View Full Version : a few questions with lvlx

11-07-2004, 01:11 PM
1) trigger pull is REALLY heavy, can i do anything about that, or is it time to get ult? i can't fan the trigger anymore, and i was able to do it just fine with my stock bolt
2) i haven't had the gun chronoed, and i'm only dryfiring it, but it seems like the only spring that works reliably is the short one. as far as i understand, this means i'm not getting the full benefit of lvlx - is there anything i can do with shims and carriers in otder to make it shoot reliably with the medium spring without cutting it? if i do cut it, what kinds of increments do you suggest?

Carbon Blue
11-07-2004, 01:15 PM
first use the largest carrier that does not leak. Then use the least amount of shims possible.Check your velocity and how much psi you are running into the gun. Those are the basic steps that i followed to get my lvlx running.

11-07-2004, 01:39 PM
it's running just fine, and i'm running 800psi straight into the valve. i just have those complaints with it.

11-07-2004, 11:09 PM
i've never head of lvlX making the trigger pull heavier... so i dont think that is the problem... from what i have heard the LVL X made the trigger feel lighter, but i think taht was a placebo issue... or maybe because the reciprocating mass of the bolt was less, and the people were mistaking the feel of a lighter bolt as trigger change...

that doesnt really answer your question....

what kind of valve do you have?...
what kind of body/rail....

if you want to use the longer springs: middle/red or longest/raw-silver then you'll need to up your velocity from the stock spring..

yes to be the lightest on paint and thus get the best of your lvl 10, you'll need to leave from the short spring unless you're playing in a location that limits chrono speed to around 265.

answer those Q's that i had about your rig and we'll get you on your way promptly..


11-08-2004, 10:30 AM
I would check the chrono speed of your setup as is and adjust the velocity first.

The level 10 should result in a slightly lighter trigger pull. With just the stock spring, the internal chamber pressure doesn't change. Therefore, the pressure on the on-off pin does not change either. The lower chamber pressure means the force on the bolt is reduced though. This reduction alone, by putting less force on the sear, should cause the trigger pull to be lighter.

The longer bolt springs mean higher operating pressrues, but that is offset by lower forces on the sear. The result is a lower overall trigger pressure.

The carrier has big effect on the operation of the level 10. If it is too tight, the chamber pressrue will have to be higher to combat the higher carrier o-ring friction. This would result in higher trigger force and less reliable operation. Make sure you are using the largest carrier that will work without leaking. Test it without any shims in the powertube. Once the carrier is properly setup, then you can tweak your setup with shims.

11-08-2004, 05:16 PM
thanks for the great advice, everyone! i actually don't feel like thrigger pull is heavier when i simply shoot the gun, i just feel that the trigger is harder to fan for some reason. anyways, i turned the velocity up and took out all the shims, and the gun shoots just fine wiht the middle spring and vents just fine too - it's so friggin cool! :clap:

11-08-2004, 05:39 PM
and as of my setup - 68 automag classic valve, steel powerfeed twistlock body, automag rail.

11-08-2004, 10:39 PM
way to go on the fix... thats why we love AO...
