View Full Version : for anyone that's wondered what happened to Nerobro...

11-10-2004, 04:08 PM
...wonder no more. I was waiting to find the web page with the photographic evidence, and now that I have it, here you go.

Before you click on the link, let me set it up. Nero, Skreemer and Az have gotten into motorcycles. And they went on a riding trip out in "da sticks". I now throw it over to a post from Tinker's guild :

I wrecked my motorcycle. Breaking both arms. My humorus, right at the ball (shattered the ball) and my radius and ulna, turning the heads of both bones into several peices. My left arm now has a large plate and six screws holding it togother, and last monday I had the pins and external fixator removed from my right hand.

http://www.zodnetworks.com/~shorah/greg has pictures of me and my gear post wreck.

Yes I was stupid. I tried to catch up to a group of faster riders and misjudged a corner, slightly. 45mph cartwheels are not good for nero's.

Yes I will be riding again. My bike survived with a dented tank, bent handlebars, broken glass over the speedometer, broken headlight, and leaky fork seals. If only I would have come out so well. I already have replacement parts.

I've seen Nero a while ago, and he's in VERY high spirits. Now the joke of it all is that he's PROBABLY gonna start playing paintball before I will.

So the long story short, Nero's not dead, just healing up from some pretty bad injuries. The internet rumors of his demise are greatly exagerated.


11-10-2004, 04:19 PM
I still can't wait to see what he makes out of all the nuts, bolts, pins, etc removed from his arm! :)

11-10-2004, 04:23 PM
Now that would be a show...

"You have 10 hours to make something out of all the parts removed from you."

Temo Vryce
11-10-2004, 04:36 PM
Well it's good to hear that's he's not dead, though I am sorry to hear about the accident. Best wishes from myself and my family go out to you Nerobro. Get well soon.

11-10-2004, 04:37 PM

wow that looks lots like ohio accept its a lil to hilly. Injurys suck no doubt, especially when they charge you 300 dollars for an ambulence ride to a hospital 5 minutes awy.

11-10-2004, 05:45 PM
the ride in the ambulance was about 40 minutes. all told from time of crash to time of first morphine injection was two hours.

I already hit the limit on my insurance. $750 into it. Total bill will be somewhere in the 11k range. Thank god for insurance. :-)

The ride was really pretty. I intend to be back on two wheels for the toys for tots ride in december. I expect to play paintball +- a week of that.

Dayspring... we have been considdering what to do with the bits. First suggestions were a windshield mount :-)

11-10-2004, 05:48 PM
Yeesh. Good to hear your alright.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-10-2004, 06:00 PM
at first i thought this was a joke but then i saw the pictures.
Gosh tyger you could have at least posted an adress of the hostpital or something so we can send him the 99cent "Get Well Soon" card

11-10-2004, 06:00 PM
the ride in the ambulance was about 40 minutes. all told from time of crash to time of first morphine injection was two hours.

I already hit the limit on my insurance. $750 into it. Total bill will be somewhere in the 11k range. Thank god for insurance. :-)

The ride was really pretty. I intend to be back on two wheels for the toys for tots ride in december. I expect to play paintball +- a week of that.

Dayspring... we have been considdering what to do with the bits. First suggestions were a windshield mount :-)

Glad to see your alright, I've had two buddies that have bailed. Both not too long ago and both very lucky considering the circumstances... :eek:

Left Over Parts:

You should make parts for your Paintball Gun, or even better a new Paintball Gun... :shooting: :headbang: ;)

11-10-2004, 06:15 PM
We CAN rebuild him, Faster, Stronger..................
It's Nerobro, the $11,000 man.

11-10-2004, 07:09 PM
I wish him a quick recovery. Sounds harsh.... well lesson learned, glad he's alive.

11-10-2004, 08:02 PM
glad to hear hes ok, hope hes back and 100% soon. :dance: :dance:

11-10-2004, 08:38 PM
I did something similar 3 years ago to the day. I got away with a near-crippling broken ankle (talor type 2). Thank God for leather. Oddly, the medical bill is almost exactly the same as Nero's.

Well, Nero, I hope you heal up well and get back to riding soon.

11-10-2004, 11:28 PM
Wow just posting this now tyger? :)

at least your ok nero

11-11-2004, 02:08 AM
Glad to hear your ok man. I don't know you, but still glad to hear your alright. Being injured sucks huh? I got my foot run over by a forklift about 7 months ago and couldn't walk on my foot for 6 weeks. Luckily my injuries were very minor for that type of accident. I only had a severe sprain. My toes could have been cut off due to the steel toe boots I had been wearing. Anyway, glad to hear you are ok and hope you get to ride and play some ball again soon.

11-11-2004, 03:18 AM
Wow just posting this now tyger? :)

at least your ok nero

Well I was looking for the webpage, and he was nice enough to share it over on Tinker's Guild. So, I'm sharing it when I get it! I'm not the fastest sometimes, I know...


11-11-2004, 04:31 AM
I have kept really quiet about what happened. Don't blame the tyger. :-) He did get advance notice, but he also lives near me.

PT/OT today... I have scar tissue disabling a few tendons that I need to break loose.... this is gonna be fun.

11-11-2004, 09:34 AM
wow, good luck with recovery man.

