View Full Version : To buy a mag...

The Prophet
11-09-2004, 09:07 PM
Hello all, I've decided to joint the AGD forum to gain more information about mags in order to get the one that best fits me. I've been playing pb for around a decade and I'm interesed in mags for their simplicity and nonelectronic operation. I do not have a lot of money to spend now so I was thinking about getting a classic mag. On the net new they go for around $240 w/o barrel, asa. I've heard these have trouble chopping paint when you short stroke the trigger. Will installing the lighter trigger pull option help/hurt this? I've heard they are heavy.. how much? Compare to a tippmann/spyder in weight? Any websites devoted to classic mags or more info would be great. TIA. :)

11-09-2004, 09:13 PM
classic mags are excellent low-price guns. they are heavy, and sort of slow... but there are tons of upgrades for them. if you are worried about chopping, the level 10 bolt kit is the way to prevent it. level 10 is a must for any mag. the ultra light trigger (ULT) fits in, but doesnt necessarily work on the classic mag. some people get it to work with the classics, but most dont. plus, they are easier to short stroke. if you are looking for more information on mags, youve come to the right place, welcome to AO.

11-09-2004, 09:34 PM
Hello all, I've decided to joint the AGD forum to gain more information about mags in order to get the one that best fits me. I've been playing pb for around a decade and I'm interesed in mags for their simplicity and nonelectronic operation. I do not have a lot of money to spend now so I was thinking about getting a classic mag. On the net new they go for around $240 w/o barrel, asa. I've heard these have trouble chopping paint when you short stroke the trigger. Will installing the lighter trigger pull option help/hurt this? I've heard they are heavy.. how much? Compare to a tippmann/spyder in weight? Any websites devoted to classic mags or more info would be great. TIA. :)PM'ed ya! :D

11-10-2004, 01:50 PM
a custom ule is really the way to go if you can save up the $ also mags prefer nitro although can work on co2 with right setup.

i would reccomend lvlX

if im not msitaken tuna prob has afew NEW ones for les than that maybe even WITH barrels and asa ;)

heck for 240 you might be able to get it with lvlX isntalled