View Full Version : Good Houston Field

Fifth Horseman
11-08-2004, 12:33 AM
Me and a friend of mine are thinking of driving to Houston this weekend to play one last game. :cry: Anyways I wanted to know if any of you guys could recommend a field? I've been to a few websites but haven't seen one that really stood out. Any suggestions?

11-08-2004, 07:50 AM
PBUSA off of Grant road is a good place to play, as well as Tanks.

11-08-2004, 01:20 PM
Agree with Plague.

PBUSA is geared more for scenario/woodsball they also have 3 speedball type fields
Tanks is more of an airball/hyperball/speedball - http://www.tankspaintball.com

drop me a line, I'll planning on being at PBUSA on sat.

Also, there is a pumpleague event taking place at Tanks on the 14th. You know you shouldnt let this be your last time out, there is a scenario taking place on Dec 2-5th, Texas Throwdown at PBUSA. :)


11-08-2004, 05:23 PM
well if its your last game, money shouldnt be a problem as much. tanks or bonanza. i like tanks. but whatever.

11-08-2004, 06:50 PM
tanks is always a good choice. I still havnt played at USA.

Fifth Horseman
11-09-2004, 04:30 AM
Thanks guys. Sounds like its pretty much unanimous I'll see if I can find some info on these two and weather permitting we'll prolly be at one saturday. I probably won't give pb up for good I just live in lufkin and don't get many opportunities to play so we decided that we would give it one more go round and get rid of most of our equipment.

11-09-2004, 08:59 AM
just talked to one of the men in charge at PBUSA, they have been mad crazy building new structures for the throwdown out there. i would suggest going out there and chacking it out...

11-09-2004, 10:39 AM
Yep, one of the major field buildings is being worked on as well as another. They are definately gearing up for the scenario coming up in a few of weeks.

I'll be out there sat, drop me a line if youre headin this weekend, it'd be cool to meet some AO'rs

If youre heading out, just look for me either with a xmag or a palmer stroker.