View Full Version : HPA Bottle Problem

11-11-2004, 07:47 PM
I have an HPA Bottle that I just had hydroed. I have a normal single layer neoprene cover for it, but it seems to have developed a small chip on the bottle. It's very small, but I've heard (and seen, nice fat warning label) that I should discontinue use. The chip occured after hydro, and I belive it was empty when it happened. Will a very small defect like this pose a hazard? Should I just re-hydro it or get a new bottle? I'm not filling it until I know it's safe, that's for sure.

11-11-2004, 07:50 PM
if its not wide and not deep than its not a prob ,


11-11-2004, 08:13 PM
If the fiber is peeling off into threads, discontinue use.

11-11-2004, 08:32 PM
Take some epoxy and cover it so it won't unwravel.

11-11-2004, 09:05 PM
it will only matter if the chip actually goes into the fiber; if its just in the resin it wont do anything. and putting epoxy on it isnt a bad idea.

11-11-2004, 11:14 PM
they like it when you discontiune use for just a chip in the epoxy or a scratch....cause then you need a nice new bottle (ushally along with a new air system....not many people purchase the bottle alone)

as posted, so long as its not into the fiber keep on using it....rehydro couldent hurt but its not really required (IMHO)

11-11-2004, 11:27 PM
I would look at it like this....

The bottle you are looking at holds 3000+ PSI. If it should fail it will be like a small bomb. Possibly ripping skin and muscle straight from the bone. Consider that it sits near your face , neck and shoulder while in use. It would depend on how well you trust the chance that the damage hasn't comprimised the integrity of the tank and its ability to prevent you having a new nickname......

11-12-2004, 03:46 AM
I had a nice size chip in mine and it passed hydroed so I'm pretty sure it will be fine

11-12-2004, 11:34 AM
for all saftey means just go and get it rehydrod and than ya know if it comes back with a couple of drill holes in it then u know to buy a new tank if not then dont worry about it

11-12-2004, 01:02 PM
Eh, I'm not too keen on getting another hydro, just had it done last month or so. But like I said, I know the thing has the potential to be a small bomb, and I ain't filling it until I know it's safe. I'll take it down to the proshop. Can't do pictures right now, borrowing my camera to someone. I think it is some fiber damage, it's very small, but I can see the little fibers in it and around it. Don't worry, I'll make sure it's good before I try blowing my face off.

I was looking into a new screw-in system, anyways...maybe I'll just sell the reg on Ebay. Anyone looking for an old re-built Raptor?

11-12-2004, 02:05 PM
heres what the OFFICIAL ruling from DOT and OSHA is:
if there is a divit more than .003" deap (yes, 0.003"), scratch more than .006" long (yes, 0.006") then it MUST be hydrotested and the tester should give you a letter stating that the scratch was there before the testing

heres what practical wisdon tells you:
if the fiber is not blemished, and there is still glaze inbetween the fiber and air, then you will be safe. If there is any fiber whatsoever showing, you need to get it repared by a specialist and then rehydroed.

11-12-2004, 09:49 PM
It holds 3000PSI (or more) six inches from your head and your wondering if you should risk the safety issue on it? :rolleyes:

Chojin Man
11-13-2004, 04:36 AM
two words: duct tape

problem solved :)

11-14-2004, 08:55 PM
Added some Loctite Epoxy to stop unraveling, and dug up spare change for another hydro. Saftey first. Thanks, guys.

11-14-2004, 09:18 PM
great , yes saftey first :cheers:

can we get some pics of it?

See the repaired tank