View Full Version : Goldie I need help

11-07-2004, 12:26 AM
I just bought a chaos board for my 2k4 Bushmaster and I'm having trouble installing it. I removed the stock board with no problem. I went to install the chaos and the 4th pin from the left on the top row won't fit in the harness. The hole has something in it. It's white so it looks like plastic to me. The pin on the stock board that matches up with that hole isn't all there. Looks like it was clipped off or something. I know the pin didn't break off because whatever is in there is white. What am I supposed to do? Try and remove whatever is in there or clip that pin on the chaos board? I have a pic maybe it will work.

chaos lichen
11-07-2004, 03:11 PM
Try taking out the white thing; don't clip the pin you might really screw the board up and new ones are expensive.