View Full Version : New Team Logo Help?

11-11-2004, 02:48 PM
Hey guys and gals,

We are a new scenario team, we decided on the name Thunderstruck. Is there anyone who can help with a logo design? We aren't wanitng something military or such, but something that reflects the hard hitting team that we will be. Can anybody help us out?

Scott Hudnall
11-11-2004, 03:53 PM

I think you might need a little lesson in paintball history. Does the team Thunderstruck still exist in the Northern Indiana/Chicago area? I think they even had a website. Used to be out of the Sherwood Forest paintball field in Laporte, IN.

If you wanna use a name of a former NPPL team, go ahead........

(not being negative about it or dis'n ya....just would want something a bit more original if it were me)