View Full Version : Help get some fellow ballers back in the game quick

11-13-2004, 01:17 PM
Copied from a thread on PBN. This is NOT BradAGD, this is Brad from Centeral Cal, he's a cool guy and he even hosted and let everyone play at his private field for NorCal vs SoCal. Not to mention he is a diehard AGD fan.

Please Help Out A Couple Of Fellow Ballers Get Back In The Game.

Any And All Donations Will Be Appreicated


By now, some of you have heard the tragic news that Brads home
burned to the ground on Monday the 1st of this month.

Brad and Tracy had both already left for work. Neil awoke to the sound of
breaking glass and thought a cat had gotten into one of the cupboards in
the kitchen. When He opened his bedroom door, he found the kitchen
engulfed in flames and the flames "licking the ceiling". He quickly awoke
Mike and they exited the house through the front door. In the couple of
minutes that it took to make a phone call and get to the other side of the
house with a hose, the fire was to hot to even get close enough to prevent
or put out the flames. They, the Scott's, lost everything in the house.

The community and their friends and co-workers have come to their aid and,
through Brad's parents, they have an apartment in Atascadero they are
staying in.
The site where the house once stood has been cleared and they are looking
for a replacement. They haven't decided what they want to do yet in that area.
They have clothes now. The apartment has been furnished and they are
gathering some of lifes necessities again.

We'd like to do something in the near future for a fund raiser for Brad and
his family.... but haven't the details of it yet.

If anyone in this mailing list has a VALID e-mail address for Tom Kaye or
any of the Moderators at the Automag.org web site, please contact me
directly. I have a letter that I typed up and tried to get to
him/them...... because both Brad and Mike lost ALL of their paintball

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail
and I'll send out a reply to all.

The family is doing well . Please uphold them in your prayers. To those of
you who had an opportunity to help earlier, I know they are MOST grateful.
For those of you who would like to help but have not yet had the
opportunity....... there will be time to help as they get closer to moving
back onto the property.

Thank you to all of you........... I look forward to being able to play
again after Turkey Day....... will update you when I know we can get a
game on.


[email protected]

Pic of Brad from NorCal vs SoCal rocking his OLLLLLLLLLD mag.


11-13-2004, 02:14 PM
didnt he have a son named brad too ?
or did he just work there ?

this guy is SO COOL .
very nice guy, i am going to look thrue my gear. because i know i can

spare some
Quality gear

( thermal gogs , Revys/ Eggs, Jerseys, even pants if he is small enough )

i had no idea this had happend to them.
i wish them the best.
anyone who can help should.

11-13-2004, 03:40 PM
I think Brad just worked there. He does have 2 sons though.

Target Practice
11-13-2004, 08:30 PM
Brad is a great guy. He invited me out to his place to play when I moved to SLO, and I didnn't know anybody. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy... :cry: