View Full Version : any one using guillies

Death From Above
11-10-2004, 12:37 PM
does anyone use guillies? I have seen a few out at local fields and they always pop up in pictures in senerio games. But are there any people out there that use them regularly.

love em or hate em :ninja:

11-10-2004, 12:54 PM
Guillies are cool if they are done right. Then there are those guys out there that look like clowns who lost a fight with a shrub.

If you are going to wear a guillie go all out. simply draping some netting on your back does not count.

11-10-2004, 01:19 PM
The only problem is having to hit them in either the gun or mask. People wouldn't be happy if I put on two inches of fome padding all over myself (of course I could paint it camo... ;) ). I guess they make scenario games more interesting.

11-10-2004, 01:31 PM
That is such an awesome idea!
Camo painted MilSim Tactical Foamie Armor!
I have a ghillie shroud just for fun. I don't use it, it won't work very well, but its kinda funny to have. :P

Now if I had one of those full on ghillie suits like they had in the movie Sniper.... I might use it!
although my blue Phantom and my Chrome Mag will probably give me away. :P

11-10-2004, 05:44 PM
That is such an awesome idea!
Camo painted MilSim Tactical Foamie Armor!

Lol, foamie... we could paste foamies all over us!!! Let's do it!
Introducing brand new, AGD Lvl 10 Foamie armor! Another smash hit from Tom Kaye. Available in camo or stock grey.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-10-2004, 06:05 PM
i find guillies to be uncomfortable and pointless. Sitting in a bunch of brush in a guillie suit in a hot day isn't my idea of playing paintball. If you fire one shot everyone will know where you are (Tyger, your video about firing one shot...well...in reality after the first shot everyone knows the general direction and will light up the surroundings.)

It does have its positives though.
You can probably get a lot of bounces off a guillie suit

11-10-2004, 06:15 PM
...well...in reality after the first shot everyone knows the general direction and will light up the surroundings.)

That’s what I love about scenario Games... You get a few hundred guys on each team and when there is a sniper, its not long after there will be 50 or so guys all shooting in one spot... I've seen some colorful Sniper Gear... (After getting wasted of course)

Besides, Paintballs love to hit shrubs trees bushes, there like magnets, so I wouldn’t want to be dressed like one... ;)

11-10-2004, 08:31 PM
(Tyger, your video about firing one shot...well...in reality after the first shot everyone knows the general direction and will light up the surroundings.)

See, that RARELY happens to me. Usually it's everyone goes to ground, if they noticed my shot to begin with. Or they all dive for cover, or whatever. ONE shot tells people nothing. a STRING, however, gives more than one noise. ONE lone shot, and people want to know where it comes from first.

It's a skill. But shaggy suits, bah, I can do it in my gi MUCH better.


SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-10-2004, 09:32 PM
lol well tyger you should stop picking on n00bs than

11-10-2004, 09:46 PM
Depends on where you play, but the scenarios I've been to, ghillie wearers are told to call themselves out on any hit they feel. It's honor system, but then all paintball should be.

Personally, the only time I've used them is during night games. It's hard to see anyway, so the ghillie can make it damn near impossible. People also get paranoid at night, so the psyche factor works to your advantage when you do get kills. It also helps keep you nice and warm. During longer games, it's possible to play as a sniper during the day, but I personally enjoy myself more running and gunning while I've got daylight left. For regular rec play, there just isn't enough time to effectively use sniper tactics.

The thing about taking one shot is that it's quick enough that your ears don't have quite enough time to recognize and triangulate on an unexpected shot. That's not to say they can't get the general direction and start spraying.

As a sniper, you usually don't want to go picking fights with large groups anyway. You want to go after stragglers, pairs, etc. The only real reason to shoot at someone in a group is if that person is someone you're willing to trade your life for, like their general, a roleplayer, or a mission critical person like a medic, demo or engineer.

11-11-2004, 03:21 AM
lol well tyger you should stop picking on n00bs than

No, I use this on speedball fields too. I can be a holy terror when I apply myself. :)

Or at events like Shatnerball when I find the "spot" to take out opponents without them knowing it. Until I get walked on by my own teammate. **rassafrasss** :ninja:


11-11-2004, 09:27 AM
Depends on where you play, but the scenarios I've been to, ghillie wearers are told to call themselves out on any hit they feel. It's honor system, but then all paintball should be.


That's a good point. I've heard/read that.

11-11-2004, 10:09 AM
When you use a ghilli suit (a good one) with a very quite marker, you can take out a lot of people before anyone figures out where you are.
I've seen it happen several times.

The tricks are:
1. good ghilli suit.
2. never ever move. it gives you away immediately
3. you need a very quite marker
4. patience and time. lots of both.

When done right, its very effective. but you need a place where you can be out for a long time.
Personally I find the Running and yelling like a maniac right into the enemy to be much more effective. :P I've run straight through groups and managed to stay alive :P

11-11-2004, 12:40 PM
I like using my suit in scenario games. But thats the only place I think they should be allowed on a paintball field...scenarios.
I have NEVER had a ball break on my suit...though I know I have been bounced 100s of times.(Hey Im a 6'2" 275 Shrub...I dont sneak very well..and Im kinda obvious if I do move...Imagine a wookie thats not had a trim in 20 years and is going through his reggae phase...thats what I look like in a suit.)
And before anyone says " Your supposed to go out when you get bounced." Let me say this, I cant feel a hit at all in this thing. So its only after the firefight that Im told "Man you were bouncing like crazy" then I go out.

11-11-2004, 08:54 PM
I've never had a problem feeling shots in mine, although I don't use it all that often.

Death From Above
11-13-2004, 02:31 PM
great feed back every one so far though it looks like the shrub shooters are winning :shooting: