View Full Version : Need serious computer help

11-08-2004, 10:41 PM
Hey guys,

I have lost ALL of my setting in my XP profile. I clicked my profile (my name as opposed to the other 2 members of my family) and it told me that it could not load it, so i clicked cancel and tried again. Did the same thing, and i tried it again. This time it loaded me in and i proceeded to see a stock background and all of my icons were gone.

Upon further investigation i saw that i had lost all of my pictures, word documents (key thing here because i'm working on college apps), and music. All of my settings are gone, and thankfully i remembered my AIM password.

I dont know what caused this, but it is severly irritating and i'm at a loss for what to do. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'm gonna call dell customer support tomorrow if i cant come up with any possible solutions.

11-08-2004, 11:48 PM
Browse to c:\documents and settings and check to see if WinXP made another directory with your username. If there is only one directory, your probably SOL if you don't have a "high-end" undelete program. The same thing happened to me at work last week. I catually moved to another computer and needed to get some files off of my old computer. Went to it and could not find ANY of my files. One years worth of Lease Returns documents gone. That were just mines. I also had another 1/2 years worth from another employee I replaced that were also gone.

11-09-2004, 08:51 AM
Go to the COntrol panel, find the recovery console,
and restore your PC to a point in time where your profile was still good.

Once you get back up and running, for God's sake, BACK UP EVERYTHING!!!!

11-09-2004, 09:04 AM
ah...i remeber the time i would back up my important files on cd's or floppies...hehe

oops wait a minute! i still do
thats why i dont have this problem! :D