View Full Version : When do you need a lvl 10?

11-09-2004, 11:35 PM
I've been running a custom micromag RT for a while now(see pic), and I was just wondering--is it really necessary to put a lvl10 bolt on anything other than an e-mag or X-valve gun? B/c someone recommended a lvl10 kit to me, but when I went to the paintball shop to get one, the guntech said that he wouldn't recommend one, b/c they're apparently a pain in the a$$ to set up, and once set, they must be completely reset if you want to change velocity. He instead recommended a vert feed body for the RT valve, and a faster hopper. So I got a minimag vert feed body and an evoII hopper. Soon after, I upgraded to the ULE, and I literally have never chopped a ball with this setup yet, even with the higher rates of fire that the RT valve gives. So what do you guys think?

11-09-2004, 11:38 PM
thats great.. the lvl 10 is a pain mine has been messing my xmag up for a while and it still isnt just right.. fully tunned it cut down on chops in my classic but i would much prefer the no hassle of the older bolts if only my ace wasnt fried as well!!!

11-09-2004, 11:40 PM
You eventually WILL chop , get Llevel 10 , its one of the best upgrades. Its easy to install , comes with a instruction vid and all the parts you need. If you change your volicity by like more than 70fps then you might have to add a shim or change carriers

Its worth it :cheers:

Wc Keep
11-09-2004, 11:47 PM
so your local dealer sold you a 150 dollar body and 80 dollar hopper. a level 10 bolt only cost about.......75 bucks. i dont think your dealer had you in your best interest. i think instead he had you lined up as a sucker. even though the gun does look pimp now. always use a level 10.

11-09-2004, 11:51 PM
If it ain't broke dont fix it. Your gun is shooting fine, keep it that way. I will point out though, that LX greatly reduces recoil as well. It is not a pain to get set up at all, IMO. Once it is broken in you should barely have to touch it. You can change velocity all you want with no internal adjustment.

11-09-2004, 11:52 PM
lvl 10 is great but If your not chopping don't waste your money on it.. If you ever do start to chop though, definatly pick up the lvl 10

Carbon Blue
11-10-2004, 12:38 AM
I love my level 10! definitely one of the best upgrades i have done to my mag. All i have is the 2.5 carrier and no shims and it shoots awesome and is sensitive enough so that it doesnt break any paint. :clap:

11-10-2004, 01:11 AM
I always believe that if it ain't broke then don't fix it...but not in this case. You can obviously afford getting the L10 and you will eventually chop as you get used to the ULT and begin to pull faster.
The L10 will realy help when shooting brittle paint (ULTRA EVIL, HELLFIRE...etc) and when you need to break down and buy house paint for $25.

As far as being a pain to set up...once I got the right frame on my classic it was a snap. I have set up 5 since then at my friends shop and it is a piece of cake.

The only way that a veloctiy change will affect it is a drastic one...like emagballa said. So if your local fields all chrono between 280 and 300..set that baby for 295 and don't worry.

That shop may have been taking you for a sucker..but both the upgrades they sold you are worth it and you probably would have wanted them after you got your ULT anyway.

11-10-2004, 10:44 AM
If it aint broke, don't fix it. The LX is pretty easy to set up, and you won't chop paint with it, but if you haven't chopped a ball yet then why bother? I have an emag and a micromag, the emag has a LX in it because I shoot an egg instead of a halo, and I can outshoot it on occasion. My micromag still has the lvl 7 foamie bolt in it and it's going to stay that way. I've been shooting mags for 7 years now, and I rarely ever chop paint with my RT. Plus I like the snappier RT trigger as opposed to the mushier LX trigger.

Sweet setup, btw.

Death From Above
11-10-2004, 12:26 PM
the level 10 is so worth the money and the time it takes to set up. set up is not that hard just follow the directions about a hour if that. it makes a huge difference no chopped paint means the ball flies true and you dont have to clean your barrel out at a really bad time. I have a right feed mag with a modified revolution hopper and i run a itneliframe with a warp I have not broken a ball since I installed the level 10 the guy you talked to has not idea what he's saying go with the level 10 you will love it :headbang:

11-10-2004, 12:33 PM
Naw.... this is one of them times that its "if it ain't broke its going to be some day" things...

Get level 10.

11-10-2004, 02:47 PM
The way I see it:

You have purchased a car, and being a newer car it uses fuel injection which is controlled by an ECU in amongst other things. After a year or so there is a PSB (public service bulletin) which says that in some isolated cases the ECU in the car will shut down completly when you are driving at above 40mph. This would of course cause some havok, and you'd have to pull over, restart the car and continue on your journey.

Now, the company that makes the car you purchased didnt recall all of the cars with the possible problem, but since a few have had the problem, they decided to produce an error-correcting ECU that will not shut down, thus making a remedy to the problem with the car. The ECU could be installed by a mechanic or by you because it doesnt require a lot of technical knowledge to install. A screwdriver, 30 minutes and a little directions-following.

The debate is that you would have to put forth a little bit of money for the peace of mind that the ECU would give... of course you've gone this far without the upgrade, but what is the assurance of not breaking down in the middle of the highway on a rainy day worth to you?


11-10-2004, 07:46 PM
With the speed of your hopper I don't know that I would worry about it. It gets better gas mileage w/o and is less trouble.

11-10-2004, 09:36 PM
Lvl 10 is great and all, but if you're not having trouble with chops then you could save money and just buy a squeege just incase :)

But, lvl 10 IS worth the money imo. Everytime i hear it kick in on my emag i'm glad its their...

11-10-2004, 09:49 PM
Lvl 10 is great and all, but if you're not having trouble with chops then you could save money and just buy a squeege just incase :)

I got lx , But i bought a squeege to use in my mag first before I use my finger ;)

then for barrel brakes :cheers:

11-10-2004, 09:55 PM
I got lx , But i bought a squeege to use in my mag first before I use my finger ;)

then for barrel brakes :cheers:

hahaha yeah i was scared to use my finger at first. Now my squeege sits at the bottom of my gear bag feeling lonely and unwanted....

11-10-2004, 10:32 PM
Thanks for the input, guys! I just wanted to know what other people who run mags thought. I've heard a lot of opinions about lx, but mostly from people who are just repeating what "my friend who has a cousin who knows someone who has a mag with a lx" told them. And just so ya know, I didn't get suckered into buying the ULE and evoII instead of a lx...at the time I was looking a the lx and decided against it, I just bought a vert feed minimag body from the guy with a cocker thread insert for $70. I was using a revvie, and didn't get the evoII til later. The ULE came much later, and is very new on this gun. But even with the minimag body, I wasn't chopping. But with the i-frame and RT valve working together, as I use the setup more, I don't doubt that I might have problems with chopping later, so I will definitely look into a lx again, cuz it sounds like you guys like it quite a bit.

Oh, and how do you guys like the pipe with the ULE? I've never seen another ULE mag with a pipe, but I thought it looked killer! And this barrel rocks! One of the best out there, imo. If someone else has a ULE mag with a pipe, please send pics, I'd like to see it!