View Full Version : New field project

11-11-2004, 06:46 PM
So one day I was walking around in the woods after we played a recball game and I thought... we need a nice speedball field... Our woods are right behind the place they keep the school busses at and they dump their old tires down there. So i got a bunch of my friends and we started to clear some flat land, raked it, and then dug out roots and rocks. Then we started piling up the old tires... So far in 3 days we found 56 old tires :wow: ...Now all we have to do is set up the bunker, clear some weeds, and play some paintball ;) .

Future additions:
Target Range
Mini Chronograph
Maybe a second field
Waterproof paintball banners
Roped off field
Spectator knetted area
and more..

I'll try to get some pictures or something.

I thought this field would help my new team get ready for the IAO this year. :p Worth a shot.


11-11-2004, 07:01 PM
pics would help ;)

glad to hear your making you own field :cheers:

11-11-2004, 07:12 PM
if you don't own this land I wouldn't suggest making it to elaborate and add netting and stuff to it.Trust me I learned the hard way

Do I smell a school bus 50??? ;)

11-11-2004, 07:19 PM
if you don't own this land I wouldn't suggest making it to elaborate and add netting and stuff to it.Trust me I learned the hard way
yeah... been there. done that. talked to conservation comission. got kicked out. :cry: me and some friends spent over a year on a field and in the woods and met one person on the conservation comission who said it was fine, but then another person kicked us out and said we werent allowed to build anything there or even walk through the woods (of course it was okay for her to) cause aparently there were "endangered salamanders" under the leaves on the ground... but less than a year ago the town cleared out about 10 acres of forest less than 200 feet away for lacrosse and soccer fields :tard: .

lol sorry for the rant.

11-11-2004, 07:39 PM
yeah... been there. done that. talked to conservation comission. got kicked out. :cry: me and some friends spent over a year on a field and in the woods and met one person on the conservation comission who said it was fine, but then another person kicked us out and said we werent allowed to build anything there or even walk through the woods (of course it was okay for her to) cause aparently there were "endangered salamanders" under the leaves on the ground... but less than a year ago the town cleared out about 10 acres of forest less than 200 feet away for lacrosse and soccer fields :tard: .

lol sorry for the rant.

same thing to me! except we got kicked out for a park nearby and a nature path and baseball fields and soccer fields closeby!

11-11-2004, 09:05 PM
I wonder how much it is to buy to buy a little bit of land?

11-11-2004, 09:09 PM
well ive got some east german swamp land for ya.......

11-11-2004, 09:29 PM
I wonder how much it is to buy to buy a little bit of land?

lol too much for a teenager. Trust me I've thought my ways through to get a private field like whoa. Your best bet is to keep your field there and have it on the DL. Or try and hit the lottery ;)

11-11-2004, 10:00 PM
:p thought so...only problem is that its close to houses... i was thinking about getting permission from the houses so they dont call the cops or anything