View Full Version : i need some ideas....

11-13-2004, 01:47 PM
heres the deal..

my dad has a friend that we just recently got into paintball, he bought my old tippman and my brothers spyder but now he wants something more... sooo, he hired my brother and i to build him a trick marker for him. he wants to spend around 500 dollars

the main thing he wants is accuracy.. but i dont know anything about cockers and i doubt he could keep one up on his own.. so i really dont know about that.

i am a lot more confident with mags mostly because i own one.. but i just want your opinion :cheers: :bounce:

11-13-2004, 01:52 PM
go with an uped mag with lvl 10, hell love it

11-13-2004, 02:08 PM
mag or bko. Those are pretty much your only choices if he needs things like a nice hopper and nitro.

11-13-2004, 02:25 PM
When ya need it done cause i might sell my bko sometime soon. PM me if u want really.

11-13-2004, 02:32 PM
no marker will be more accurate than any other, if he wants accuracy, get a consistent marker, with little/no kick, with a nice barrel kit, honesly, from the sounds of what he wants, i would suggest an old school shocker, easy to maintain, no kick at all fairly quiet, or actually, you can pick up a used LED matrix for ~$400-$450 that would be great for him

11-13-2004, 03:17 PM
if he just got into paintball, first thing you are going to have to get is an electronic hopper and compressed air. these should be the first because they can be transfered to any marker, cause as paintballers we know you never done upgrading so no matter what you build him, he will eventually get a different marker. this takes a nice chunk out of this 500 to start with. i dont know what else he has but a good mask should also come before the gun cause that is another thing you can keep from marker to marker, and a good mask that doesnt fog is priceless. if you guys are playing speedball, a pack, no matter how crappy, is a must. i would say get a full freak kit for a good barrel system, and unlike some of the others barrel kits, when he changes markers he can just buy or trade for the back he needs. this is all the stuff i wish i would have done when i first started instead of upping everything like mad. not enough money will be left for a good marker after this. i would say sell the spyder and ebolt the model 98, get a double trigger, and a low pressure kit and whatever money you have left, get a membership to the field where you guys play. plus the model 98 can have plenty of stuff done for nothing. check out the mods page at model98.net. fixing trigger slop, polishing the internals, some custom milling, paint it, vent the va, drill some holes in the stock elbow, and there are plenty of others. now you have made some pretty nice improvements for almost no cost.