View Full Version : Tournament Q's- when to shoot

11-04-2001, 05:06 PM
when you play in a tournament, and when you snap shoot do you pace your self?....Like shoot every couple seconds(staggering your pace though.) or do you shoot when the other guy is not, and never when he is.?(confusing eh?) What if a guy is pinning you down, how do you break his line fire by your self?

11-04-2001, 05:50 PM
I play back so I usually don't have to snapshoot, but I almost always shoot in streams of 3 unless I see somebody that don't see me, and then I usually dump half a hopper on him.

11-04-2001, 06:10 PM
enough to keep there heads down, but not too much that you run out of paint in 10 secs. (assuming you are shooting a mag) :)

11-04-2001, 07:53 PM
Trying to improve my skills by learning what other people commonly do.

Before pinning/holding people down was easy to only shoot a few rounds at a time, now that I just got my Hyperframe not emptying a hopper/with warp is gonna be hard ;) ..

I shoot in a progressing rythym, one shot every 1 then every 2 then every 3 then every 4 seconds, i do this untill about 8 cycles of this rythym goes by... thats when i play front tape, but when I play front center(5 man of course) I use the same rythym but at a quicker pace.

11-04-2001, 08:43 PM
I call that gunfighting, If it is obvious that the player is trying to shoot me out as opposed to just banging on my bunker I will wait for a brief pause in his shots (you can usually feel when you can come out for a quick snapshot.) I will snaphot just a couple of balls in the general direction then get in letting whatever he has shot pass then I try and come back out as fast as possible so I can take "control" of that situation. The only problem is some players tunnel vision in a situation like that and post on that bunker while that player is busy shooting the other direction. Which is exactly what I try to make happen to me. ie The more guns I can get on me the better it frees up the rest of your team to make the moves, but you have to communicate who is shooting at you and from where in the bunker. I hope I helped a little bit.

Johnny Mo

11-04-2001, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by TrevorSkoal
I will wait for a brief pause in his shots (you can usually feel when you can come out for a quick snapshot.) I will snaphot just a couple of balls in the general direction then get in letting whatever he has shot pass then I try and come back out as fast as possible so I can take "control" of that situation.
Johnny Mo

Then again, that brief pause could be a sneaky trick to give you a false sense of security. :)

11-04-2001, 09:02 PM
very true miscue, a lot of players will try to time the other player out, although if you snap shot quick enough and use your ears you usually be succesesfull at getting their head in. Along the same lines very very important thing when trying to gain control mix it up don't let the posted player get a feel for when you are coming out.

Johnny Mo

11-04-2001, 09:22 PM
(Even though I have no tournament experience) I think you should shoot wherever they aren't shooting. I not so sure if it is as much timing as not being in the firing lanes. Let me explain, if you have a shot at player X coming out of the right side of your bunker, and he is pounding your right side, then try and pop out on the left and shoot them, or pop out on the left and shoot player Y on the left. Or if you are real sneaky go over the top and pop someone, but I almost never go over the top and I have a warp. Caveat tempor with advice though, we all have our own ways of doing things, and we all have different fortes. Good luck.

PS: watch out for tunnel vision, it will eliminate you almost every time.

11-04-2001, 11:30 PM
In a tournament, the way i look at it is that if i shoot every ball my hopper and my pack can hold, one has to hit somebody :)
Recball i only shoot when i need to though

11-04-2001, 11:34 PM
i play it like this. If a guy has me pinned down in a bunker, I wait for him to stop throwing paint at my bunker and then ill snap out and throw off a shot and get back in. Usually more paint will head your way and you just repeat the process when its safe to tuck out and shoot.

11-05-2001, 09:50 AM
One thing I've found that can be helpful when pinned down is coming out of a different part of the bunker. This sounds obvious but not a lot of people do it. When the other guy is hosing one part of your bunker you can usually snap out of a different part. With the Warp I'll even risk coming out the top if things get too intense on the sides or I think someone might be coming to bunker me.

11-09-2001, 05:12 PM
I agree with tramp on this one. If infact they are just timing you, and waiting for you to stick your head out; then sticking it out in a different place than they expect will give you that extra milisecond or two of jump time.

This is my favorite way to move up (if thats the only guy I think is shooting at me)

You surprise them with the snapshots from an unexpected place, then hammer it on 'em and make a run for it.