View Full Version : 4 gunners 1 runner breakout

11-03-2001, 11:00 PM
Any opinions on this style setup? In the past we have employed mostly 2 gunner 3 runner style play but I think we have the foot speed to pull this off. Most of the tourney's we play are on concept fields were we have a predetermined goal to get a front player into a cherry bunker, I am just fishing for opinions on this style of breakout.

Johnny Mo

11-03-2001, 11:48 PM
Only one runner? I really don't see much point in that even if you're trying to get a guy to a sweet spot bunker. If he doesn't have anyone up field to help him out, he'll be gone in the first couple of minutes. I think the 2 runner 3 gunner break is the most practical. Get your runners to the 50 at both sides of the tape and have two guys shooting the open lanes. The 3rd gunner can hold back and shoot if they go strong one side to keep the guy alive on the side they're going strong, or he can advance up and gain a mid position. Being a mid he's going to have to hold the angles that the other team can get on your front guys. It all really depends on the field you're playing. I just think it's a bit excessive to only have one guy running and the rest laying paint. Walk the fields and visualize how they'll play. If one tape side has an advantage, put three guys over there and gain the advantage.

11-04-2001, 12:29 AM
Get your doods up there as fast as you can for positional superiority. Front guys/runners need lots of help... especially from each other. If you only have one guy up front... he's gonna have to fend for himself... easy pickin's if the other team realizes what's going on. You don't necessarily have to only run, or only shoot exclusively. You can run and shoot to an extent... of course you're faster when you don't... also whether to shoot or not depends on how important your bunker is. What I do is run hard but pay attention for opportunities to shoot... If an opportunity presents itself, like if someone is sprinting to a bunker within my line of sight and especially when he doesn't even have his gun ready, I slow to about 2/3 so that I can shoot with some degree of accuracy... often aiming in a different direction than I am running. But remember to watch your step!

Shooting on the run... very important.

11-04-2001, 04:39 PM
My team is actually trying to do 4 front players and 1 back. This can be very affectice as long as the other team isnt expecting a hard push like that. I play an extreme front and usually the other 3 get trapped and we end up doing a 2 man push. I dont see a need for 4 people sweeting off the start but thats me and i dont know that field. But update us with your results.

11-04-2001, 04:50 PM
I think 4 runners 1 gunner would be more effective than vica versa, that is as long as the 1 gunner can lay down enough paint quick enough. I've done this before and it works fairly well. 1 guy shootin off break, 1 guy goin for the 50, 3 guys goin mid, and as soon as the 3 mid guys get in its usually before the other team gets completely settled so they can pop out and shoot somebody thats still running. This works pretty good, but you really depend on the 1 guy shootin off break.

Mega Man
11-04-2001, 08:02 PM
This is my 5-man formation that our team uses. Three take the 50 (the line) and two stay as cover fire inbetween the front players. When one of the front players is eliminated one of the backs will take his place and the other back will shift to the mid-back. then if another player is eliminated the last back player will take his spot, THEN if one of the side players is eliminated the middle player will take his spot, THEN if one of the two remaining players are eliminated then your toast.:cool: (The pic doesn't show the last moves that I explained. and hopefully you wont need to use them.)

11-04-2001, 08:14 PM
Well, if any of us ever play each other we'll all know where were goin, lol.

Mega Man
11-04-2001, 08:17 PM
lol good point Angelboy, um on second thought, um we don't use thatformation anymore :rolleyes: lol j/k

11-04-2001, 08:33 PM
Well time for the update. I conned the boys into trying it out for a change of pace in a game, and I think that employed correctly it will be a good addition to our team. Although we didn't do as well sweeting guys out we almost got our guy in, (it was his first time playing with us and he is slower than we thought.) The rest of us just kind of walked out the gate sweeting and peeled off to our bunkers as they were almost in theirs. We won the game easily and we had picked them to try it out against because they were only using one gunner off the break and they were not as experienced as the other teams in the tourney. As for being to far back to support the front player, it wasn't a problem at all. We frequently had players into the key 50 bunkers while our up guys were still in the standups. The original reason for this tactic was I have heard about some of the top level teams employing this sort of style in 10 man events (strange, lanche and dynasty i think), using like a 7-3 setup or the likes thereof.

Johnny Mo