TK regarding his new valves. I am completly aware that all markers require maintainance on a regular basis to operate properly. I would just like to find one that doesn't require it every single time I get to the field.

I am not really sure that I had a point in posting this here , but it certainly wasn't to be the target of your crappy attitude or smart arse replies. I can get all I want of that from my 12 year old daughter.....

I've been shooting my RT-Pro with X-valve for over a year.. bout a year and a half, now.

Here's the O-ring Tally:

2 Carrier rings (Reg Seat Ring, but, uhh... in the powertube, of course)

1 Reg Seat

1 Regulator body ring (Not kidding! of all the ones to replace!)

4 Bumpers

I had a bit of break-in period where it needed a bit of oil..... But nowadays all I really need is a few drops in the ASA before a weekend.

I've seen the occasional 'attention needing' mag. One of my friends had one. A fellow AO-er took a look at it and ended up getting the thing to sing...