View Full Version : my touney yesterday

11-04-2001, 02:02 PM
i played yesterday for the first time on a sup air field. WOW!! My backman could not go and told m last min so i had to take this horrible kid with a model 98. So it was my mag with warp, my friends custom cocker, and a model 98. Well we get there and my friend let the kid with the model 98 play with his backup angel led. Well he did not shoot enough. We player about 7 games and he didn't even go through a half a case. While me and the kid with the cocker went through about a case each. I got out 3 of our 4 eliminations in the tourney. We woulda have done so much betta if we back playa. We placed 6th. Which isn't that bad considering it was the 3rd week of this and points accumalate throughout the wks. SO every team has 2 wks on us. We got crushed by alliance and we beat one team got max 100 points. well we played afgter every1 they took down the devider and we played like 15 on 15. That was ok. then every1 left cept my team and a few people. We heard some squids playin in the woods. Well that was mad fun. Noone was left cept my team and aref. We r cleanin up our gear and found gear not ours. A unigue pack, 2 barrel plugs, JT sock hat, and nice JT gloves. Well i got everything but the pack. The ref told us we could have them which was mad cool

11-04-2001, 02:38 PM
What field was this tourney at? Just curious because I live in NH.

11-04-2001, 02:47 PM
pgextreme in maine

I usually play candia. Where do u live and play

11-04-2001, 02:47 PM
my bad u live in nashua. that is like 30 min from my house

IM me my aol sn is soccaplayanum12

11-04-2001, 04:16 PM
sounded like fun. about the kid with the m98. the tourney was probably a good thing for him. it can only make him better.

11-04-2001, 05:03 PM
You did better than my team, I've been to 2 tourneys with these guys and not won a game. We have had 1 elimination (by me when I decided to run up the front when I was playin back). We've had so many gun problems it ain't funny. We ended up playin my bros team in a 3man and the other 2 guys got out quick and it was 3 on 1, I got destroyed by my loving brother.:rolleyes:

11-04-2001, 06:29 PM
we got a bunch of bad calls and got raped one game by alliance