View Full Version : air systems: preset vs adjustable

11-15-2004, 08:27 AM
Ok, i'm looking for a good air system for my xmag. can anybody tell me the pros and cons of adjustables over presets or vice versa. I know that with an adjustable, u can tune it so you can get a nice bounce on your trigger, but seeing as how its an xmag, i don't really want the bounce.

right now i'm looking at either the crossfire preset, or the dynaflow... just looking for a reason to justify spending an extra $200 on an adjustable system.....

11-15-2004, 08:40 AM
Just use a regulator to get it down to the PSI you want... More than likly you will be have a regulator after the one on your tank anyway.

11-15-2004, 11:09 AM
Don't use a 3rd Regulator, that will just starve the mag of air. The RT bounce effect won't happen if you're shooting in electro-mode. only in hybrid or mechanical. If you'll be shooting primarily in electro then don't bother. If you want to shoot in the other modes, in a tournament, then I'd get an adjustable.

If you get an adjustable make sure it's capable of the pressures your mag will need. No Low Pressure models.

11-15-2004, 08:55 PM
Most adjustable tanks also have a much higher recharge rate, so you get as much shoot down or chuffs. Theres a good video here showing the difference between an adjustable tank and a preset.

11-15-2004, 11:22 PM
Just like BlackHalo said, you do NOT want a 3rd reg lined up on your system. Unlike many markers today that benefit from a series of reg's stabalizing and bringing down the pressure,the RT valve is most versital and effective when it has a nice high flow, high pressure input.

Even if you are using the marker in E-mode only, you will notice a difference in the performance of the marker at higher ROF. It's crisper, faster, and chuffs far less than a preset tends to.

The Preset v.s Adjustable video link is actually here being stored on another site ;)


11-24-2004, 05:11 PM
ok, i thought i'd just post this here rather than make a new thread.

i've decided to go the adjustable route. but now, which brand? the 2 main ones i'm looking at are the Nitro Duck X-Stream, or the Air America Armageddon. i know the geddon is good, plus the new one looks really nice :) . The wobble i keep hearing abt on the X-Stream is kinda putting me off (i know it only happens when degassed.. but still...) but i just can't ignore the price (almost half of a complete geddon setup)

so rite now, it all comes down to performance. does the X-Stream do a good job of keeping up with fast ROF?