View Full Version : My review of Camp Pendelton Paintball Park

11-06-2004, 06:02 PM
Review of Camp Pendelton Paintball Park

Against the advice of two of my teammates, I decided to play at CPPaintball today with my dad. I must say my friend's are great at giving advice. When we first got there, we were a bit early, and they didn't let us sign up so we woudn't have to worry about it later. After we do get admission paid for an hour later, we grab out tanks to go get them filled up. The max PSI they can fill up to is 3,000, so they fill up the tanks. Thats when i realized that my tank was only filled to 2500, so I kindly asked the ref to fill it up to 3k (It wasn't his fault, I guess he was new to filling tanks). After that, we geared up. Thats when I noticed that my dad's Halo B wasn't working. I asked the front desk for a philip's head screw driver to fixed the Halo. Low and behold, they didn't have one small enough (the biggest one looks like a screwdriver to disassemble an Abrahm Tank). So we waited in line to rent an electronic hopper. They charge 6 dollars to rent the hopper; it was a Ricochet AK. For those that do not know what these hoppers are, they are hoppers with no neck sensors. Instead they have a motor with 4 blades that are flexible, and they continually spin. After that, I remembered that I forgot to get macro from a friend's house. So I asked them how much it would be to for macro, and i told him what's the cheapest route? He told me to get maro from the ASA to the valve (6 inches) would be 3 dollars! I know to some this might not be extreme, but it costs 1 dollar for a foot of macroline from -=Squid=- from AO. So I asked him to run macro from the ASA to the valve, around the grip (10 inches) He charged me $5. Since my dad and I had an Automag and a Viking, we had to play advanced group (Which is what I always play, but my dad wanted to play Beginners). We played speedball first. Then a woodsball course, which really got me to thinking. We are the ADVANCED group, not Beginners. After that we played speedball course again, then me and my dad just decided to go home. After all the fuss though, the person at the fill station gave my dad a free fill. I rated this field a 4 out of 10 in service, and a 6 out of 10 for fields. My advice; if you're in the So Cal area, Velocity paintball (http://www.velocitypaintball.com) or SC Village (http://www.scvillage.com) are your best bet for playing. They both have supreme service and very nice fields.

11-06-2004, 09:00 PM
I really dont see why it was the fields fault that you didnt come prepared with tools and needed airlines. Of course they are gonna charge an arm and a leg for everything because its right there.

11-06-2004, 09:17 PM

WHA- When- how???????//

um.... heh thats business.

$100 here for box paint :D

11-06-2004, 09:26 PM
No, CPP does suck that bad...you are going there at your own risk...it's like the difference between one of those Rocket Ships in front of a supermarket and Space Mountain at Disneyland...it's not a good park...I know the owners...they're good people...but that place is still horrible...

11-06-2004, 09:40 PM
Camp Pendelton Blows... I went there once like 2 years ago and have never gone back! Refs get a 1 out of 10 (only because they are breathing), fields get a 5 out of 10 (mainly because of there playability), over all service 0-10.... I'm with you there magman. Velocity is nice, have you ever checked out Jungle-Island?

11-06-2004, 10:05 PM
Camp Pendelton Blows... I went there once like 2 years ago and have never gone back! Refs get a 1 out of 10 (only because they are breathing), fields get a 5 out of 10 (mainly because of there playability), over all service 0-10.... I'm with you there magman. Velocity is nice, have you ever checked out Jungle-Island?

naw, never been to jungle island. Last time i went to CPP, a ref took my friends gun and started shooting at a kid.

11-06-2004, 10:07 PM
didn't sound too bad to me. You should already be carrying backup everything yourself. Fields/stores have to make their money somewhere, and it's usually on the simple everyday things.

And since when does playing on a woodsball course make you a beginner?

11-06-2004, 10:09 PM
didn't sound too bad to me. You should already be carrying backup everything yourself. Fields/stores have to make their money somewhere, and it's usually on the simple everyday things.

And since when does playing on a woodsball course make you a beginner?

im used to palying at velocity, where beginners paly woodsball fields, while the advanced group plays hyperball and speedball.

11-06-2004, 10:32 PM
I don't feel too bad about you not having your own tools. I can't tell you how many times I see kids at the field that do not own or have brought oil, a squeege, hex wrenches, electrical tape, unbroken hopper elbows or batteries.

I'm not sure exactly what was the problem with your games.

11-06-2004, 10:35 PM
You didnt say anything about the field so i got the impression it was all about your gear that made your day bad. From what ive read, its one of those places that you visit once and only once.

11-06-2004, 10:38 PM
If you are an experienced player, and I don't know because I don't know you, I really recommend you bring a toolkit with the basic essentials for your marker. Bring a backup hopper if possible as well.

Can't tell you how many times I've needed it for OTHER peoples markers. Sure, we may go over board with the size of our toolkit, but it keeps people on the field.

11-06-2004, 11:06 PM
i had my toolbox, and a philips screw driver, but it was slightly too big for the halo slots, and i was at my friends house this morning to pick up my revy and some macro, but i forgot the amcro =\

11-07-2004, 01:17 AM
yeah it does kinda suck....

Jungle Island has cool fields, but I think the refs are horrible

11-07-2004, 01:49 AM
One time we played concept and went to a woods ball course. I think it was woods ball 6. Funnest thing ever... Besides playing hyper ball 1 and throwing paintballs and getting a guy out. And then a guy letting me use his phantom the next game.