My girlfriends father was tore up awhile back... It seems like everyone who has been riding for awhile has gone down hard once.

11-11-2004, 12:40 PM
ahh so thats where he went

nero i took your mod spot on pbn :p

glad to hear your doing better

11-11-2004, 06:12 PM
Nerobro, If you dont mind me asking, you didnt happen to wreck over labor day weekend did you? On sunday?

11-11-2004, 06:38 PM
September 12th, right about noon. My shoulder surgery was on the 30th

11-11-2004, 07:09 PM
Huh, thats weird. Sunday, Sept. 5th i was on my way down to Rockport during the "United we ride" Illinois 4wd event. About 11:45 there we came up on a guy who had wiped out on his bike, wearing all black, and on a black suzuki. He took a corner to fast and lost it. We were 3rd in our convoy, and when we went past the ambulance was just pulling up. The guy looked to be in bad shape, we guessed he wiped at about 50, and hit the median while sliding with the bike.

Just thought it would have been a weird cooincidence if it was you, but i guess it wasnt. Good luck with the rest of the recovery.

11-11-2004, 08:34 PM
That's very good to hear that he's alive and well (well, high-spirited). He's VERY lucky! I hope to see him again. Unfortunately however, he did rip of several people on PBNation before he disappeared. I hope he can get all of that settled when he gets better.

can'tthink of1
11-11-2004, 11:20 PM
Yeah, I'm confused what happened with u and PBN, nero... You have been AWOL for so long... What gives?

But I am glad that you are alright. That really sucks, I don't understand how u can stand to type.

11-12-2004, 12:59 AM
Yeah, I'm confused what happened with u and PBN, nero... You have been AWOL for so long... What gives?

Umm...ya can see what gives, broken wrist and busted shoulder on two different arms. I am sure what ever happened over on PBN was the least of his concerns but I am sure that he will make amends as soon as he can. Greg has been around the paintball internet scene a long time, he's not gonna just go away without out good reason.

11-12-2004, 12:52 PM
1. Ride Motorcycles.

2. Wear proper gear, including all pieces of armour, boots, etc.

3. Don't die when you crash.

Good to know you were smart about your gear, glad to hear you are all right.

Wear your leathers, kiddies!!

11-12-2004, 02:36 PM
Umm...ya can see what gives, broken wrist and busted shoulder on two different arms. I am sure what ever happened over on PBN was the least of his concerns but I am sure that he will make amends as soon as he can. Greg has been around the paintball internet scene a long time, he's not gonna just go away without out good reason.

Oh, I understand, and I have been one of the ones trying to defend his name. But it is hard to do so when this isn't the first time he's disappeared. He disappeared for a month or two earlier this year, which caused a ruckus for those that had sent him money. Then he reappeared and said that everything would be settled... and haven't seen him since (June 14th).

But back to the topic... GET WELL SOON Nerobro!!! :cool:

11-12-2004, 03:11 PM
Oh, I understand, and I have been one of the ones trying to defend his name. But it is hard to do so when this isn't the first time he's disappeared. He disappeared for a month or two earlier this year, which caused a ruckus for those that had sent him money. Then he reappeared and said that everything would be settled... and haven't seen him since (June 14th).

But back to the topic... GET WELL SOON Nerobro!!! :cool:

That's a PBN Problem, Not an AO problem, and he does have a good excuse this time...

I do know it sucks to pay for something and never hear from the seller or get what you paid for, but this is a get well Thread... Lets keep it that way...

11-12-2004, 03:34 PM
I still can't wait to see what he makes out of all the nuts, bolts, pins, etc removed from his arm! :)
Well duuuuh! Fix his bike of course!!! Get better soon Nero! :cheers:

11-12-2004, 03:41 PM
If one of those is long enough Greg... maybe turn it into a pump cocking rod or something. Would be cool thing to have.

Get well and get back on the 2 wheel. Looks like your in need of some new gear as well.

11-12-2004, 05:35 PM
Looks like your in need of some new gear as well.

Money well spent. Not an area to go cheap on.

11-12-2004, 05:49 PM
nero...i hope all is well with you...i hope my poster helps you get through your hard time.

11-12-2004, 11:10 PM
The whole IS thing ended fairly badly. I see myself sending out $40-80 in the relitive near future to compensate people for switches.

I am already collecting new safety gear. I picked up a fieldsheer zero condition jacket, and leather tecnic gloves. I tend to wear work boots, steel toes are a good thing. ( my last pair you can see steel on now )

As it stands, I now own four motorcycles. A 1977, 1979, and 1980 gs550e's. And a 1978 DT175. The 77 and 79 are parts bikes.. and between them and my 80 (the one I wrecked) I will have a pair of GS550e's :-) I think Pi is going to be buying the 79 off of me.

(sounds like a lot of money... the 77 and 79 bikes were bought for $96. The dt175 was free.. and it runs... and it was the first bike I ever rode)

Oh yeah... GS's rock :-)

11-23-2004, 09:58 PM
So the long story short, Nero's not dead, just healing up from some pretty bad injuries. The internet rumors of his demise are greatly exagerated.

I guess those violins I heard must have been for something else. :)

With the Ti plate you could have a pretty interesting Warp feed mount or drop.