View Full Version : You want old school? Here you go. 1996 vids

11-11-2004, 05:58 PM
I'm spreading the love.

Last night I unearthed a videotape of the 1996 "Paintball World Championships". Ripped, rendered, and spit it back out for your enjoyment. It's currently live on the 'dog, but I figured I'd let you all take a look. The show is 24 minutes long, so break out the potato chips and enjoy. Phantom Force vs Houston Heat (and a few of the names might be familiar too, like Dan Bonebreak?)

Low resolution (about 14 meg) (http://www.webdogradio.us/video/oldschool/WorldChamps96_lo.wmv) or the high resolution (about 46 meg) (http://www.webdogradio.us/video/oldschool/WorldChamps96.wmv). Share and enjoy before they send me a cease and desist. :eek: :cry: :wow:

Oh, and while I'm at it, here's a commercial Tippman aired in the show (http://www.webdogradio.us/video/oldschool/Tip96.wmv) too. Please, no chuckling. This was the higest production for a paintball commercial to that time...



11-11-2004, 06:05 PM
Sweet, i love watching older vids. :cheers:

11-11-2004, 06:18 PM
I video taped all of these! Remember that? Video tape I mean. :)

What the heck ever happened to Shultz anyway? :confused:

11-11-2004, 06:21 PM
What the heck ever happened to Shultz anyway? :confused:

Good question (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=68036). I'd still like to know myself.


11-11-2004, 06:24 PM
those masks arent safe , only cover the eyes :(

Cockers VS Mags ( The battle Never Ends) :D

wow didnt know viewloader was that old :rofl:

11-11-2004, 06:54 PM
that field is ha-huge, its funny to see people just standing erect and relaxed in the middle of a game.

11-11-2004, 07:41 PM
Very cool to watch. I dig the bunkers :headbang: The guys in the back just standing around shooting were funny aswell.

11-11-2004, 08:53 PM
The coolest thing was the attitudes of the players. Ahh, I miss the good ole days!

11-11-2004, 09:14 PM
Dude, that was some real game. great transfer. :headbang: :cheers:

11-11-2004, 09:30 PM
I NEVER thought I would yearn for those 'good old days', but here I am doing just that :eek:

11-12-2004, 12:57 AM
scary thing i remember watching one of those games on espn! can you imagine a tourney on a 200-500 ft field! you could catch their balls and shoot em back if you wanted tooo!!

11-12-2004, 03:06 AM
Those shows were cool. I remember watching them on tv and my mom yelling at me to do my home work instead of watching paintball on tv. I remember feeling really cool after seeing all the mags being used and I had one similar to all of the setups on tv. It made me feel cool to see all of the pros using the same gun that I had. Then my mom reminded me that these guys on tv actually won money playing paintball and I just wasted money playing in the woods. Parents have a funny way of crushing your dreams sometimes.

11-12-2004, 03:24 AM
awesome !

11-12-2004, 03:39 AM
i started playing right at the end of that era ( i started in 98 )

im pretty oldschool around here :headbang:

i still think the best paintball days was EARLY 2002. best paintball ever!

11-12-2004, 05:05 AM
I wish i had a time machine.. then i can go back and mow all of them :shooting: :shooting:

11-12-2004, 08:30 AM
ya that video is really cool and kind of funny

11-12-2004, 09:00 AM
Ok, I never wanted to admit this but the first time I played paintball was at a little field in Terrel, Texas just east of Dallas off of 80. It was a large place USA Paintball. I was running remote back then into (what else) an Automag. The woods fields were gigantic and the place actually had two Speedball fields. I had a fantastic time. My whole family got involved with playing. I'm the oldest of four brothers; we would get our BDUs on and go have a good old time. Then my dad got hooked and soon we got to upgrade our stuff. We were now using JT Spectra 260s. Yeah!

The point of this story is, if we all kind of get nostalgic about the good 'ol days there are still fields around that run these kind of games. The markers of that era are still for sale. We still can play those kind of games. I now primarily play at Paintball Factory in Garland now b/c it is indoor and the weather is always the same in there. But if I ever had a hankering for old school, I know there are plenty of places to indulge that feeling.

Just some fond memories for y'all here at AO.

11-12-2004, 10:33 AM
Wow, that was a flashback.... I played against the guys from phantom force. I remember sleeping in Dan Bonbrakes driveway before one of the Jim Lively events down in Portland. Dalton was one of the best players I have ever seen. Then even mentioned the Turtles!!! I remember playing them at the Pro-Am. One of the guys was missing the lower part of one leg. Them were the days.......

11-12-2004, 11:11 AM
LOL anyone notice one of the refs lugging around the huge red crono, thank god for technologie advancements. :D