View Full Version : I need some help with this...can everybody vote??!!!

11-04-2001, 12:53 AM
I can't decide between hopping up my Mag with a Retro Valve, Intelliframe, maybe the freak and a 4.5k flatline when they come out or spending my money on a sweeted out Impulse..i know i might be asking the wrong people because you're biased..but i really need help..any suggestions will be taken..

11-04-2001, 01:04 AM
it's unanimous.

11-04-2001, 01:05 AM
it depends on how much cash you want to part with, and how much you like your mag, the impulse is a fine marker but it will shoot completly different from your mag (ROF, trigger pull, etc.) I have considered an impulse my self, but I think I prefer the shocker (pack mule not included)
the retro valve is a fine piece of equipment and I look forward to owning one my self (soon I hope) I would sugest that you shoot the impulse and see how you like it (always test drive) the BMW M5 is a great car, but a lousy 4X4 :D

11-04-2001, 12:37 PM
p1mped mags are better than any impulse... especial a mag with an extreme body =)

11-04-2001, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by nutz
p1mped mags are better than any impulse... especial a mag with an extreme body =)

Umm, I think not. Impulses are electro and they run good on Co2, and they also can come with anti-chop eyes, they are much lighter, the trigger pull can be fixed to be shorter than .1mm, can you say the same things about a standard mag with upgrades? I am not trying to flame you but don't diss Impulses just because you own a mag, both are equaly good in performance. It is all preferance. If you like the electro feel of an Impy with a nice trigger, like a wormstick. Or if you like the reactive bouncy feel of an RT then go with a mag. But I would say scince you already have a mag and like it then upgrade it, but If you don't like it too much then get an impy.

11-04-2001, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS

the trigger pull can be fixed to be shorter than .1mm, can you say the same things about a standard mag with upgrades?

No offense, but a .1mm trigger pull is a little ridiculous. I did some research on things like this a little while back, and the average human index finger has about a .3mm expansion and contraction, just due to blood flow, on each heartbeat. In other words, leaving your finger on the trigger would make it fire.

11-04-2001, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by PotatoBoy

No offense, but a .1mm trigger pull is a little ridiculous. I did some research on things like this a little while back, and the average human index finger has about a .3mm expansion and contraction, just due to blood flow, on each heartbeat. In other words, leaving your finger on the trigger would make it fire.

It really isn't that bad IF you are used to it. Instead of leaving your finger on the trigger, rest it on the trigger guard where it will still be ready to shoot but not exactly on the trigger. I'd go with the impulse too.

11-04-2001, 07:22 PM
Going Retro makes your mag an entirely different marker. Shoots differently and much more responsive than a standard valve. Excellent buy.
I too am in a similar situation. I am very very close to getting an Impulse right now, but i think of what i can do to hop my mag up some more. Only thing that comes to mind is an intelliframe, but not really sure what that will improve; if anything at all, except listening to the revvie when i pull the trigger. It is pretty rare when i outshoot my revvie, dont need to dump that much paint to shoot a bunker.
Yeah yeah i know i could buy a hyperframe but for a little bit more i can have awhole new gun altogether.

11-04-2001, 09:17 PM
Get an Emag conversion:D

11-05-2001, 07:22 AM
Stick with the mag, you know it works, not saying the impulse doesn't. I considered getting rid of mine, but I had a very gook weekend and am happy. I will end up upgrading mine.

11-05-2001, 09:36 AM
it's all about what you want. shoot both if you can. the imp is a nice elcecto but it's just not a mag. I thought about getting a hyper or boo-yahh frame for my mag then I realized that I like the mag trigger better. but it's all preference.

11-05-2001, 06:21 PM
Sure you can buy just another electro marker and just be part of the crew or you can by a mag and be part of the ledgend.

11-05-2001, 07:38 PM
the members of AO have spoken..I think i'm going to keep her..but i have some nefarious plans for her..you'll all be proud of me...i think i'm going to send her in for a nickel intelliframe, Retro Valve, Superbolt (when they come out), and i'm having Dingo Paintball make a 15* Vertical Adapter for me..then i think she'll get sent into SiN to get some flames powdercoated on her...so..i got the juices flowing...and don't even get me started on the 45 flatlines...

11-06-2001, 11:53 AM
I do think it is your personal preference. I have played with one of the HOTTEST controversial Impulses ever made, and am still loyal to AGD. I prefer the reliability of the Mag over the reduced weight of the Impy.

Most of you have seen the Demonic Impulse by now and I love it, but wouldnt dump my AGD for one. That is my choice. I believe that once you exceed the realm of budget markers, it is a preference. No matter what you get in an electro, or super semi, you are going to get a good quality marker, minus the opinions.

I think you should try some impys out, there are several aftermarket versions hitting mainstream now, the best so far being the Demonic. But the same for any marker, AGD is on a big rise in my area as well.

Your choice.

just my $.02

11-07-2001, 09:44 PM
its all about preference, and what ya can afford, if your just into rec. don't go out and dump $500+ into a new impulse, just keep your mag, and when ya feel its time to change do it, not cause every one says so, its your personal preference that matters.

10-28-2002, 09:20 AM
Who brought this up from the ashes?

10-28-2002, 09:54 AM
If you look at the dates it appears that you did. ;)

10-28-2002, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by Curly
If you look at the dates it appears that you did. ;) Actually, he may not have. If I am not mistaken, someonme may have voted, causing it's ressurection", but they may not hav eactually posted a response. :)

10-28-2002, 10:23 AM
That makes sense. I wasnt thinking straight earlier. I had just woken up.

Creative Mayhem
10-28-2002, 11:30 AM
Hop up the mag. Better yet, save your money, sell the mag and get an emag. I've used a lot of impulses, and as psycho said, it's all personal preference. I like my 10yr old mag over all the impulses I've tried, bu that's my opinion. Which gun you go/stay with is entirely up to you, don't let anyone (except me :D) sway you decision. You may try the Impy and love it more than your GF, just remember not to "love" it in front of her.;)

C Mayhem
AKA Purple Wang

10-28-2002, 03:01 PM
dirty i thought u had an emag?:confused:

10-28-2002, 05:03 PM
get the impulse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but only if its UBER sweet..like a rat,or maybe a nice toxic..:)

10-28-2002, 05:09 PM
guys, do you read the posts? 3 people just said this was an old out dated post, Look at the dates!

10-29-2002, 01:23 AM
you want a litght trigger pull
boo yeah
redefines hair trigger got a boo yeah on one of my mags and when i let ppl use it and hand it to em i say dont even put your finger near the trigger. then hand it to them. then take the barrel condom off and the barrel and clean them and hear all i did was put my finger on the trigger i didnt pull it.but honestly i really love when you ask about a mag or brand x gun and get well a decked out infinity with this and this and this will blow any standard mag away. i dont get it why compare a decked out gun to standard mag.
anyway get a lvl 10 and a emag or wait on xmags and never need to ask what you can get better cause there isnt better
say what you will but dont say im wrong till you use them more than 1 time.

10-29-2002, 04:26 PM
Too Late... He got a new Emag some time ago, and just now sold it to get a fiancee... LOL