View Full Version : e-mag and tournaments?

11-09-2004, 03:00 PM
Now, I know they have been used but I have always wondered.... The local NEPL here in New England goes by NPPL rules, which state that any electronics need to be able to be locked so they can't be modified on the field.. How is an e-mag legal for tournament play if the modes can't be locked out? Has anyone run into this where the marker wasn't allowed, or am I missing that there is the ability to lock the settings?

Just curious.

11-09-2004, 03:01 PM
The emag CAN be locked , put the marker in e mode and take off the mode selector

I have played in a tourney will my emag and Loved it , the tourney was small so We WERE aloud to use any mode we wanted :D

I loved it , The emag is a nice makrer for tounrey use , expecially with LX ,
When I palyed I have no chops and no barrel brakes :dance:

11-09-2004, 03:30 PM
mode selector as in the switch to change from Manual to Electronic? How will that lock the ability to adjust the bounce, etc while on the field with the buttons (not that i would do it, but it is possible). Unless there is another thing on the board i am missing...

Creative Mayhem
11-09-2004, 04:23 PM
Emags dont bounce.... unless your input is too high then you have a RT issue.

There are no "modes" to change on an emag, unless you have a really early model with F/A, even then, thats done by playing with jumpers inside the grip. Like an angel and thier modes, you cant get to them unless you take the grip off.

11-09-2004, 07:36 PM
Yea, they're not exactly field programmable. However, I have read somewhere on here that the sear rod is required to be removed for the NPPL. It may be another circuit, but I'm pretty sure it was NPPL. This ensures that the marker cannot be used when on mech mode and thus cannot be bounced.

11-09-2004, 10:10 PM
just wanted to make sure before i got stuck on the field with a problem. thanks guys :) i planned on buying a secondary sear just in case so i could pull the trigger rod out.

11-09-2004, 11:22 PM
as i understand it, the NEPL won't consider the marker illegal with the selector removed. since it is possible to bounce it with the hybrid, that would be your only hurdle. if and when i get some more money, i intend to use it the next time i play NEPL. i used my stock RTP at NH, and it did fine for me, but some extra speed would be nice. which team are you with?

11-10-2004, 08:08 AM
I'm hoping on with Joey D's team from here.. They were playing 3 man thru the PNL league, Team Mint I believe. I think they came in 4th for the year.. We're playing 5man NEPL next season and are using this one to gear up to that next year.. Myself, Joey D, Mossman, Curly (who i believe isn't playing this one), Oldsoldier, and a few other people (gonna keep an alternate or two). Should be a good time :)

11-10-2004, 11:16 AM
we should see you there. i played with mojo rising, and if i ever scrape enough money together i will again. we stand in 9th right now in the novice 5-man, but i think my captain wants to move to 7-man next season. we'll see what happens. maybe i'll see you out there next year

11-10-2004, 01:25 PM
mode selector as in the switch to change from Manual to Electronic? How will that lock the ability to adjust the bounce, etc while on the field with the buttons (not that i would do it, but it is possible). Unless there is another thing on the board i am missing...

If you've got the new code then there are no "modes" and if you've got the older code then you can remove the jumper from the board and they will all be unaccessable.

11-10-2004, 02:29 PM
yeah, it's got 3.2..

11-10-2004, 02:34 PM
Then you can mess with the buffering and ROF but I keep those at their highest levels anyway.

I know that the jumper is gone. Tunaman gave it to me when he flashed the gun at AONE so I don't know how you'd make the electrinics completely unaccessable.

When not in hybrid the E-Mag isn't very bouncy anyway so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

11-10-2004, 02:53 PM
true good point.. im not too worried just wanted to make sure i have all my bases covered :)

11-10-2004, 04:11 PM
Emags and Xmags are the only markers My team uses :D


11-10-2004, 05:58 PM
Emags and Xmags are the only markers My team uses :D


is that dj89 in the middle? :)

11-10-2004, 09:40 PM
I always thought that the best way to use them in a tourny was to take out the trigger rod, making it impossible to bounce or switch to a mode other than e-mode.

11-10-2004, 09:42 PM
is that dj89 in the middle? :)

how did you gess?

Me Left

dj89 middle

atm743 right

Thats my emag before i uped it :rolleyes:

notice the high rise?

11-10-2004, 09:56 PM
i don't really like the trigger rod idea simply because it'd be a real hassle should my battery die for whatever reason. i'd rather keep that in there and just put the switch on for a second to put into manual between games.

11-10-2004, 10:31 PM
You CAN make the gun legal, by ALL definitions of the rules.
Lets look deep into it.
The SHBF would need to be set on it's minimum setting 4. (like turning debounce off) Also the ROF would have to be set on it's maximun of 20. Personally, I like my trigger loose and very light. With those settings, I get periods of full auto due to the mechanical bounce of the gun. A referee at a chrono could easily make my gun double and triple fire by easing the trigger back slowly. The the trigger would then need to be set very stiff. :(
All X/RT Valves should be chronoed per the manufacturers instructions. (hold trigger's on-off pin in and measure the next shot) To do this and get the true velocity, the trigger rod would need to stay. Which would then take us out of the tourney because of hybrid.
Without modifying the gun after the ref chronos it (taking the trigger selector switch off), a 68 Classic valve could be used in the E-Mag instead of the X/RT Valve _without a trigger rod_, to pass the chrono. Due to the fact the Classic valve doesn't require that chronoing method.
So after all that hoopla, you could pass even the strictest chrono judge. It may not be pretty, but thats life.
btw the Classic valve with ~850psi input will do 14bps very nicely (enough for me :) )

trains are bad
11-10-2004, 10:36 PM
you can do the proper chrono procedure without the trigger rod by shooting a couple shots rapidly and having the second one go over the chrono.

11-12-2004, 04:21 PM
how did you gess?

Me Left

dj89 middle

atm743 right

Thats my emag before i uped it :rolleyes:

notice the high rise?

:D .. since you both are in the same team the X gave him away :D .. hehe

Now, so removing the trigger rod will eliminate the possibilty of bounce? ... is that correct?

11-12-2004, 04:45 PM
:Now, so removing the trigger rod will eliminate the possibilty of bounce? ... is that correct?

Corret me if Im worng but you can do 1 of 3 things

- lower your input pressure
- isolate your selector switch into E mode
- remove the "mech" trigger rod.

11-12-2004, 05:24 PM
Really, theres no legal way of doing it. Technically, to chrono an emag you need to turn it into mech mode and chrono it rt style. Take out the rod you can do this, take out the selector switch you cant do this.

11-12-2004, 06:43 PM
emags are great markers...

I have played 5 or so tournaments with my old one and I loved it. Never had a problem, just gassed up and played.

My dm4 rips, but it's no emag

11-12-2004, 09:27 PM
i've been to the Nepl and ive seen some one shooting an emag when i was rocking my rt ule.

11-13-2004, 01:23 AM
Really, theres no legal way of doing it. Technically, to chrono an emag you need to turn it into mech mode and chrono it rt style. Take out the rod you can do this, take out the selector switch you cant do this.

... why do you have to do that... I mean with the rod taken out its lil hard to chrono it mech...

11-13-2004, 11:22 AM
Therefore illegal because in order to chrono an emag you should do it RT style because it uses an rt valve.

11-13-2004, 03:28 PM
I'm hoping on with Joey D's team from here.. They were playing 3 man thru the PNL league, Team Mint I believe. I think they came in 4th for the year.. We're playing 5man NEPL next season and are using this one to gear up to that next year.. Myself, Joey D, Mossman, Curly (who i believe isn't playing this one), Oldsoldier, and a few other people (gonna keep an alternate or two). Should be a good time :)

Not that it really matters but a little clarification: I think instead of Curly you mean me. =) Curly has said he'd be willing to practice with us from time to time but is looking at playing elsewhere last I heard. Sniper1rfa has also been a great contributor to this team all season long, playing so hard he dislocated his shoulder..

/Offtopic Post ;)


11-13-2004, 03:35 PM
the mech chronoing isnt absolutely necessary if you do like someone else mentioned and shoot a string with the second shot over the chrono. correct me if im wrong, but i do believe that pride didnt have their trigger rods in and were still able to chrono.


11-13-2004, 03:51 PM
I'm hoping on with Joey D's team from here.. They were playing 3 man thru the PNL league, Team Mint I believe. I think they came in 4th for the year.. We're playing 5man NEPL next season and are using this one to gear up to that next year.. Myself, Joey D, Mossman, Curly (who i believe isn't playing this one), Oldsoldier, and a few other people (gonna keep an alternate or two). Should be a good time :)

the team name, is team mint. yes, our 3 man team placed 4th overall for the PNL series.

our roster is as follows

riot[z-grip] - pat
remington - john
sniper1rfa - drew (currently our with dislocated shoulder injuries due to awesome superman into the snake 2 tournies ago)
mossman - sam

trying out for our 5-man roster: (though, I have every bit of confidence that they will be selected to play the 5 man series with us)

oldsoldier - bill
rkjunior303 - rob

so, thats the roster. correction of robs post. I have nothing to add here about the legality of your emag for the nepl tourney. doesnt matter, you'll be shooting a viking by then. :D

11-13-2004, 05:06 PM
Thanks Pat/Joe for chiming in!

Joey, I may be a proud owner of a 03 viking this WEEKEND.

11-13-2004, 06:25 PM
. . . doesnt matter, you'll be shooting a viking by then. :D

Not if I have any say in it! :D

Thanks Pat/Joe for chiming in!

Joey, I may be a proud owner of a 03 viking this WEEKEND.


11-15-2004, 08:07 PM
yes yes, i brought home a shiny new (kinda) viking ;)

11-16-2004, 09:58 AM
You guys are all about the vikings these days.

11-17-2004, 08:17 AM
You guys are all about the vikings these days.

after using it all day saturday, i'm in love. once i get the eff'er milled, I'll be even happier.